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Dec 30, 2009
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Quote "what do people want to see children locked in cages and gagged!! And the noise was at 7am and it was them playing in the awning and laughing, but they are all tucked up by 7pm so you can't have it all ways."

Why cant we have it all ways? its our holiday, and if we dont want to listen to kids or keep our eyes on them kicking balls into our vans surely thats up to us, we are paying for it.

No offence meant denise.
Then go to an adults only site
Dec 30, 2009
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I just cant believe some of the comments on this thread.

If you (edited by Mod) dont want to hear children LAUGHING at 7am then go to an adults only park.

We have grown up children now but I get more wound up having to listen to beer swilling adults laughing and talking very loud at midnight than hearing some children laughing at 7am.

I suppose when you had children you never had a peep out of them and their poo smelt of roses

Get a life

Kevin H
May 20, 2006
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Denise you wrote -

"They are not old enough to go to a play area on their own and we do not want to spend all day in the play area with them."

Well sorry if I got it wrong, but the play area is where you should be with them that's why it's a play area surely.

And just hope you don't get pitched next to me if your kids make noise 7 am. That shows no respect for others enjoying there free time.

7am is not the time for noise from any source!
hear, hear.
May 20, 2006
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I just cant believe some of the comments on this thread.

If you (edited by Mod) dont want to hear children LAUGHING at 7am then go to an adults only park.

We have grown up children now but I get more wound up having to listen to beer swilling adults laughing and talking very loud at midnight than hearing some children laughing at 7am.

I suppose when you had children you never had a peep out of them and their poo smelt of roses

Get a life

Kevin H
another rediculous comment.
May 20, 2006
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Kevin H, it wasnt the 7am comment i referred to as rediculous, it was the childish comments such as (edited by Mod) telling us all to go to adult sites that i am referring to.

why should my choices be limited to adult sites when people cant control their children, i should not be limited because of certain parents failure to control their children.

I also holiday in a crowd of about 5 vans normally, adults and children, you will not see our kids kicking balls around vans, nor will you see us drunk and rowdy disturbing everyone around us, we respect people and their property, in turn i expect my property to be respected equally.
Jan 7, 2007
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I didn't get all defensive about my little cherubs being personally attacked, I simply didn't think that the way the post was worded was very friendly.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion without these posts getting personal yet again which some people seem to love to do.

I too have spent
Mar 15, 2006
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We have two children 10 and 16 and I have always said if you are going to play ball go to the playing area. If they are at home and playing with a ball they should play in our garden or in a playing field and not on the road to damage a car.

We went away New Year in our new van and a football hit the A frame and went under the van (New Years Eve afternoon), my husband told the children to go and play on the big open space, their caravan was not even close to us it was way up the site, so the parents weren't even keeping an eye on them.

In the evening the same chidren were down the club and mis-behaving, parents didn't seem to think they were doing anything wrong.

New Years day awoke to find the children kicking the ball at the toilet facilites wall and door, the warden came and had a gentle word with the children.

As you can see we also like to have a drink, we are not 50+ and if we were there is nothing wrong with that but I would like to think my children have been brought up to appreciate other people's property just like I was and still do, when I first went with my parents in their tent and caravan over 30 years ago.
Dec 16, 2003
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It came across as if Denis was reluctant to spend all day at a play area and onlt after that did she mention supervising them at all times. So I'm sorry to have upset her but then she comments about noisy children at 7am.

Our kids were not angels, but they knew not to wake the neighbours or their parents at 7 am.

I no more think loud drink fueled noise is any more acceptable than a child at 7am.

We've always been concerned that even the vans inboard water pump may disturb somebody let alone music or TV. If you can't live without those take a wander outside the van or awning and if you can here it, the noise will rift even further on a quiet evening!

We enjoy family sites and the sound of kids and people enjoying them selves now, my opinion on kids noise at 7 am was the same when I was young father camping with our 10 month old toddler!

People belly ache about the state of our society and how the the youth of today behave yet as soon as you mention parents getting a grip on their childens behaviour or their own you are public enemy number one.

I'm quite happy with politely telling people that theirs or their kids behaviour is out of order on a camp site but I don't see why I or anyone else shold have to do so or ask a warden or site manager to do it either.

