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Sep 23, 2023
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Liquorice roots were imported from Spain many moon's ago and used in the manufacture of Pontefract cakes also known as Spanish button's (appro 30mm x6mm)..if you over indulged yourself getting to your Thetford in time would be a matter of good luck,if however you had a serious cough then you wouldn't need your Thetford as it would be to late..if any of you good people come across any (Spanish button's try some ,,,in moderation of course)..Kop Kops are similar tasting ..but I ain't going there 🙂🙂...Gary
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Sep 23, 2023
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I was hoping the penny had dropped...(perhaps the same penny used to spend a penny)🙂.. unsure what "plebes" are but I personally consider all participants of this forum as unseen friends United in there interest whilst assisting others that seek help in Thier particular problem... Hope all's well 😊👌
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Jun 16, 2020
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If you ever get a barking cough a 2 large packets of Pontefract cakes or Spanish helps a lot .. You daren',t cough🙂
If it helps, I got it. The Spanish and Pontefract cakes might be a northern thing.

We could also buy liquorice root. I love licorice, but the roots were not my favourite.

I thought, that the idea of being a laxative was just somthing my mother said to stop me eating too much.

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