Overweight caravaners.

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Jan 2, 2006
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I think you may have a point not wishing to be non pc village people not my seen so Liz you are in charge of work attire so maybe a rethink is called for
Dec 1, 2005
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No offence meant, but I thought this thread was about "overweight caravanners".

It would appear to have dissolved into a chat room between certain members of the forum.

Just an observation, don't all jump over me!

Lolly x
Oct 17, 2006
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The Overalls idea seems a bit tacky, it might be ok for the men.

Plotter and the other guys in Overalls, safety hats and steel toe cap boots to keep the H&S executive happy is a must I guess. Multitools in hand they could work on a Village People style routine to entertain on C & CC sites to raise a few pounds for any projects.

Could the girls not have something with a designer label and a makeup pouch and moisturiser pocket, a simple safe Jimmy Choo ankle boot with a small heel.

Yes of course what a great idea, Bling,Bling, T Shirt and shorts on order for us girlies, but do not tell tell the boys, otherwise they might want some. Liz
Oct 17, 2006
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Ok Lolly just for you:-

After years of caravaning i have noticed that alot of people on camping sites are becoming very large.The family next to us last weekend were so over weight their teenage kids larger than i, but every night sat eating one burger after the other, cans of beer lost count,ok have a good time but a how much time left im thinking.

Oct 17, 2006
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Ok Lolly just for you:-

After years of caravaning i have noticed that alot of people on camping sites are becoming very large.The family next to us last weekend were so over weight their teenage kids larger than i, but every night sat eating one burger after the other, cans of beer lost count,ok have a good time but a how much time left im thinking.

Where did that come from 533posts ago. lol Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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Lolly you clearly have not read all of the posts as if you had you would see we have discussed at length the issue raised in the original post and gone on to provide various and diverse solutions and in addition alternative ways of looking at the issue all of which have resulted in many contributions from a variety of contributers expressing their views and preferences.

After that I must get the job as the next PM
Jan 2, 2006
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So much so little said,anyway lolly welcome to our business forum and we are able to offer you an exclusive opportunity to join a dynamic international operation is this somethiong you have dreamt off.
Oct 17, 2006
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Lolly can I just say if you never read all the postings, but Colin posted sometime ago, he had some very sad news, I am not speaking for anybody else but he and Plotter started this off topic off, I then joined in, so I am personally just keeping it going until Colin feels able to join us again, he is well missed no just on this topic but on others too. Liz
May 10, 2007
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Plotter needs to realise that men have alway been our playthings Liz. Do we care what Plotter is "seen" in or was the scene Plotter.

I'm sure Mrs Plotter would love to see him strutting his stuff flexing his pecs looking butch with a newly honed PCV project body.

We want real men Plotter, this may be a camping web site but you don'y have to be camp, just manly ;)

Jan 2, 2006
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Ria and James at this point it seems you have sunk to the level of the Sun and Mirror and as such I regret that even though most but not all R&J aka cris I resign my position if you choose to be so offensive.I assure you and those of you of like mind I am not that way inclined and I regret that this thread that as been run in such good humour is suddenly destroyed by the likes of Lolly and R&J good night and Aurevoir
Jan 2, 2006
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Lolly its must be closing time so you feel the need to be offensive,or is it just a desire to sabotage a thread wgere peoiple have had fun something I assume is lacking in some peoples lives I am sure you too will sympathise with people like that because it must be awful to be unable to have a sense of humour I am sure you wil agree with this sentiment.
Oct 17, 2006
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Would you care to "elaborate" why I have destroyed the humour of this forum?
This topic Plotter means, please read some of the above threads, then you will see, ok it might not be your cup of tea, but I am sure people have not posted, but I bet they have had a laugh, life is too short to be grumpy.Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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Ok I am always prepared to give the benefit of the doubt so what is your point,this thread has been running and those taking part having a bit of fun,no harm in that I am sure you would agree however your post appeared maybe unintentionally to seek to sabotage the thread.


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