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Mar 14, 2005
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"Spacial Awareness"

I think I know what you mean, my dad told me nicely to only play football in the park 50 yards from our home or something would get damaged, he meant me ;-) The next wrong move and I felt his hand and had my pocket money stopped until I'd paid for the damaged window and was not able to go on any trips out to the cinema or like for nearly 6 months in those days long ago.

as i have had contact with the club and given the name of a regional manger i wish to close this forum by friday with you comments and then will be send the club the overall views on this topic.
Oct 9, 2006
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I agree wouldn't it be a better place if it was like that still, where adults could tell other children off knowing they wouldn't get a mouthful of the childrens parents.

As a child I would get up to mischief as we all did as children, but I knew if I got caught by my parents or another adult I was in a world poo poo, I have two children aged 12 and 9 and like I did they push boundaries, and when they do they are punished and I have no problems with anyone coming up to me and telling me my children are breaking rules, I feel this country of ours is becoming something of which I am ashamed off when it comes to respecting others.

Jan 2, 2006
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A little bit of snobery is creeping in Colin. You should not be commenting on how other families adress each other. I have two kids an oldman and an old lady as well as our lass. My old man and old lady have 3 kids themselves.

We must be a family full of goats. I was'nt aware goats kicked footballs around on campsites and have never seen one ride a bike.
Mar 14, 2005
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Steve - it is not snobery at all - what is this topic about? The general opinion of all contributers is one where respect is shown to a fellow human being. All I am saying is that by using these "slang" terms the respect is creeping out of the back door. You might not have seen a goat kicking a football or riding a bike, I have however seen many a person acting the goat and annoying others. Bring back respect and this country might then be a better place to live in. At the moment it has gone to the dogs and the sooner the average person learns to respect each other the better.
Aug 29, 2006
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Well said Colin. Respect! That is what is missing at all levels of society. It has to start with parents however. Then maybe teachers will get more respect in schools, this can then migrate to the workplace. Result - more repectful society.
Jan 19, 2008
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Colin I don't like your comment.....................

"At the moment it has gone to the dogs"

that is very disrespectful to dogs and is saying that all the ills of the world should be blamed on dogs. I have had to keep my three from reading the forum because all of them are very sensitive to such rude canine comments. Making such outrageous comments like that is barking mad. Please paws in future before typing in response to other peoples tails.
Dec 16, 2003
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Kid is in the Oxford Dictionary !

Informal for young child and as used in "kid brother" and "kid sister".

Some Children we see should think it honour to be called a kid, I can think of a better name summary for some ;-)
Aug 25, 2006
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To get back to the original posting - so what?

The club makes its own rules, people have a choice of either adhering to them or going somewhere else.

I use club sites and don`t mind children as long as they are under control and behave like human beings ( as mine had to do).

If parents can`t (or won`t) control their offspring then the I hope the wardens have the bottle ( and support) to eject the miscreants.

The fact that I may enjoy peace and quiet doesn`t mean i don`t want children on site, but neither does it mean i should have to limit myself to `adults only` sites because a minority of people who have no respect for their neighbours let their children do what they want.
May 20, 2006
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I will summarise my feelings by saying "Well Done" CC, i am certain that this rule will aid me in my decision to join your club.

Now if you can ban Transits aswell i will be a member for life and happily pay double. ;-)

I am a snob and proud of it, other peoples grubby little children around my van will not be missed, just mine will do fine.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. you are being very bitchy picking holes in my posting. If it is a battle of words you want I will take the bull by the horns and throw down the gaunlet and I will not be fighting in kid gloves. I did think that recently we were patching up our differences but it now appears there is a snake in the grass with venom in its bite. It will therefore be a battle to end where dod eats dog.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lord B. you are being very bitchy picking holes in my posting. If it is a battle of words you want I will take the bull by the horns and throw down the gaunlet and I will not be fighting in kid gloves. I did think that recently we were patching up our differences but it now appears there is a snake in the grass with venom in its bite. It will therefore be a battle to end where dod eats dog.
............ and if one from Bridgend isn't enough in the forum we now have two. I must warn your fellow townie to be aware of you.
Dec 16, 2003
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If you take the problem re childresn respect and parenting skills or lack of them.

Take into account the following, our dogs from a few weeks old have been able to understand that they "SIT" when told and come to us when called by name, by 4 or 5 months old they understood when food was on hand that they stopped what they were doing and came.

They also sat and would offer a paw whilst awaiting their individuals bowls of food and always remembering that Mother dog was first in the queue and never to be argued with.

They also seemed to realise that they got one choice and if they didn't eat it they were out of luck and someone else would and there was no buiscuit treat ;-)

As an early years teaching specialist my wife has seen more and more in recent years "childen" who still by the age of seven or eight having been at school for around three or four years and still have not caught on to sitting when told or coming when called, their manners are worse than our dogs and skills re behaviour at meal times and coping with the simple natural ability to consume food put in front of them is one of lifes mysteries, and that they are being offered some sort of challenge re finding games to play with the food and upset all around them and challenge the authority of those supervising the meals with the knowlege that they will get sweets and choccy bars or a trip to Mac Donalds and a bag of crisps for tea and breaky should they feel peckish ;-)

