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Jan 1, 2006
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we have a cl in Suffolk and welcome children so long as they are well behaved which I am pleased to say most are and we find them to be a delight to have as visitors. but there is always a but. the only problem we have had in the 7 years we have had the cl is one family that instead in kicking a full sized football against another caravan having been requested to stop I got a mouthful of abuse from their mother. they were asked to leave and did so. At this time we nearly made the CL adults only, but we did not and I am pleased to say the youngsters we have are well behaved and many are our friends but seem to enjoy being on the CL without the need to kick a ball about all day.

David from Suffolk
Dec 16, 2003
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sorry forgot to say i`d stick to adult only sites
And where does that leave caravanners with children of their own, who do not want footballs kicked around their car or caravan, and who are prepared to make sure their own children are not a nuisance to others?

Clearly you believe that your own children should be allowed to play football around other people's caravans, regardless of their wishes - does this mean (a) that you think they should put up with any dents that might happen, or (b) that you will be happy to pay for any damage?

Which is it? I think you should tell us.

The rule would not be necessary if parents were to take proper care of their children and teach them simple consideration for others. Unfortunately, many don't, and a rule has to be introduced to prevent the irresponsible and selfish few spoiling things for the many.
Dec 16, 2003
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"They are not old enough to go to a play area on their owm and we do not want to spend all day in the play area with them."

If you have 3 kids did you not expect to have to spend all your time entertaining them ?

We had 3 kids with the same age spread as yours and never had family or anyone nearby to sit for them.

So anything we did was with the kids in tow or we didn't go.

With cars coming and going on sites and other kids and the odd dog that makes a break for it surely you should have a 5 year old and two 2.5 year old under near constant supervision.

Having started life as children ourselves, we enjoy having kids around on sites. Nothing wrong with a sponge ball and supervised kids, but balls do tend to roll under cars and caravans and some dum clucks will take your kids sponge balls as a license to kick around something harder.
Aug 9, 2005
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"They are not old enough to go to a play area on their owm and we do not want to spend all day in the play area with them."

If you have 3 kids did you not expect to have to spend all your time entertaining them ?

We had 3 kids with the same age spread as yours and never had family or anyone nearby to sit for them.

So anything we did was with the kids in tow or we didn't go.

With cars coming and going on sites and other kids and the odd dog that makes a break for it surely you should have a 5 year old and two 2.5 year old under near constant supervision.

Having started life as children ourselves, we enjoy having kids around on sites. Nothing wrong with a sponge ball and supervised kids, but balls do tend to roll under cars and caravans and some dum clucks will take your kids sponge balls as a license to kick around something harder.

I am pleased to hear of this rule, and as for bikes I believe they are only allowed on the Tar mac roads, not between Vans, I for one would certainly see the warden about this, no matter how old your van is no-one wants Balls and Bikes around the Caravan,that's not what we go away for.
Mar 27, 2005
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I would imagine the folk who carefully play ball games and have never damaged a van or upset anyone will stop and will have had that particular avenue of pleasure taken from them.

The type who plays ball games with no regards for other people's property and peace will see it as a challenge to continue and be even more disrespectful and mindless just to stick two imaginary fingers up at the club. And will the club enforce it?-very unlikely particularly if its adults.

Personally I find folk (not always children) tear-a$%&
Dec 16, 2003
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I'm not sure what your point is Shiba as I've already said the same about peoples belongings. The last UK site we visited we had a middle aged couple who sat most of day light hours huddled in a porch Awning reading but then stopped and watched every move caravanners in their view made often making rude comments that they didn't seem to realise could be heard at times.

Quite frankly I would rather have had excited kids runnning around if I had to make a choice between the two.

We have spent most of our caravanning time in Europe in the past 14/15 years.

There are rules on all site, but I would guess most never bother to read them as most adults and kids know how to behave, if there is an acception you can be sure most times that it is Brits causing a problem!

Quite frankly I expect kids to play in play areas and respect others people space without having to refer to Role 10 sub section 3 clause 44 of a rule book or what ever and have to trot off to a warden.

Many kids will take short cuts intending no harm and will jump on there bikes to get to a road way and ride the wrong way against the traffic flow as they seen no danger in that, we have collected up young kids wandering into potential danger on sites a number of times whilst parents go about their business and haven't a clue where their kids are.

"He was here a minute a go" is not a lot of good when they are under a reversing car or something.
May 25, 2005
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No one has mentioned 'non-members'! Are they in a position to flaunt the new law because they won't have the Club Rules to hand?
Mar 27, 2005
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Probably just the tip of the iceberg. Next they will ban bikes then dogs, children, men with beards (That's me out then) socks when worn with sandals, motor homes, barbecues, televisions, satellite dishes, aerials on long poles bolted to the 'A' frame, winbreaks and finally caravans. Should be nice and safe then.
Oct 27, 2005
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CRIS I want to type all of this in capitals, but I won't! When I read your response I was fuming! My husband and I don't have a life- we have devoted our life to our children and I am in the same position as you were, living in rural Cornwall with no family for support or to give me a break. Perhaps you had better think before you open your big mouth! No we are not one of those families that lets the children play outside on their own - when we are on site, we are outside with them and we don't even get to place our behinds on a chair because you are right, toddlers don't stay still and you are constantly chasing after them. Maybe my comment that you reiterated came across wrong, but we do not sit back in our deckchairs letting our children run riot. You know us people with children could complain about the type of people like we encountered at St Ives last summer, complaining to the warden about the noisy children, what do people want to see children locked in cages and gagged!! And the noise was at 7am and it was them playing in the awning and laughing, but they are all tucked up by 7pm so you can't have it all ways. And finally it took us 8 years and
Oct 27, 2005
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CRIS I want to type all of this in capitals, but I won't! When I read your response I was fuming! My husband and I don't have a life- we have devoted our life to our children and I am in the same position as you were, living in rural Cornwall with no family for support or to give me a break. Perhaps you had better think before you open your big mouth! No we are not one of those families that lets the children play outside on their own - when we are on site, we are outside with them and we don't even get to place our behinds on a chair because you are right, toddlers don't stay still and you are constantly chasing after them. Maybe my comment that you reiterated came across wrong, but we do not sit back in our deckchairs letting our children run riot. You know us people with children could complain about the type of people like we encountered at St Ives last summer, complaining to the warden about the noisy children, what do people want to see children locked in cages and gagged!! And the noise was at 7am and it was them playing in the awning and laughing, but they are all tucked up by 7pm so you can't have it all ways. And finally it took us 8 years and
Jan 19, 2008
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I campaigned for a long time for a ban on men growing beards because in the spring it confuses my feathered friends, many a time I've seen birds starting to build a nest in a sleeping mans beard.

