Overweight caravaners.

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Jan 2, 2006
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Liz what is this all about the thread has been going for 500+ and some people appear out of ghe woodwork trying to it seems create a situation where the mods have to step in,I have no intention to rise to the bait.
Dec 1, 2005
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I havn't fell out with anyone, but I do begrudge Plotter's comment that I don't have a sense of humour, couldn't be further from the truth, ask anyone that knows me.

I was merely pointing out a fact, the thread was originally about "overweight caravaners" not what it has degenerated into.

I thought (mistakenly)? everyone was entitled to their opinion, but it would seem not.

Leave you all to it I guess.

BTW Colin, I am sorry to have read your news and I hope you are dealing with it in the best way someone could possibly deal with such awful news. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Oct 17, 2006
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Thanks lolly, its obviously our sense of humour, not everybodies cup of tea, or lager, whiskey, gin, vodka, etc,etc,

we on this thread mean no harm to anyone, as you wish no harm,

but as you can see 533 odd postings ok, from me,plotter mostly, but we are happy, no nasties, no moderators involved cannot be bad.

Kind Regards Liz
Dec 1, 2005
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Yes, great, no mods involved - why should there be?

No you are correct, I mean no harm but as I say (again) I was merely making an observation.

It would appear that Plotter now thinks (having read another thread) that I am a trouble maker as well!

You carry on, no skin off my nose!
Jan 2, 2006
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OK Lolly you have made your statement although I still do not see what you have a problem with, if indeed you have a problem with this thread go and read others and leave those that wish to contribute to a light hearted thread to get on with it.It is a pity that I have seen many threads degenerate into a slanging match that results in its removal I and I am sure many other contributers do not wish that to happen here.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Lolly I am sure that Plotter does not think you are a trouble maker, but beings you never read all the 5OO odd postings, I cannot understand why you didn't, hehehe

Perhaps you will find another thread thats more interesting to you, sorry that was being checky, laugh then!!

Kind Regads Liz
Dec 1, 2005
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Plotter, what is your problem?

I do not have a problem, nor do I want to get into a slanging match with anyone. I was just asking a question - calm down for god's sake.

BTW please don't tell me what to read and what not to read, I find your attitude towards me very unpleasant.
Dec 1, 2005
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Hi Lolly I am sure that Plotter does not think you are a trouble maker, but beings you never read all the 5OO odd postings, I cannot understand why you didn't, hehehe

Perhaps you will find another thread thats more interesting to you, sorry that was being checky, laugh then!!

Kind Regads Liz
He does, on another thread, refer (although not by name) to me as a trouble maker which I find very un-necessary as I am most definately not
Jan 2, 2006
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Ria,sorry you have lost me why do you think you have offended me you haven't as far as I know just a bit concerned Lolly seems to be trying to stir trouble but I don't know why he hasn't been like this before.

Liz your thoughts.
Dec 1, 2005
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Come on people, for the last time, I am not trying to stir trouble, I only asked a question.

BTW Plotter, I am a woman, not a man as you presume. One with a damn good sense of humour as it goes
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz,I hear your advice which is wise as it is always best to ignore those that have no motive but to create disruption.

So where are we with the business.
Oct 17, 2006
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I do not know Lolly very well, perhaps it's me, or perhaps this thread has caused some fun, Lolly please either enjoy yourself and join in, but please do not wind Plotter up, not need for all of this, have a laugh it's Friday night week-end to look forward to, don't spoil this thread. Liz
Dec 1, 2005
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I am not trying to spoil this thread or wind Plotter up, I only asked a question.

Obviously as you all think I am a trouble maker, I will leave you to get on with it - I only hope that you all don't bite someone elses head off if they ask a simple question.
Jan 2, 2006
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Hi Brian where have you been a lots happened in your abscence,many new developments I hope since your return you have had a spare 24 hours to read the old threads!
Dec 1, 2005
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Heeeeyyyyy Brian what you doing up at this time of night, it's waaaaayyyyy past your bedtime!

They certainly have the knives out for me tonight don't they, perhaps we should start our own thread somewhere else, maybe they will leave me alone then! THAT WAS A JOKE EVERYONE!!!! sorry for the shouting if any mods pop in to read this!!!

Love to Bina and the boys

Lolly x


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