When I visit Cornwall I'm not an emmet! Our dogs only go to sites they are welcome at and they are kept in the car or secure in the Awning or Van as they are not very familiar with young children and as so many kids seem to think they can be friends with any sweet looking furry animal we make sure that we keep the kids safe even if the parents are not to bothered as to where some kids are on site!

I also share a couple of hobbies with my son and on many sites we have entertained many kids and it has been a pleasure to see kids learning and enjoying them selves. Finding that you have an audience including very young kids that heve followed you and been off site for a few hours without their parents knowing

or missing them only seems to happen with Brit kids.
Dec 16, 2003
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It came across as if Denis was reluctant to spend all day at a play area and onlt after that did she mention supervising them at all times. So I'm sorry to have upset her but then she comments about noisy children at 7am.

Our kids were not angels, but they knew not to wake the neighbours or their parents at 7 am.

I no more think loud drink fueled noise is any more acceptable than a child at 7am.

We've always been concerned that even the vans inboard water pump may disturb somebody let alone music or TV. If you can't live without those take a wander outside the van or awning and if you can here it, the noise will rift even further on a quiet evening!

We enjoy family sites and the sound of kids and people enjoying them selves now, my opinion on kids noise at 7 am was the same when I was young father camping with our 10 month old toddler!

People belly ache about the state of our society and how the the youth of today behave yet as soon as you mention parents getting a grip on their childens behaviour or their own you are public enemy number one.

I'm quite happy with politely telling people that theirs or their kids behaviour is out of order on a camp site but I don't see why I or anyone else shold have to do so or ask a warden or site manager to do it either.

When I visit Cornwall I'm not an emmet! Our dogs only go to sites they are welcome at and they are kept in the car or secure in the Awning or Van as they are not very familiar with young children and as so many kids seem to think they can be friends with any sweet looking furry animal we make sure that we keep the kids safe even if the parents are not to bothered as to where some kids are on site!

I also share a couple of hobbies with my son and on many sites we have entertained many kids and it has been a pleasure to see kids learning and enjoying them selves. Finding that you have an audience including very young kids that heve followed you and been off site for a few hours without their parents knowing

or missing them only seems to happen with Brit kids.
Sorry, Denise!
Jan 19, 2008
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I've just done a search for a post I made back in November in regards to a site we were on, Lucksall near Hereford to be exact, but due to the basic search engine I can't find it.

What happened was we were watching T.V. and I could hear this thumping. It was even more louder when we turned the volume down so I put my shoes on and went outside to investigate. Two boys were playing football and booting it against the walls and doors of the shower block. This was at 10p.m. at night and both boys families caravans were closer to the shower block than we were so if we heard it so could they but they did nothing to stop them. In the morning you could see the muddy ball prints on the doors and cream coloured wall of the laundry room, also a fence was damaged. I did report it to the warden and they knew straight away who I was talking about so it looked as if they had had problems before with those kids.
Mar 14, 2005
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I am surprised at the vehemence of some of the comments being made on this topic.

It is important to remember that when caravanning you have with thinner walls, and the pitch is much small than your home, and you are going to be in closer proximity and more likely to hear your neighbours.

Your neighbour has just as much right to use the sites facilities as you.

If you choose to use a general site, then you must accept that children are likely to be present, and children have a right to use the facilities and it is likely they will make some noise.

If you have children, you cannot absolve your self of the responsibility of looking after them such as pushing them out of the caravan door to play in the field or in a play park - you are still responsible.

Sadly not every one shares the same degree of respect for property and privacy as others. Most times a friendly chat or suggestion to play further away does work. Sometimes actually trying to join in can be fun, and whilst you might be out played by the youngsters, they will have a greater respect for you.

Where the gentle approach is not accepted and the activity is contrary to by-laws, then tell the site owner or their representative.

If you don't want to encounter children, then choose a site where there won't be any you have that choice whilst parents don't. Please don't complain about the presence of children on a general site.

I am a Group Scout Leader, and I am constantly gratified by the way that our young members behave. They are a credit to our group but most importantly a credit to them selves. Give them a chance, and you will often find that they are capable of quite mature behaviour but with that element of fun that adult often loose with age and mortgages.
Oct 19, 2005
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The subject of this thread is obviously causing some very strong feelings to be aired.

Whilst general comments may get a little "warm" users are reminded not to insult , personally or generally, to get their chosen point across.