I stopped my campaign after someone pointed out that people like myself could be banned afterwards for having a moustache and confusing the birds into thinking they were caterpillars.
Dec 16, 2003
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Denise you wrote -

"They are not old enough to go to a play area on their own and we do not want to spend all day in the play area with them."

Well sorry if I got it wrong, but the play area is where you should be with them that's why it's a play area surely.

And just hope you don't get pitched next to me if your kids make noise 7 am. That shows no respect for others enjoying there free time.

7am is not the time for noise from any source!
Jan 19, 2008
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Noise from any source?? Heyyyy what about the birds? I love the dawn chorus. I have to agree with cris though about noisey radios etc. Not everyone has the same taste in music or wants to listen to those idiots on Eastenders or Corrie.I always say you can have noise at any minute of the day but you can't always find peace and solitude which de-stressing is all about and to me, being away in the caravan, is all about de-stressing :O)
Dec 16, 2003
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My music choice is mainly heavy Rock music along with Vivaldi, Bach and other classical music. I would not inflict that on others or my wife.

And nor do we pay to go off in the van for the tones of East Enders or Corrie to waft across a site in the UK and especially not via satellite when in France or Italy. Natural sound are one thing but ne nah ne nah from the LCD screen in the Awning as the Bill comes on is not evryone elses choice and even in a closed van the noise carries father than many numpties seem to realise.

I live in the country side and we have Ducks and chickens and cows in the fields at the end of the garden, if people love the freedom of a caravan and escape to the open spaces why the ++++ do they want the noise of home and the city with them quite frankly, and inflict it on others?
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Cris, Well you certainly have got a bee in your bonnet, no wonder you do not come to Cornwall anymore, I think with your attitude the local people would soon or had sussed you out. Denise did say she did not want to spend all day in playing area because her children where to young, but she did say they play around her van where she can see them, which I think is fair, after all you did say you have 4 dogs, you are very lucky to be allowed 4 dogs on a site. In any event really caravaners should not try to short things out themselves, go see site warden as he or she is mutual, then nobody gets upset. Liz
Aug 29, 2006
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Hi all. This thread seems to be getting just a little too personal.

However this is my opinion - children are the responsibility of the parents. If they are out of order, it should be brought to the attention of the parents so that they have the opportunity to remedy the situation. Older children especially, who parents cannot be expected to watch 24 hrs, may be getting up to mischief which the parents are unaware of. If however, the parents refuse or dont care about it, then it should be the responsibility of the wardens or site owners to take action.

I do feel however, that comunication between people may solve many problems. For example, if someone is listning to music in their awning, they may be oblivious to the fact that it is annoying others or just too loud. A friendly chat with these people may be all that is needed. They may be happy that you pointed it out to them in a friendly way first rather than reporting it to the warden. Yes, there are some people who are just plain ignorant and selfish, but on the other hand there are also some people who are just intollerant and selfish in their own way.
May 20, 2006
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And from your last comment I don't know why you bother going on holiday, you should just sit in a field somewhere on your own in the van and then maybe you will be happy. On secong thoughts 'what if a cow moos you might not like the noise'. Let me know your itinery for the year so I can make you we don't go where you do!!!Denise
Quote "what do people want to see children locked in cages and gagged!! And the noise was at 7am and it was them playing in the awning and laughing, but they are all tucked up by 7pm so you can't have it all ways."

Why cant we have it all ways? its our holiday, and if we dont want to listen to kids or keep our eyes on them kicking balls into our vans surely thats up to us, we are paying for it.

No offence meant denise.
Jan 7, 2007
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And where does that leave caravanners with children of their own, who do not want footballs kicked around their car or caravan, and who are prepared to make sure their own children are not a nuisance to others?

Clearly you believe that your own children should be allowed to play football around other people's caravans, regardless of their wishes - does this mean (a) that you think they should put up with any dents that might happen, or (b) that you will be happy to pay for any damage?

Which is it? I think you should tell us.

The rule would not be necessary if parents were to take proper care of their children and teach them simple consideration for others. Unfortunately, many don't, and a rule has to be introduced to prevent the irresponsible and selfish few spoiling things for the many.
what im saying is kids dont always have to blast a ball to each outside a van they pass a ball on the floor etc and keep it on the 8 year old is hardly going to create a launch like beckham because he knows better round the van.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Ewan, Yes it is a nice site, of course I am bound to say this, being site warden here, not sure whether I can name the site no need for me to advertise as we are a popular private site. Just outside Truro.


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