Overweight caravaners.

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May 4, 2005
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Hi Brian where have you been a lots happened in your abscence,many new developments I hope since your return you have had a spare 24 hours to read the old threads!
Plotter I have no idea what this thread is about as I stopped reading it ages ago but you all seem to be having fun so enjoy ;O)

ps it is getting lonely up on the surface with you lot down here in the depths of the PC Forum underworld.

Brian (",)
May 4, 2005
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Heeeeyyyyy Brian what you doing up at this time of night, it's waaaaayyyyy past your bedtime!

They certainly have the knives out for me tonight don't they, perhaps we should start our own thread somewhere else, maybe they will leave me alone then! THAT WAS A JOKE EVERYONE!!!! sorry for the shouting if any mods pop in to read this!!!

Love to Bina and the boys

Lolly x
Hi Lolly, not late as I'm always on the Forum from around 11 until 12.30.

Don't always post though ;O)

Brian (",)
Dec 1, 2005
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Why thank you kind sir, I don't do aggressive, (although, thinking about it, probably could at a push)

If you wish to see how funny and what a great sense of humour I have, just ask Brian for that video!!

Lolly x
Dec 1, 2005
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Some chicken curry, yum,yum, hope I will not put on weight???

Diet tomorrow I promise Liz
Chicken curry? my favourite, make it yourself or ready meal? what type of rice? with or without naan bread - for god's sake woman, you have made me hungry now.

May have to go and eat, that will put the noseweight of the van up!!

Lolly x
Jan 2, 2006
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Lolly I saw that ages ago Brian publised it on the internet I don't believe you did that had I not seen it myself.

I have made a few copies and they are selling like hotcakes ar car boot sales.


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