Overweight caravaners.

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Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Ian, well done, I think it's emmerson going on holiday not plotter, nevermind you are doing a grand job, we all have to share duties, after all I have had my fair share with the mop and bucket, my turn for a more executive position.

(p.s overalls hope you ordered, small,medium,large,XXL and XXXL)

we do need our staff to be covered with no bits showing!!!

Names on Top Pocket nice touch brilliant.

Liz (Temporary MD)
May 31, 2007
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Yep full range of sizes and I also have also ordered varied colour range as I know some poeple like to stand out in the crowd, some are camaflage so we can blend in with the enviroment.

I had a thought and have patented and got copyright for a solar powered radio called smokarad, this can be suspended inside any of our product range even from the rearview mirror of the hovercrap, these little add on products increase the range. what about the smokafresh, a sweet smelling fragrence for use anywhere.
Oct 17, 2006
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What can one say "smokarad" and "smokafresh", brilliant, glad you ordered different colours for overalls, I think soon we will only need 2 one small for me and what ever size you are.

Now where's Plotter gone?

Surely our boat is not stinking!!! (Sorry we have smokafresh").

Aug 20, 2006
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Can someone put in the left hand colum Back To Top Of Page cos its taking me an age to get there.

Is there a hardback copy of the LIZ and PLOTTER show available yet.!!!
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Lee C, Sorry you had trouble scrolling down,to the bottom page, please try these buttons PgUp,PgDn, Quick buttons:-Home,End, these might help. hehehe

At least by scrolling through you must have seen all the postings,

P.S What size overall would you require?

Regards Liz
May 31, 2007
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Ian, Could you please add to your list of overalls on order flat front,

don't forget name on pocket Lee.C (Size not stated) Liz
Automatic order has been completed and will be dispatched next working day by smokarapid despatches.

Thankyou for placing your order.
Oct 17, 2006
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Automatic order has been completed and will be dispatched next working day by smokarapid despatches.

Thankyou for placing your order.
Ian, well done, If you keep this standard up, looks like I will be back using the mop and bucket, and you will therefore be the new MD.

Wait till the others get back.

Liz(MD for the moment)
Mar 14, 2005
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Ladies & gentlement I apologise for my lack of joining in this forum and topic - I will not be posting for a little while as my wife and I have received some very tragic news. A very close female friend of ours who we generally met up with at least 3 times a week has suffered a massive heart attack and passed away tonight in hospital. We have known her for over 35 years and she buried her husband 4 years ago having died of cancer. The shock of ner bereavement has to put it midly left us stunned. I will be in touch in the near future - God bless you all and Regards Colin
Oct 17, 2006
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Hello Colin, I am so sorry to hear your tragic news.

You have and are missed on this forum, please come back soon, of course when you feel ready.

Kind Regards to you and your wife.

Jan 2, 2006
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Liz,what do you mean telling Lee C (welcome to the team Lee albeit in a trainee position and on probation)that you only need two overalls ,you haven't been plotting against me have you?
Jan 2, 2006
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Sorry I went AWOL suddenly yesterday but SWMBO took over computer to do a search for more bears to add to her collection of Steiff.

Anyway its an ill wind as they say because it allowed me relaxtion time(you need it at my age)and I watched a re run of Dad's Army the one where Corporal Jones has his van converted to run on gas,and this gave me an idea which I have been working on all night(yes another night without sleep for the benefit of our fledgling business)

Well I have had some concerns expressed about Windbags 4all and the idea of 'Floaters'it was felt by some that as they were floating freely but secured to the floor by cables a bit like barrage balloons that damage might be caused if one broke loose(another reference to the other Dad's Army where a balloon broke loose taking someone with it).

Long story short I have been in touch with Richard Branson and his pal Per Limstradt(for advice only they are not being invited onto the board).It occured to me that all vans are built to only a few basic layouts so it would be easy to manufature liners to mould around the fitted furniture in the central area of the van.Now here is the clever bit(I take full credit for this bit as it is my own design)you have a hatch in the floor like Avondale used to have for the spare wheel,from this you deploy the liner,outside the van you attach via a point ,a bit like the BBQ point,a cylinder of compressed helium this inflates the liner giving lift and effectively reducing the weight of the van.Now I hear you say how do we keep getting cylinders,well the good news is you don't,I have developed a special valve(can't give deatils)that allows the helium to inflate the liner but as it does so creates a vacuum in the cylinder so when you reach your chosen site you reconnect the cylinder (adding the adaptor that reverses the flow)and the vacuum in the cylinder empties the liner very flat like shrink wrap and refills the cylinder for next time.

Though i say it myself true brilliance,no name has been given to it yet,what does everybody think?
Oct 17, 2006
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Morning Plotter, How could you think such a thing, I would not plot against Plotter, now back to business, Ian is doing very well, Lee C our new staff member I think he seems ok, time will tell.

P.S My Boss is on his way down, so if you don't hear from me, you must be solely in charge until later.

Jan 2, 2006
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OK look forward to that,also to the views of Lisa,Ian,Lee,and of corse Emmerson B4 he goes away if he has time for this business with his charity work,village hall,Royale Chairman,Royale editor the list is endless.
May 31, 2007
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Good morning all,

First of all, Colin i was sorry to hear about your tragic news, it is hard for everyone involved at these times and im sure I speak for everyone our thoughts are with you and your wife and your close friends family. We all know you will be back as soon as you feel ready, take all the time you need.

Ian P
May 10, 2007
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I was just thinking that this thread is Overweight and needs slimming down as it now takes so long to load.

But on reflection, seeing Colin's sad news brings things more in to perspective.

Come back soon Colin.
Jan 2, 2006
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That mirrors the sentiments I am sure of everyone,now then we are on the look out for recruits however not sure if you are Ria or James if Ria why are you not at work teaching them kids how to cross the road.So if you are interesting in joining this exciting opportunity,initially on probation perhaps you can let us know what skills you have that will be of value to us.Failing that we are looking for impartial feedback on our designs,your thoughts are important to us,so what do you think of the latest idea the caravan liner,designed to reduce caravan weight which combined with the increase in tow car weight as a result of increased burger consumption will provide much greater levels of stability.
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz,have you got rid of the boss yet,who does he think he is anybody would think he owns the place,get rid we have got work to do.

PS what is the name of the site(its ok to answer because I asked so mods will be ok)
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Plotter, No he is about still, I will post tonight when I am at home, naughty,naughty plotter asking me to name the site, you should know better. All our hard work on this thread will be deleted. Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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I dont think so surely that is if you name with out being asked because that would be advertising Mod 3 would know the answer,on which point ha hasn't said yet if is going to take up our offer of employment which would not be a conflict of interest.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Plotter and All,

Now whats been happening any more recruits, I see no sign of Lee, maybe awaiting his overalls, Ian seems to have been working hard and yourself Plotter, any sign of emmerson maybe started his hols.



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