Overweight caravaners.

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Jan 2, 2006
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For your information I have been doing the dayshift designing time sheets,what has been your contribution to the business fortunes.Still no sign of Liz I think you upset her Colin.
Mar 14, 2005
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She has probably taken her doctor's advice and is taking a well earned rest in Somerset. Aren't you lucky mate - probably the mods would have deleted your postings regarding the size of her figure by the time she returns. Incidentally Steve will have to make those popcorns last for about three weeks as I think this time it is a long holiday for her.

As for me I have been burning the midnight oil sorting out all the legal and financial paperwork involved in setting up and running a business and also obtaining the necessary world patents for our products.

Emmerson is also very quiet these days - he must have also disappeared on medical advice but he is not in the hospital near where I live - I have checked - must have cracked up somewhere else - probably the other side of Offa's ****.
Jan 2, 2006
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I dont know why I keep getting the blame for everything I am developing a guilt comlex first it was a malicious claim(false)that I alledgedly insulted Liz by making comments about her bulk which I of course refute.Then to top it all on yet another innocent thread I was again falsely accused of making crude and lude remarks involving my wife and her birthday present what can I say wake up and smell the coffee,oh you can't can you I cant find any :eek:)
Mar 14, 2005
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I dont know why I keep getting the blame for everything I am developing a guilt comlex first it was a malicious claim(false)that I alledgedly insulted Liz by making comments about her bulk which I of course refute.Then to top it all on yet another innocent thread I was again falsely accused of making crude and lude remarks involving my wife and her birthday present what can I say wake up and smell the coffee,oh you can't can you I cant find any :eek:)
I told you it is in Tesco Bridgend store
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter I have the greatest respect for your dear lady - it is for this reason that I pointed out the ambiguity in your posting. If I was to make a comment of that nature about my wife I would be severely reprimanded in no uncertain ways. I am only pointing out the little foibels to protect you so that you do not make the same mistake twice - a wise man makes a mistake but the fool makes the same mistake twice.
Jan 2, 2006
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I dont know why I keep getting the blame for everything I am developing a guilt comlex first it was a malicious claim(false)that I alledgedly insulted Liz by making comments about her bulk which I of course refute.Then to top it all on yet another innocent thread I was again falsely accused of making crude and lude remarks involving my wife and her birthday present what can I say wake up and smell the coffee,oh you can't can you I cant find any :eek:)
see comment to your comment!
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter the old paternal advice is well worth listening to prior to marraige - If you are not in bed by 10:00pm come home and the other was stay single and bring the children up the same way. Listening to this advice then you would have not made that mistake. Incidentally took my wife to a wife swapping party and ended up with a box of Swan Vesta matches - I thought iti was a great deal as I needed some matches at the time.
Mar 14, 2005
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Incidentally Plotter if Emmerson is away at a horse fair and Liz is in Somerset it will be up to you and Ian to hold the fort as I am going away for two weeks on 30th. June to Poole. All I need say is don't let the side down.
Jan 2, 2006
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So you got a box of Swan Vestas at least it was a good match.

With Liz in Cornwall,Emmerson away with the Gypsies,no sign of Lisa who is preoccupied with the men playing with their hoses and now you announce that you are of to Poole,rats deserting a sinking ship me thinks.I am beginning to think it might be best if i accept the offer I have to buy my shareholding,Cris has made a very good offer.

You mention on another thread Studland,and the need for folk to take care if they are of a nervous disposition sounds like spoken from personal experience at least we now know where you hang out.
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter approx. 12 years ago when my son was 14 we walked to the end of Studland beach to the chain ferry. Very few naturists there at the time. We went onto the sand dunes to walk back but soon changed our minds when there were quite a few men loitering in the dunes in the buff. Rude awakening would be an appropriate way of describing the situation. Haven't been there since (wife wont let me) hehehe
Jan 2, 2006
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Rude awakening or nude awakening,mind you it is usually so cold in this country that it wouldn't be a problem.We have come across this in France when our kids went off in front as we walked to the beach and came across people in the buff (both sexes)it is a little worrying when it is a beach open to the general public for them to secreet themselves in the dunes.I dont see how they emjoy it the sand gets everywhere.
Mar 14, 2005
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hey up, I'm back! Didn't get to the Horse fair, a)cos Lisa wasn't there to show us the finer points of the animals and b)apparently it was extremely dangerous this year, more so than any other time.Nevertheless, we had a very good holiday, and even managed to miss most of the thunder storms.

Over the next few weeks, I am going to be very busy on another of my duties, that of Project Officer on our village hall rebuild, so I'm afraid that I will have to take a back seat on the Smokaloo scheme. I shall become just a sleeping partner now, but still retaining full salary. I will look in from time to time, just to keep you all on your toes.Talking of which, you all seem to have missed the fact that Liz is on holiday, isn't she?
Mar 14, 2005
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I agree with you Plotter on most points of your posting. However never been nude in the sand dunes I cannot comment regarding your final statement that the sand gets everywhere. Could this be another string to our bow? - a tent for nudists on the beach or in the countryside. There appears no end to the use this new product could be put to.
Jan 2, 2006
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No we realised she had gone off to Somerset,sleeping partner thats two of you with Colin having his siesta while i am slaving away.I am really having to think about the offer from someone called Cris for my shares (do you know him?).

More dangerous than usual in what way I did see in the press pictures of a horse being drowned.

Colin yes you have guessed another string,G string in fact.
Mar 14, 2005
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The horse fair has always had a reputation for H&S being neglected,as they trot horses up and down the main street to show them off,but a couple came on our site on Saturday and said that there was horse racing on the street. The police apparently had been powerless to stop it.With herself in a wheelchair, we decided to give it a miss.The fair was incidental for us anyway, as we just like the area, and the site we used.There cannot be many sites where curlews wake you in the morning, and peewits serenade you over breakfast, with curlews singing the descant, all watched very supercilliously by the Alpaccas over the wall!
Mar 14, 2005
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Emmerson this rebuild of the village hall. I hope you have had plans drawn up and submitted to the local council for planning and building regulation approval. Also have to satisfy the Disability Act, Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, The Fire Regulations, Public Health Act, etc. Another point has a CDM document been drawn up and approved prior to commencement of work. Without all these bodies giving their approvals there could be problems.
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter, the site is a secret between Lisa & Phil and Anne & I. It's location will not be revealed, even for money.

Colin, all that was done some time ago. The project started three years ago, and is now at the tendering stage. It's funded by Big Lottery and Welsh Assembly, so everything has not only to be done right, it has to have documented evidence to prove it's been done right.We no longer have a spare bedroom in our cottage: it's now the project office, and storage for the mountain of paperwork that has accumulated. You also forgot to mention the bat licence! Also, we are in a conservation area, so getting permission to demolish the old hall was rather fraught. Next time we build a village hall we'll know how to do it.Oh, I forgot the unstable bank which was being held up by the old building. Need I go on?
Aug 20, 2006
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Obviously not . Oh well I'd better lock up on the way out. Sad to see it so empty.


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