Overweight caravaners.

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Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Liz,

I nearly popped in to see you and put a face to a name yesterday. I went and got Fish and Chips at Threemilestone for lunch so drove right past the site.

PS Keep the thread alive!!! I think you have all strayed from the original subject but it does make interesting reading!

Litespeed (Simon)
Hi Simon, I hope you enjoyed your Fish & Chips, where was mine?

I was also in the village Lunchtime but not for Fish & Chips, to purchase my ciggies,(shame I would have given you a tour in the buggy) perhaps next time on passing.

p.s I think you have just put us back on subject which one I am not sure hehehe Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Liz or anyone,

You seem to be trying for a posting record,

Hers a thought - A 24 hour posting marathon!

Try and make one post for every minute for 24 hours that would be 1440 posts!

And we can check because each post is date and time stamped so no cheating.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi John,

Well a 24hour posting marathon,

poor website I don't think it can take much more.

I wonder what has been the largest amount of postings on one topic?

Might be an idea for the next "Children in Need" everybody posts whose a member on this forum and pledges some money??

Mar 14, 2005
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Liz you should NOT be posting on here today as you have the responsible mop and bucket job again. Neglect of duties calls for 24 hours in the green house spud bashing. You are not giving the client what they rightly desrve from a respectable holiday site.
Oct 17, 2006
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Now Colin, you disappear off this topic then come back and you suggest I spend 24 hrs in a Green House, Spud Bashing!! I have not stopped today the Mop and Bucket has been splashed about quite a bit, please note I did not post until 3.20 this afternoon, and this evening I have been Defragmenting my Laptop, now I feel better.

p.s did you see on other thread the new ceiling Light/toilet seat, are you going to fit one in your new Van??? SATLAV.

Mar 14, 2005
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Defragmenting your laptop - that sounds painfull - did you use an anithetic? I hope that with careful nursing and medication it will soon be better. As far as the mop and bucket is concerned - keep up the good work. The SATLAV loo light/seat could be useful in the outside toilet tent as it would provide for communial toilet facilities - mind we could be charged more site fees as we will have both a downstairs loo and an upstairs loo. Think of how your house is rated - the same could apply in this instance. Also how would we protect the downstair user from having a nasty hair day should some one be using the upstairs facilities at the same time? I think they would come out from the downstair toilet looking very flushed (but not red in the face, maybe a different colour),
Mar 14, 2005
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Reading back over the postings on this topic mention was made of the possible sale to Buck. Palace. If we were to pull this sales off could we advertise as having a Royal Flush. If this was the case we could take it a step further and have a card table and perhaps a roulette wheel in there as well to pass the time whilst contemplating on the throne. There would then be no limits to our uses for this "portable outhouse".
Mar 14, 2005
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Now Colin, you disappear off this topic then come back and you suggest I spend 24 hrs in a Green House, Spud Bashing!! I have not stopped today the Mop and Bucket has been splashed about quite a bit, please note I did not post until 3.20 this afternoon, and this evening I have been Defragmenting my Laptop, now I feel better.

p.s did you see on other thread the new ceiling Light/toilet seat, are you going to fit one in your new Van??? SATLAV.

Sorry it would be impossible as we only have a bog standard caravan.
Mar 14, 2005
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Although I am not a member of the Tory party I have on numourous occassions voted Tory (never Labour), however I have NEVER seen or heard of any form of spin from them. Incidently what I envisage is an answer to the mega casinos proposed by the government. We would have one up on them as our casino, although not so large, would be portable and could be moved from town to town, country to country, etc. Liz could be our female croupier (what a mind blowing but wonderful thought). We would have to buy her the best in uniform as she would be the main focal point to attract punters so she would have to be very smart.
Jan 2, 2006
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What a great idea glad the little grey cells are working even at your age!With regard to the uniform for Liz I have all sorts of ideas and designs my imagination is in overdrive,anyway must go just off for a cold shower.
Mar 14, 2005
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From her mop and bucket glad rags to her Sunday best - bit like Cinderella going to the ball. We will also have to arrange better transport for her instead of her golf buggy. Liz you will lokk resplendant in your new smart outfit - fit for any ball.

Incidently Plotter I must take strong objection to your reference to old grey cells and my age. I will have you know that I appear to be the only male member in this company who has any forethought - the other male members appear to have more fores**n than forethought.
Jan 2, 2006
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I suppose some age better than others as clearly age has not got to your memory not yet anyway.

Now then I agree a golf buggy is hardly regal enough for Liz what do you suggest a variation on the Hovercrap maybe called Hovercroupier.Is this going off at a tangent from the original post remmeber (if you can) that we are only allowed No 1's & No 2's.
Mar 14, 2005
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Think back Plotter - what if Henry Ford stuck to his basic model? We must expand or be left behind like all other forms of British Industry. Britain invents then the others get on the band wagon and out perform us - well not in this case mate we are going to be out in front Numero Uno
Jan 2, 2006
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Sad person that I am (no need to all agree)I have just added up the number of'comments'entries on this thread and there are 108 if these had been done as posts we would be on 777 posts!
Jan 2, 2006
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It is but it is important that the staff providing the service to the overweight caravanners give a good impression hence our concern to ensure Liz looks the part.
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter the inference from your last posting gives me the impression that you think our female Cornish friend is, shall we say, rotund. I think if I was in your shoes there would be a quick apology or a fast exit stage right. Man you are either mad or have a hell of a lot of guts.
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,you are placing an interpretation on my comments that where not there I am not that brave to suggest that Liz or any lady was rotund(many are of course)if she was to think that then of course I would profer an apology.I think you might be trying to stir the brown stuff! :eek:)
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter my intentions were honourable - I was trying to protect you before the lady in question saw it and threw the brown stuff at you square on. I am not the type of person to cause any trouble - in fact the opposite as I would like to calm things before the proverbial hits the fan. I can be very diplomatic at times in calming situations. I bet you feel better already having offered a form of apology to the good lady.


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