Overweight caravaners.

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Oct 17, 2006
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Plotter I have to go on site, I am needed as Bankswoman,

can we continue later this afternoon maybe.

P.S For the Original Topic,

Overweight Caravaners

I am 8stone have been this weight since a teenager, which was many moons ago, it's my build, small.

On the otherhand Hubby weight is 17stone, ok he is big, but he is healthy and I think thats the main thing, as long as you are happy in yourself, do not worry what other people say.

Mind you he eats all the wrong foods burgers, beer, smokes.

At the end of the day it's his life.

Regards Liz
P.S Still no sign of Colin???
Mar 14, 2005
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As your MD, Plotter, I do not need to ask for leave! I just go.

With regard to weight, as Ria and James valiantly tried to bring this thread back on track, has anyone else noticed that your clothes shrink as you get older?
Apr 18, 2007
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I have Liz but ive not used it for 18 years [No not constipated].It was bought before the advent of the cassett.
I've got a brand new unused one in the loft. Been there for at least 25 years since we gave up tent camping in a farmer's field. That was before we used it for the first time and, before you ask, we had borrowed one before that.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Plotter, Have we got a new member of Staff MD Emmerson?

it's been such a long time now I have forgotton my position in the Company?

Emmerson Yours clothes shrunk because you put them on a boil wash, I bet you thought you were putting on weight!!! hehehe Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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Emmerson,its funny you should say that about clothes,however at the moment mine are getting bigger as i have been on a diet for two weeks and lost 16lbs.

Dont forget when you are away we need practical ideas for developing the Hovercrap into the caravan market.
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz,I am I regret larger than your hubby but as you see above getting smaller as surgeon wants 4 stone b4 he will operate.My wife was always between 7&8 stone but put some on since she started suffering with her cancer.

Now then not sure if you have kids my daughter is 33 (I know I dont look old enough to have a daughter that old)on Sunday and we are struggling to thimk of present ideas,she is deaf so that rules out ipod's, MP3(ehatever they are) CDs and the like any suggestions welcomed.

What is a bankswoman.
Oct 17, 2006
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Plotter sorry to hear about your wife terrible thing this cancer, Glad you are losing the weight ok, it's will power, especially if your going to have an operation.

We do have a daughter she is nearly 18years well in July.

ok birthday present for your daughter, I understand about ipod,things like, right is she into computers like you, has she got her own laptop, now I know its rather expensive, but they are getting cheaper, or maybe clothes, makeup,jewellery,watch,

Oct 17, 2006
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Plotter sorry to hear about your wife terrible thing this cancer, Glad you are losing the weight ok, it's will power, especially if your going to have an operation.

We do have a daughter she is nearly 18years well in July.

ok birthday present for your daughter, I understand about ipod,things like, right is she into computers like you, has she got her own laptop, now I know its rather expensive, but they are getting cheaper, or maybe clothes, makeup,jewellery,watch,

Sorry you asked me what a bankswoman is should be banksman

we have vans in storage, we have a tractor to pull the vans onto pitch, so they need someone to guide them out.

Jan 2, 2006
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Ok got that but why banksman/woman I don't see where the name comes from but now I think about it I may have heard the term b4.We have just been and bought a couple of things but cant say what in case she sees.Christmas 18mths ago we bought her the hot air balloon trip that she finally had 2 weeks ago!She took up archery last summer and spent
Oct 17, 2006
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I think the actual person Banksman is used when someone else is working machinery, maybe on highways etc, but I am sometimes banksman here as I said to guide the vans out of the storage area safely.

Yes best not to mention on here what presents you already have incase she does look, then the whole thing has been spoilt.

Hot air ballon hey, never get me in one of those, Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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You wouldn't get me in balloon either not least because it probably would not get off the ground.Emmerson said he was going away I think he said for two weeks but would be on line Wednesday so assume he has laptop.

I long for when we can get our van hooked up its not moved since Mayday last year,our annual three weeks in France cancelled last year and again this year should have been going over to frogland in a weeks time.

How are the statics doing since they changed?
Oct 17, 2006
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Yes I know what you mean about wanting to go away in the van,

worse for me sometimes everybody out there setting up their vans, sitting, drinking, smell the food being cooked on the BQ.

So will you go away locally? you said you had to cancel holiday to France.

We are still waiting to go to Somerset, just waiting for the go ahead.

What a lovely day it turned out to be, the weather men got it right for a change, now I am roasting, no pleasing me.
Jan 2, 2006
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I dont know we were as I say due to go to France for main holiday this year and last both cancelled the same fate came to the Easter and May Day bookings for this year,she who must be obeyed is still having Chemo but that would not have been too much of a problem but when she was in hospital in March she caught the latest hospital super bug C-Diff(Clostridium Difficile).So if we do get away this year probably will be local maybe to the ancestoral home CL,been b4 nd Simon and his lovely wife Gilly came round to the van one night and we drank more than we all should.
Oct 17, 2006
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Yes I know what you mean about wanting to go away in the van,

worse for me sometimes everybody out there setting up their vans, sitting, drinking, smell the food being cooked on the BQ.

