Overweight caravaners.

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Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Plotter, I have been trying to connect to this site for the past 15mins or so, very,very slow, sorry.

I think Steve has had enough for one night but it's upto him. Liz
May 31, 2007
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Hi Liz, hi all, well It is time for me to retire as well this role as partner makes you feel so sleepy. Yet another busy day tomorrow so not sure when I will be able to pop in the office. Night all hope you have a peaceful sleep.
May 10, 2007
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Four hundred postings and I'm lost.

Surely being overweight should be taken very seriously these days, with the problems in the NHS should fatties not be more responsible rather than use up vital health resources and as caravanners is it not socially responsible to offset the size of your tow car and caravan by keeping all in the family within BMI guide lines to minimise fuel use and cause less stress for those in the "Green Lobby".
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter, no commision cheque for you, as I've heard no more from the potential new member.I will have time to run this international conglomerate, as despite your ramblings, I actually only hold two posts in RCOC. Besides that, I am quite capable of multi-tasking, which may be a bit beyond you. Btw, isn't it a good thing I had this Hovercrap equipped with internet access? I don't even need to be where you think I am any more! I shall return by Wednesday afternoon, because I'm off in my non-internet Royale for two weeks. I want to see mega sales of my wonderful product when I get back on the 22 june, or there could be large scale redunancies. Be warned!!!
Jan 2, 2006
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Emmerson,what do you mean your product?We already sorted out your ability or otherwise to multitask,and by the way did you request leave of abscence to go on holiday.While you are away we need you to consider how caravans can be constructed as hovercraps and linked to the the 'car' which is of course also hovercrap,I am thinking if the existing towball/towbar arrangement will work.
Oct 17, 2006
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Look what I found somewhere from the above postings:-

28 May 2007 01:56 PM

After years of caravaning i have noticed that alot of people on camping sites are becoming very large.The family next to us last weekend were so over weight their teenage kids larger than i, but every night sat eating one burger after the other, cans of beer lost count,ok have a good time but a how much time left im thinking.

Regards Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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That seems a long time ago,things have certainly moved on since then.How is the weather down there today and why are you not slaving away on the site.

We didn't get to the bottom of when you were born.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Plotter, Nice and Sunny down here, I hear that we are in for some nice weather now, What about your neck of the woods unless you are in Cornwall too!!

Where was I born - Not in Cornwall

Jan 2, 2006
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When not where.

Sun is just breaking through here right on the tip of North Warwickshire.Did you google 'Babington plot' scary stuff back in 1586 its a pity but most of my then families lands and estate was taken by he Earl of Shrewsbury and Sir Walter Raleigh no less.
Oct 17, 2006
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I am not putting my age on here so everyone can see hehehe

I did google, it gave me nightmares, scary or what.

I am working on site, I am in the Shop with my Laptop

Jan 2, 2006
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It obviously is not very busy.

His plan was as you will have seen was to replace Liz with Mary Queen of Scots but actuall led to her execution at Fotheringhay castle and also to theSpanish Armada in 1588.

You probably will not remember Simo Groom of Blue Peter but as I saif he now own the house which is much smaller now but lovely CL with walk across field to real ale pub that was GFlorence Nightinghales first hospital.Have you traced your family tree.
Oct 17, 2006
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I am not busy at moment, but fully booked from the end of this week - You have a very interesting family background.

Regarding my family tree I have no need to, as I had a very unsual English Surname we have a book, somebody else in the family traced us all back, someone in America.

Regards Liz
Oct 17, 2006
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Sorry Plotter I have not even read the book myself, my brother has it. You can understand it's a personal family book, beings that I have not even read it myself yet. I do know it took a long time to gather the family history, it would be interesting to see how far back they got, you never know I might be related down the line to you!!!! What he says!! Liz
Oct 17, 2006
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Plotter I have to go on site, I am needed as Bankswoman,

can we continue later this afternoon maybe.

P.S For the Original Topic,

Overweight Caravaners

I am 8stone have been this weight since a teenager, which was many moons ago, it's my build, small.

On the otherhand Hubby weight is 17stone, ok he is big, but he is healthy and I think thats the main thing, as long as you are happy in yourself, do not worry what other people say.

Mind you he eats all the wrong foods burgers, beer, smokes.

At the end of the day it's his life.

Regards Liz


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