New Bailey Pageant 7

Jan 20, 2008
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Has anyone heard that there is a new Bailey Pageant 7 being launched 1st June? Something to bear in mind when haggling for a discount on the Series 6 models.

Mar 14, 2005
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Saw the 2 page ad in this months P.C, but no other details other than launch date.

We only got our seris 6 last year and love it, so no intention to change. Bailey will have to go some to match the S6, but their again it might well not be as well speced as to put distance between the S7 Pageant and the S6 Senators.

Feb 15, 2006
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its not been that long since the series 6 came out. Mind you they have got to keepup with swift.

I dont own a Bailey but it would be nice to see a white caravan made by them. They might even do the layout of the Wyoming in the pageant. That would give swift a run for there money.

Its nice to see bailey in this months magazine. A built up family company and if i had read that article first i think i may have bought a bailey instead of a sterling after the experience i had with my 1st faulty sterling onyx ( see pride in job post on general ).

Jun 14, 2007
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I think that the main feature is that its going to be 7 foot 6 wide it would make you wonder whats going to be done wiyh the senator the next time round,although it could be a further step to strenghten the pagents dominance of the bailey range
May 5, 2005
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to be fair I like the cream and have had series5 and Series6 Indiana.Main thing for me(apart from layout)was that you could walk on roof,always thought it was only german vans you could do that.Its a broad church though and i also like the silver very airstreamish.
Feb 15, 2006
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deli dave, I like baileys and the only reason i mentioned the cream was because i had an avondale dart 556/6 which i grew to hate and the colour just reminds me of the avondales im afraid.

The colour wouldnt stop me from having one now though. After reading the article in the pc mag that company will just get bigger and bigger and fair play to them they deserve it.

dave you never know they might bring out a new pageant in the wyoming layout but airstream silver cool hey.


Jun 20, 2005
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We waited nearly a year to get the S5 Pageant and then 18 months later out pops the S6 with equipment levels to die for. Dad in law has a S6 and we said if the body was 7'6" we may have had one instead of the Wyoming.

Bailey have had a knack of keeping the Pageants weight down so I hope the S7 doesn't get too heavy.

And please Mr Bailey don't be tempted to use those aluminium window frames. The ones in the S4, S5 & S6 work perfectly.

As for haggling I don't know. There never seem to be enough

Baileys. I doubt there will be many special discounts.


Nov 13, 2008
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Dear All,

Full details of the new Pageant Series 7 will appear in the June issue of Practical Caravan, and the information will appear on the website soon after.

Not allowed to tell you anything at present I'm afraid, but I will say that those who feel the current Pageant lacks 'wow' are having their concerns addressed.


Nigel Donnelly


Practical Caravan
Jun 20, 2005
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I am trying to imagine a silver of gold Pageant or maybe some green from the Swifts of the 70s. Am I warm?? Come on give us a clue????


Jan 20, 2008
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That sounds good Nigel, I was looking to buy a Bordeaux Series 6 later in the year, I hope like Alan that they don't fit the aluminium windows used in the Senator and keep the weight down.

Jun 20, 2005
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You look forward to your S6 and enjoy it. My in laws have one and to be honest other than the width it has nothing less than our Wyoming.

We did wait a long time for the S5 Pageant but the truth was the differences were quite marked from the earlier model. Now I think it's more aesthetics, bar the 7'6" width.

There are only so many improvements.

eg the S6 has a built in whale pump not the little thing I dropped into the aquaroll.

In the end you can wait for years for the latest model and enjoy nothing.


Jun 14, 2007
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Hi Alan the agent i talked to said that the pagent was going to be 7 foot 6 and that the weight would be kept down so as to make the already range topping pagent a further step ahead as to the colour silly me i forgot to ask i just assumed it would be the same
Sep 29, 2007
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Nearly bought a Senator Indiana - glad we delayed now. A Pageant with the same width and less weight should do nicely.

Or maybe discounts will be higher on the Senators post-June...

Nov 28, 2007
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One of the reasons we bought our Series 6 Provence was the 7'2" body width, 7'6" is too wide for our driveway and we'd have to put it into storage. We hated the interior design of the series 5, love the series 6 and can't really think of what else they could do to improve it (although the front locker door looks like an afterthought)
Jun 21, 2006
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We have just taken delivery of a Series 6 Pageant. Really pleased with it, currently away in it and on here via wifi!

Was none too pleased when I saw the Series 7 was on the way so soon after we got ours but a 7ft6 'van is too wide for our drive. I think Bailey have shot themselves in the foot here. There will be even less difference between the Paj and the Senator now. Personally I will need to look elsewhere when the time comes to change 'vans. Thats a shame as this is our 5th Bailey on the trot.

I don't fancy the sound of dark wood work either.

Anyway now i've calmed down I am happy we have our Series 6, but i'll still be keen to see the Series 7.
Aug 25, 2006
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For us it was a toss-up between the Bailey and an Elddis Avante, and we narrowly preferred the Elddis (we just missed out on a new but unused series 5 Pageant which we preferred to both....), simply because like Dave, we can`t get a van wider than 7ft 2in down the driveway, and as we leave everything in and always have done, it would seem a chore to remove valuables etc.

Also, I can keep it hooked up, clean it when I want, go off for a weekend and get back late Sunday and just leave it to sort later.

It also makes a great guest `suite`.

It looks like I won`t be changing (even if I could afford to) as no-one seems to cater for the narrower van user any longer.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Everyone,

What is being said is pure speculation, no one knows apart from the editor and Bailey? 7'6"?, Brown? Darkwood? who knows? I am sure Bailey have listened to their followers and critics and decided what to do with their best seller and improve it and go forward within the industry.

There again they could be using the forum to get feedback on what caravanners want!!!

I don't think so.

Any way chill and see what turns up and see if it gives you the WOW factor or not!!!!. I know the S6 did give the WOW factor because we bought one over a Senator but when it arrived we did not get the Remis roof system that sold it for us!!

If there is a series 7 coming out, then what about the Ranger update.

We love the look of the 540/6 but just cannot afford that at the moment, and with Bailey having such a small margin for the dealers can't get them down too much.
Mar 14, 2005
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We were long standing Bailey customers.

We purchased a Series 5 two years ago. It was the worst van we have ever had and should never have been allowed to leave the factory.

Customer service was, to say the very least, poor.

My point is this: you can tinker with the width, the colour of the wood, the decor or anything else. But ultimately if you don't support the customer when problems arise (and inevitably with new caravans they do) the customer will not return.

In our case we voted with our feet and bought elsewhere.

When Bailey initiated its move to Series based change, it said it would change the models when the market dictated. Have Series 6 owners already decided its time for a change after less than 2 years or was our experience not an isolated case?
Oct 18, 2007
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I have heard that there is to be two new twin axle models: One based on the Senator Carolina layout and one on the Senator Wyoming layout.

As a Series 6 Senator Wyoming owner, I will be interested to see the Wyoming clone in particular - I'd love the layout and space of the 'van I have, but I'm not overly sure that we really need all the gizmos this current one has, therby saving weight and perhaps downsizing the Sorento in due course too.........I have my eye on the new CR-v!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Not to sure about the assumed new width on the series 7 pageant,

Its hard enough driving through built up areas now trying to miss the curbs either side when passing traffic islands.

Also will the normal extended towing mirrors give you the clear rear view essential to spot those very large lorries creeping up behind you,tailgateing then suddenly appear as they overtake.

Will the very narrow roads that you come across as you look for your club site be able to accomadate this increased width without scratching the side of your van.I tow a Ranger series 5 and some of the site entrances leave a lot to be desired.



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