So will you go away locally? you said you had to cancel holiday to France.

We are still waiting to go to Somerset, just waiting for the go ahead.

What a lovely day it turned out to be, the weather men got it right for a change, now I am roasting, no pleasing me.
I am on the touring side now and shop, statics are doing fine I beleive, more my line when they were rentals, saturday change over day was a nightmare, cleaners in, linen to be ordered, late arrivals, glad they have gone.
Oct 17, 2006
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She who must be obeyed I like that!!

Lot of people been ill down here, lot of bugs going round, tummy upsets (Better get these "Smokaloos") in production,

I think a lot of people have gone away nice weather they have just hooked-up and gone, don't blame them neither,I would not be surprised if we don't get some tenters in, we usually do, if weathers nice.
Jan 2, 2006
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Yes,you read my mind lets hope colin comes back tonight as we have to move things on.Do you think your boss might be interested in perhaps having a Smokaloo or Hovercrap on a trial.It occurs to me you see that in your position working in the shop etc that you could perhaps add a little laxative to various purchases made by the campers thus ensuring that the Smokaloo gets a good try out.The advantage of the Hovercrap is that the downdraught disperses the fumes to use a polite expression.
Oct 17, 2006
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I think Colin must have gone away, I am sure he was picking his new van up this week sometime.

Now what are you asking me to do here ask my boss if I could have on pitch a "Smokaloo" and Hovercrap for trial purposes,

Do you really want to get me the sack!!!
Jan 2, 2006
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What do you mean have you no confidence in the quality,features nad benefits of this amazing new product in the market place that will take the world by storm.How can we hope to succeed when the MD goes away with out a word,Lisa,Ian,Chrissielizzie and even Emmerson all go AWOL and now horror of horrors a key player in the management team expresses doubt in the product.I am lost for words(you can tell that can' you!)are our hopes of being millionaires which would have meant you no longer have to look at a mop and bucket once againg being flushed down the pan.The thought of it is bringing on an Immodium moment!
May 31, 2007
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Afternoon workers, well what a day I have had, Im now shattered, I have not had time to think about upgrading the product line but I will put my inventors head on again tomorrow. errrrr why have I got some overalls with my name on the pocket and a mop and bucket :{pipe delimiter} are we having a rota to do the dirty work or have I been demoated to the cleaner. I didnt go AWAL plotter just I have had to sort job applicants and interviews out over the past few days.

We seem to be creating an interesting thread and it is fetching alot of interest to the product line.

Will catch you all later.
Oct 17, 2006
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Now I have been thinking carefully about your suggestion,as above, I am surely taking a lot big risk here if anything backfires! So I propose that my percentage should be 50% and if Colin is still around you and him are 25%

You must understand I feel a little used because of my working environment!

Boss is expected on site sometime this week, I will endeavour to win him over to our way of thinking.

However, if all fails The Royal Cornwall Show is on soon so we could take our "smokaloo" and "Hovacrap" to the exhibition.
Mar 14, 2005
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This site is being slow again!! No, I've not gone away yet, and no, I haven't got a lap top. I've had my charitable head on this afternoon, helping a neighbour to open and empty a bottle of red wine.She was really struggling, but she's okay now. I shall, however, be extremely busy tomorrow, because we have a site meeting with the architects, structural engineers, and quantity surveyors who are designing our new village hall, of which I am Project Manager(honorary, I hasten to add).Then later I have a meeting of a local charity, on whose board of trustees I sit.I also have to pack the van, ready for us to leave at 4am on Thursday.So you see what I mean when I sid I can multi-task.

So, I'll have to delegate my MDship to Liz for the duration of my absence. Maximum sales by the time I return, please.
Jan 2, 2006
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Hi Ian sorry i didnt realise that you were recruiting because you didnt say we need to establish lines of communication to avoid misunderstandings like this.You will see Liz ( I dont understand why)seems to be getting cold feet but despite that wants to increase her stake to 50% whilst we I am sure you will agree appreciate the sterling efforts that she has put in i feel to make this work we all need to be equal.Abit like in Animal Farm!
Oct 17, 2006
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Well Plotter things are looking good, Ian seems to be happy (hope overalls fitted ok)

Emmerson in his absence has delegated me as MD (Such a nice man) hope you enjoy your holiday well deserved .(p.s don't forget to save your receipts for expenses).

So on the whole things are looking good were on the up and up.

May 31, 2007
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Have a great time plotter, im sure Liz will have sorted the rota out on your return as the 'Lootenant'. I think its only fair that we do share the little jobs, I wouldnt do anything I wouldnt expect our staff members to do ( like the program Back to the Floor) just so we cant be accused of not getting our hands dirty.

:) ok Liz your turn I ordered an express delivery of overalls for us all personalized with our names and the smokaloo logo.


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