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Mar 14, 2005
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Hey Dave if you are sending these posts to the C.C. magazine and my posts are printed I claim copyright and will take 90% of the proceeds. I will pay you 10% for acting as my agent.
lord,i love your comments-personnally i would give you 100% of the payments should they get published
Jan 19, 2008
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Hey Dave if you are sending these posts to the C.C. magazine and my posts are printed I claim copyright and will take 90% of the proceeds. I will pay you 10% for acting as my agent.
I've got to make some money somehow for my childrens nestegg so they can have enough to pay the dreaded Inheritance Tax.

I bet you feel all smug seeing us aristocrats struggle after you voting these Lefty ****bags into power :O(

Like the Phoenix on my standard I will arise again one day, once I have enough money for the Viagra prescriptions.
Dec 16, 2003
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Following on from Lord B and Colins words.

All my stuff is Copyrighted to me. I expect 100% of any fees, not only am I a captalist but I'm tight as well and I'm not having any agent leeching off of me ;-0
Mar 14, 2005
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Cris this was one point in a previous posting I made whereby should an accident occur who would be held responsible? Is the parent responsible for the actions of a child under a certain age, how easy would it be to prove the child caused the damage or could the site warden be sued for not administering the rules or the club as the warden is purely an employee of the club? It could open a serious can of worms which could prove very hurtful. Alternatively would your property be covered as it was on private land and not in a public area?

Are there any solicitors, etc. as members of this forum who could possibly shed light on this?
May 4, 2005
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Good post from you cris,see you can do it ;O)

Dave can have anything I've said free ,got to do my bit for OUR club, God bless it.Anyway there will not be room to print anything in the mag what with all the rules ;O)

Brian (",)

ps , I think Dave might have gone home and taken his football with him. :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Following on from Lord B and Colins words.

All my stuff is Copyrighted to me. I expect 100% of any fees, not only am I a captalist but I'm tight as well and I'm not having any agent leeching off of me ;-0
Cris you do not the benefit of such a lucrative salary, expence allowance or future pension as Lord B. so in your case good luck.
Dec 16, 2003
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Following on from Lord B and Colins words.

All my stuff is Copyrighted to me. I expect 100% of any fees, not only am I a captalist but I'm tight as well and I'm not having any agent leeching off of me ;-0
Don't be to sure about that Colin ;-)
Jan 19, 2008
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Wouldn't it be nice if all campsites had an arch we we drove through on entering the site and above the arch in big letters was the words "RESPECT ALL OTHERS". Wouldn't it be nice if it actually happened. Wouldn't it be charming if everyone spoke to each other in a pleasant manner. Wouldn't it be heavenly if there were no rowdy, uncontrollable children or dogs barking in the night. Wouldn't it be bliss if we could go to sleep at night instead of listening to loud mouthed pi** artistes laughing and cussing into the small hours. Wouldn't it be nice if when going for walks we could walk in a straight line instead of walking like a demented crab having to sidestep the dog dumps. No, I'm realistic and I know it will never happen but because I'm going to bed I can dream can't I?? Good night all, sweet dreams :eek:)
Mar 14, 2005
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Following on from Lord B and Colins words.

All my stuff is Copyrighted to me. I expect 100% of any fees, not only am I a captalist but I'm tight as well and I'm not having any agent leeching off of me ;-0
OK then if you want to catergorised the same as Lord B. "CAPITALISTIC B*****D
Dec 16, 2003
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Lord B.

Those sites do exist, the arches are though invisible and magic and only exist on the continent but they still have a glitch with re being effective on "British Chav's" at times! ;-)
Jan 2, 2006
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Steve - it is not snobery at all - what is this topic about? The general opinion of all contributers is one where respect is shown to a fellow human being. All I am saying is that by using these "slang" terms the respect is creeping out of the back door. You might not have seen a goat kicking a football or riding a bike, I have however seen many a person acting the goat and annoying others. Bring back respect and this country might then be a better place to live in. At the moment it has gone to the dogs and the sooner the average person learns to respect each other the better.
So according to you. I have no respect for my parents, my parents have no respect for me. I have no respect for for my KIDS.

What families call each other is not about dis-respect. What parents teach their kids ( sorry children) is were the respect come from.

People these days are as they have been taught by parents when they were younger. I for one have the upmost respect for my parents and for others around me. I therefore bring my kids up with the same morals. What I dont expect from some preaching about respect is for them to dis-respect others by saying because they call their children KIDS they have no respect for them or anyone else.
Jan 12, 2007
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Lord B.

Those sites do exist, the arches are though invisible and magic and only exist on the continent but they still have a glitch with re being effective on "British Chav's" at times! ;-)
we are all on site to enjoy ourselves so ll i can say is lets use a bit of tollerance we were all young once
Jan 19, 2008
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⇦ Walks into shower block ... muddy feet and grass all over the floor ..... spots mop and bucket ..... sod it, why should a Lord of the realm lower himself to do menial tasks, they can kiss my derriere.

DING! DING! Round 2.
Dec 16, 2003
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I'm shocked to the core.

I alwyas considered that you were a gentleman and that your man would have run ahead of you throwing cloaks in your path to keep those hand made Lobb Ghillies or Boots sparkling clean ;-0
Mar 14, 2005
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Hey Cris Lord B. is my friend - please do have a go at him with derogatory remarks. It appears that this forum is turning into a "lets get Lord B" forum. Please no more nasty remarks from any posting against this good man of noble class.
Jan 19, 2008
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Hey Cris Lord B. is my friend - please do have a go at him with derogatory remarks. It appears that this forum is turning into a "lets get Lord B" forum. Please no more nasty remarks from any posting against this good man of noble class.
Thank you Colin, glad to see the medication I recommended you take is working ;O)
Dec 16, 2003
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Hey Cris Lord B. is my friend - please do have a go at him with derogatory remarks. It appears that this forum is turning into a "lets get Lord B" forum. Please no more nasty remarks from any posting against this good man of noble class.
DEROGATORY. Colin please explain what I'm supposed to have said now !
Mar 14, 2005
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Cris there have been many nasty comments made against the good name of Lord B. I am as guilty as any other person. However I have now come to realise the errors of my ways (after having a slight wrist slap off Mr. Mod 1) and I will have no further bad comment made by any individual against this gentleman of nobility. God bless him.


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