This thread has had to be edited twice so far, if any more personal insults are posted, that post will be removed in total as will any further similar.
May 12, 2006
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Sorry but I don't understand the fuss!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The CC have made a decsion not to allow ball games near to Caravans. Finished end of story if you don't like the Rule, say so to your local section of the club or don't use Club Sites. The choice is yours. I don't like a lot of things, but I have to go along with Rules, as I said finished.

Ball Games are No Longer Allowed on CC sites near to Caravans Most people should be relieved it's been taken out of their hands. No longer is it up to parents to have to supervise their children. Or for Caravanners to have to worry about the ball hitting the Pride and Joy.

Val & Frank
Mar 14, 2005
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great topic this one, particularly when it generates into the proverbial slanging match. Rules are rules and in normal times members are expected to abide by them for the good of the whole club. However in todays society it is now the norm for rules to be challenged and if possible broken, I predict that it will not be long before the "hoodie" brigade takes over, together with the implement of the month. Where has this Politically Correctness lead us to, IMO nearly into anarchy and I had hoped and prayed that it would have passed caravanning by, but no such luck
Oct 27, 2005
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Cris, apology accepted. I am just concious that our three wake at 6-6.30 and enjoy their breakfast, but are then ready to go. In the confines of a caravan, three under fives and mum and dad trying to get ready for the day, its not easy. This is why we let them have their toys in the awning, but of course they don't play in silence. We DON'T take a TV away with us so we can't even stick them in front of a DVD.Last year was our first year with a van and I remember being at Wood Farm, Charmouth, we were all in bed and at about 10.30 ish the people in the van decided to start playing swingball and all we could hear was thud thud thud of the ball. We didn't say anything because we knew our little ones would be up early making a different sort of noise. Anyhow I keep hoping its going to get easier as they get older!!! Denise
Jan 3, 2007
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Sorry but I don't understand the fuss!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The CC have made a decsion not to allow ball games near to Caravans. Finished end of story if you don't like the Rule, say so to your local section of the club or don't use Club Sites. The choice is yours. I don't like a lot of things, but I have to go along with Rules, as I said finished.

Ball Games are No Longer Allowed on CC sites near to Caravans Most people should be relieved it's been taken out of their hands. No longer is it up to parents to have to supervise their children. Or for Caravanners to have to worry about the ball hitting the Pride and Joy.

Val & Frank
I have watched this thread with interest from the start because it was bound to stir up controversy.

I, along with many caravanners have gone through the different stages of caravanning with our kids, now grown up, and entertaining them was never easy. However, we always felt it was our responsibility to entertain and interact with our kids, particularly for me when we went on holiday. This was for me a valuable time to spend with them because my work committments took me away from home and I often did'nt see my kids between Monday and Friday so most of the childcare was my wifes job during the week. I welcomed our breaks away and I am proud to say our two boys are now responsible adults who were taught how to behave and they understand that other people need to be respected.

Being a parent of youngsters today is, I think, far more stressful than ever, due to risks that always grab headlines regarding child safety and the good parents amongst us are bound to be more worried about what our children might encounter in today's society than 25 years ago, when our two were young.

Soft sponge balls may be ok, but when a rule is written it must be "all encompassing" in what it says. I think the No Ball games rule is really more a sign of the times and has come about because some parents (usually a small minority) do not consider it is their responsibility to entertain or play with their children and they are happy for them to do whatever they want, as long as they are not disturbing them. Also, from my experience, it is usually the same people who group together in the awning until all hours, admittedly enjoying themselves, and thats fine, but they have little respect for anyone else on site.

What it comes down to is thoughtlessness from a minority who spoil it for the majority....A sign of the times! Mal
May 12, 2006
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Denise "Anyhow I keep hoping its going to get easier as they get older!!! Denise

HaHaHaHaHaHa as they roll on the floor laughing like crazy things.

Val & Frank
Dec 16, 2003
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All though posted about the CC rules, this should be common sense and be applied on any site if you know how to behave.

Denise our 3 were all within 3 years of eldest to youngest and we took them in a frame tent from when they were coming 10 months for the eldest and 4 month old and 7 month old babies for the other two.

It's great to see kids and little ones on sites enjoying the out doors and everyone enjoying a drink or whatever, but people with kids should respect others and the others should accept that kids need sleep and not drunks and loud TV or music at night and take into account that old people caravan and keep fit people who get up a 5 or 6 am and creep off site for a run, swim or cycle ride.


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