Overweight caravaners.

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Sep 13, 2006
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Just finished watching Gladiator on Film 4, come upstairs realise I have left computer on and find this thread - more of the same but without the sfx.

YAWN - off to bed now

p.s. Where did I leave my watch after the shower?

Oh well - guess I will find it in the morning

Goodnight everyone - sleep tight
Mar 14, 2005
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First of all may I say thank you to all who expressed a sincere and sympathetic response to the bereavement of a dear friend. THANK YOU ALL.

Now I have only been off here a few days and all hell is let loose - talk about toys being thrown out of the pram. As MD of what was once a thriving manufacturing and supply industry it appears to have gone beyond pear shape. Can't I leave you alone for five minutes without bickering and squabling amonst yourselves. It would appear that my services are definately indespensable. I am therefore going to take the drastic step of sacking the whole damn lot of you and if you want to continue within this company you must apply for a position that you think is appropriate to your talents. Should you be successful in your application for employment new terms and conditions will apply. It is no good bringing in the trade unions as this action has already been agreed between me and their representatives. Also it has been cleared under the unfair dismissal act so you do not have a leg to stand on. All applications for employment are to be made by 12 noon on Monday 11th. June 2007 to me.

Some of you may be more suited in the canteen as tea lady/man as you appear to be very good at stirring. Others appear to have a talent of being a cleaner as you attempted to clean up when ever you came across a mess. Some however seem to have little talent at all except shouting loud and upsetting the staus quo therefore you lot will be more suited to the factory floor and work in the din of the machinary - ear plugs will be offered to these employees.
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,welcome back to this madhouse,I hope nobody has upiset the staus quo they are my favourite group.

I wish to apply for the position of deputy MD
May 10, 2007
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I'm not able to have a second job Plotter.

Thank you for the thought though.

James, still runni...........................................

Oct 17, 2006
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My Laptop has just alerted me Plotter is about plotting, now Colin is back he is solely MD, I did not see a job vacancy for a Deputy MD, p.s applications required, then Colin will decide.

Jan 2, 2006
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Liz I have not been presumtious I did say I wish to apply for deputy MD I did not take it for granted,although of course my experience in this business clearly precludes anybody else.

Now Colin is back I and no doubt you await with interest his observations regarding all the proposed new products.As soo as we have this we can formulate a strategy on how best to move forward,apart from one foot in front of the other of course.

Now James it seems is a squaddy (but we must keep that secret)but if he has been on training manouvers he will I am sure have first hand experience of temporary WC facilities so should be able to put forward suggestions on design.


Mar 14, 2005
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I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, my condolences to you and your wife. Sorry for not putting a post on earlier, I must have missed it.

Take care.

Lisa x
Mar 14, 2005
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James can have an honoury position within the company. With his contacts we may be able to sell to HQ (Buck House) and even end up with a royal coat of arms by appointment. I am surprised that no one in my absence spotted this piece of good fortune and advertising. It is now becoming more obvious why the company has gone down the pan.
Oct 17, 2006
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Liz I have not been presumtious I did say I wish to apply for deputy MD I did not take it for granted,although of course my experience in this business clearly precludes anybody else.

Now Colin is back I and no doubt you await with interest his observations regarding all the proposed new products.As soo as we have this we can formulate a strategy on how best to move forward,apart from one foot in front of the other of course.

Now James it seems is a squaddy (but we must keep that secret)but if he has been on training manouvers he will I am sure have first hand experience of temporary WC facilities so should be able to put forward suggestions on design.
Plotter, I may have read Colin's posting wrong I do apologise with the late night last night, I was walking around like a zombie this morning, Liz
Oct 17, 2006
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Well Colin, I have been thinking all day, and I would like to be Sales Representative for the Products, this way when I go to Somerset next week, I can still work for the Company promotating the Products, I feel this position would suit me , beings I will have no wifi, I could report all prospective customers on my return.

Mar 14, 2005
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As previously stated all applications for appointments to the company will be considered after the 12 noon deadline on Monday 11 th. June 2007. Until then I will not be "bribed" in any way to give favouritism to any individual.
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz,why are you going to Somerset and when will you be back.

Colin I hope you do not think by making the statement about bribery it will induce me to offer financial incentives although I can see some already are,cider for instance.

Colin they can't see us down here how much do you want.
Oct 17, 2006
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Liz,why are you going to Somerset and when will you be back.

Colin I hope you do not think by making the statement about bribery it will induce me to offer financial incentives although I can see some already are,cider for instance.

Colin they can't see us down here how much do you want.
Found you, plotting again hey!!! would not catch me doing anything like that, much!!
Oct 17, 2006
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Sorry Plotter, I thought you knew Boss here as Farm in Somerset, that is where our tourer is, well not on his farm,camp site near to him, so it will be a working holiday,we have been so busy here, so that's why we are not sure when we will be going and how long for, so you will get some peace for a while. Liz

P.S Colin I'll bring loads of Cider back, but don't tell the others especially Plotter.
Aug 20, 2006
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overalls fit but i have been carted off to Canada for the F1 Gand Prix.You see with them being red people thougt i was an F1 driver and now I am racing for Ferarri this weekend. Will fill you in with details later!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Right you miserable bunch of reprobates lets get this show on the road. I have been keeping a low profile for about a week and you lot have virtually bankrupted the company. What on earth are you lot up to? Either shape up or get out - to quoate a well known TV phrase - "YOU'RE FIRED".


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