Overweight caravaners.

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Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Plotter, slow connecting tonight, ok finer points. I did see a floor in the hatch, but I see it has a liner init.

My suggestion would be to use the hatch as a waste disposal, ok you ask, how would this work, you hover over a pit, open hatch waste goes straight into pit, close hatch, job done, brilliant what? No more need for waste carriers.

This would be called, wait,

Windbags 4all Super Delux Model,

Oct 17, 2006
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Hi L C, I am so glad your a staff m mb r, my ? does not s m

to work. Should r ad Delux

Ov ralls on ord r.

N xt I xp ct you will want a D lux mop and buck t.

H H H Liz
Oct 17, 2006
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Sorry L C. Hop my s' com back soon, k p up th good work.


Not h ard from Plotter or anyon lse tonight.

Perhaps my ideas no good. Sad Liz

O my e's have come back. hehehe
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Ian P, Sorry you might be watching the football, but could you chase up the suppliers re:- overalls, Lee C needs his overalls, Flat Front ones remember. Thanks Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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Hi fellow workers,things seem to be moving slowly at the moment due I think to the holiday season getting underway.To cover for this are there any potential recruits out there wishing to get in on the ground floor of an amazing opportunity to develop a number of exiting and innovative products.No experience is needed just enthusiasm and a good imagination.

Liz sorry went AWOL again the boss was on the PC looking for bears again I may be around some of the time today as I am supposed to be having a driving lesson today but it my be cancelled.
Oct 17, 2006
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Morning Plotter, Lovely sunny day again, Driving Test or Lesson?

Very quite on here last night and this morning,

Hope our staff have not quit

Likewise busy today, I will like you on and off.

May 31, 2007
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Hi all, lol no Liz I wasnt watching the football, I was at work I do different shifts so while you lot were relaxing or jumping up and down and shouting at the ref via the tv ( as if they can hear you) I was working hard. As for the order for the overalls they should have been delivered, maybe they put the flap in the back thinking it was for emergency use of the smokaloo. I will need to chase it up with smokarapid despatches and see what is happening. all i can think is the bottom fell out at the last min.

Well I have to go to wrk again soon got to keep the income comin in thats until we can make a living from the product range.
May 10, 2007
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Sorry Plotter, I only do odd supply days and I think the local council sends out road safety people to the school to teach the little dears how to cross the road.

If caravanners changed to drinking Light Ale instead of heavy red wine and went for Flora and Coca Cola Light and only had a Small Mac in stead of a Big Mac, would that help?

Jan 2, 2006
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Ria and James

I endorse the view of Steve the Mod how dare you make such suggestions after we,despite having no previous knowledge of your attributes offered you a secure future as part of our empire of which I understand Alan Sugar is envious.

If that diet was enforced I would have no choice but to cease being a caravanner.

Please take this as your second warning,three strikes and you are out.However should you be prepared to apologise in a grovelling manner then the matter may be overlooked on this occasion.
Jan 2, 2006
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Can you keep an out to see if an apology(in grovelling manner)is forthcoming if not please be sure to cancel the order for their overalls as we cannot afford to splash out money for no purpose.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Plotter, do you think you are being a bit hasty, we really do need all the help we can have, perhaps we could make adjustments here:-

Coca Coca Light in can weight not contents Light.

Would this be ok.

Jan 2, 2006
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Yes I appreciate we need all hands to the pump but can't accept insubordination that encourages an unhealthy diet like Flora etc this can only lead to undernourished employees fainting everywhere.We have to take note of heath and safety issues.
Jan 2, 2006
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I must confess after the amount of mental work put in developing the ideas of the Hovercrap and the inflattable liner not to mention the special helium cylinder that ther is no feed back on these products.
Jan 2, 2006
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It smacks of MotorHome methdology (blimey thats a big word)and I am not a lover of those.Anyway the hatch was not the Hovercrap it was the inflattable liner,keep up Liz!

If we dont get the Hovercrap off the ground if you excuse the pun,do you think there is any mileage in it as just a vehicle.Do you think the benefits I listed would sell it.I thought about approaching Blair and co as having no need to build roads,bridges,road repairs,and gritting will save masses of money,and they might support it by paying you to convert to Hovermode by way of grant a bit like they do for loft insulation.


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