Although still only being able to read words like "Pedigree Chum" or "Bonio" and with limited vocal ability our dogs are also better at listening and doing what they are told by adults than many of todays Children :-O
Mar 14, 2005
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Cris I can fully appreciate what you are saying having worked in further education for over 25 years. Although they were supposed to be students having left main stream education their manners and respect took a turn for the worse as they grew older. However the older mature students who were married and returning to study to better their prospects were far better to teach. They were unfortunately hampered by the younger rowdy element. We could not throw them off the course as we were funded bums on seats. Thank God I have taken early retirement and can fully recommend it. It has added years on to my life.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. you are being very bitchy picking holes in my posting. If it is a battle of words you want I will take the bull by the horns and throw down the gaunlet and I will not be fighting in kid gloves. I did think that recently we were patching up our differences but it now appears there is a snake in the grass with venom in its bite. It will therefore be a battle to end where dod eats dog.
Lord B. we might not be shining on the rugby field but us Welsh are still a force to be reckoned with in other walks of life. Bridgend Simon is a new contributer to this forum so please do not hurt his feelings and force him to resign. I have had to endure considerable flack from you over the years so leave him be.
Mar 14, 2005
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Dave the point many, including myself, are trying to make is the one of RESPECT. if the child was taught right and wrong and to respect other people's property there would be no need to make such a rule regarding playing football near to the caravan. Fair eough I will admit that Lord B. and myself have gone off on a personal tangent for which I will apologise for both myself and his Lordship. It all boils down to the attitude of modern day society. Sod you Jack I'm OK and don't tell me what I can and can't do. Again I will apologise for the sidesteps previously.
Oct 19, 2005
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The last posting by Dave has been removed for the following reasons:

1 It is considered very bad manners to post fully in Capital Letters.

2. The original posting was simply a quote from the Caravan Club, which was not a request for "on topic" replies.

3.This forum is a public forum, and users are quite entitled to state their views.

4. This forum is not a tool to be used simply to enhance, or otherwise , an individual users support or rejection of anything a totally unconnected organisation has, or is doing.
May 4, 2005
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Dave , if you are using this topic to gather info to pass on to the CC it might have been better to state that in the original post NOT in a comment box some three days later.

This is a public forum and as such the topic will evolve with discussion .

It is not yours to close when you wish and it is not yours to dictate it's content.

Brian (",)
Mar 14, 2005
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The last posting by Dave has been removed for the following reasons:

1 It is considered very bad manners to post fully in Capital Letters.

2. The original posting was simply a quote from the Caravan Club, which was not a request for "on topic" replies.

3.This forum is a public forum, and users are quite entitled to state their views.

4. This forum is not a tool to be used simply to enhance, or otherwise , an individual users support or rejection of anything a totally unconnected organisation has, or is doing.
dear mod,i suggest you pull this forum as clearly people are not discussing the requested opening comment,hence my deleted last posting.

it appears to have run enough now and people are not competing on the request i posted
May 4, 2005
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The last posting by Dave has been removed for the following reasons:

1 It is considered very bad manners to post fully in Capital Letters.

2. The original posting was simply a quote from the Caravan Club, which was not a request for "on topic" replies.

3.This forum is a public forum, and users are quite entitled to state their views.

4. This forum is not a tool to be used simply to enhance, or otherwise , an individual users support or rejection of anything a totally unconnected organisation has, or is doing.
Thanks Mod it appears you beat me to it ;O)
Oct 19, 2005
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dear mod,i suggest you pull this forum as clearly people are not discussing the requested opening comment,hence my deleted last posting.

it appears to have run enough now and people are not competing on the request i posted
Dave, this topic WILL continue as it has produced a wide variety of replies and thoughts from verydifferent users.

As I have said, this forum is not yours to use as some kind of information gathering exercise in pursuit of you rown personal agenda.

Topics will be allowed to be added and removed ONLY at the discretion of the Mod team.

This one stays, end of discussion
Jan 19, 2008
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Dave the point many, including myself, are trying to make is the one of RESPECT. if the child was taught right and wrong and to respect other people's property there would be no need to make such a rule regarding playing football near to the caravan. Fair eough I will admit that Lord B. and myself have gone off on a personal tangent for which I will apologise for both myself and his Lordship. It all boils down to the attitude of modern day society. Sod you Jack I'm OK and don't tell me what I can and can't do. Again I will apologise for the sidesteps previously.
Colin, in all truthfullness I fail to see how you could take my replies to you seriously, you gotta chill out mate ;O)
Jan 19, 2008
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Hey Dave if you are sending these posts to the C.C. magazine and my posts are printed I claim copyright and will take 90% of the proceeds. I will pay you 10% for acting as my agent.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hey Dave if you are sending these posts to the C.C. magazine and my posts are printed I claim copyright and will take 90% of the proceeds. I will pay you 10% for acting as my agent.
Capitalistic B*****D. If you are not getting enough from your Upper House salary and expences. The rich get richer.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. the manner in which you post comments to me and the way in which I reply is meant and received in the lightest possible taste and no offence is either intended or taken. I chilled out some while ago with a glass of whisky and orange. Just imagine should we ever meet up on site - third world war would break out between the English and Welsh. Good luck mate and I have never been offended by your often witty remarks.
Dec 16, 2003
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Well Dave lost me there!

But never mind.

I believe the CC or any site should state that behaviour on site should respect others space, equipmemt and privacy within reason.

Children's play should be in approved areas or in a way that causes no distress to others or their belongings.

Rules re Balls still leaves Frizbees or Boomerangs and a wide range of other toys to be thrown around.

I can see no reason to stop Denise and her hubby playing and supervising their little kids with sensible toys during the day.

A more general common sense rule encompassing a wide range of potential behaviour problems would have wardens covered re any untoward action by all clients.


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