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Mar 14, 2005
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Now Steve are you wearing the Mod hat or the friendly contributer's hat? We have to be very carefull how we interpretate your postings now in order not to offend any one. Perhaps this is the alter ego Lisa is talking about in the joke posting which has now turned sour.
Jul 12, 2005
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Now we both know no matter what hat I am wearing will not make any difference. Liz is still going to read the comments above and I want to make sure I am here to see the groveling.

As for the Joke thread, I am trying not to get involved as I did have a chuckle at it!

Due to recent comments I am trying to avoid participation in the forum as a user but this one might be worth watching!

Jan 2, 2006
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Steve/Colin I think you are both setting me up here to get a dressing down from the Duchess of Cornwall!.I never said that Liz was rotund,she may be for all I know but i would never be so indelicate as to say so (not if I thought she would see it)
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter first of all I never said that you actually commented on the size of our lady friend. What I did say was that you inferred it. Now as far as Steve is concerned I think he is trying to make the proverbial hit the fan and stirring things up unnecessarily. So don't bring me into your rows I am the innocent party trying unsuccessfully to protect you.
Jan 2, 2006
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You mean I have it all wrong that it wasn't you that sais I needed to offer an apology to Liz,it was Steve all along.Sorry Colin i take it all back and I think we need in that case to watch out for Steve,you never know he might be going to hide behind his Mod armour,I always thought he was a decent sort of guy.It just goes to show you can't be to careful.
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter you must be really frightened as you do not seem to be able to understand the postings that both Steve and I are making in an attempt to protect your name. No one came out and said you actually accused the lady of being "rotund", what you have been accused of is the inference you made which is a totally different thing. It is purely an interpretation of words - someone else might not read the same interpretation as Steve and myself. Now pull yourself together man and stop being a baby - face the consequences.
Jul 12, 2005
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Does anyone need a JCB here? It may help as you don't seem to be able to dig yourselves into a hole quick enough.

I personaly think the comment about shape was innocent, but at the moment on the forums that does not seem to matter.

As for Liz, Hurry up young lady (see guys, simple use of words help) I am running out of pop corn!
Mar 14, 2005
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Steve I should have a tower crane as I am trying to sing the lady's praises from high. Plotter requires a vet as he appears to be suffering from foot and mouth disease as every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. I don't know what size shoe he takes but it appears quite a large one.hehehehe
Jan 2, 2006
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Now that I am wearing my hard hat(mandatory when in an excavation this deep)I wish to quote from Steve 'hurry up young lady(see guys use of simple words help)' I was accused ,quite wrongly I feel, of inferring that slimline Liz was rotund at least I have not done as Steve has done and accused her of being slow and only able to understand simple words.

Steve do you want to borrow my JCB.
Mar 14, 2005
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At this moment Plotter Liz is probably working harder than you and I put together. She generally comes on line in late evening to unwind. However seeing the comments here today she will probably have smoke coming out of her ears. Steve I would make those pop corns last mate as she is not due on line for a good few hours yet.
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,If Liz comes on with smoke coming out of ears it either means she has been testing the Smokaloo or getting rid of the smoke before July Ist either way it will not be as a result of anything I have said or done.
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,If Liz comes on with smoke coming out of ears it either means she has been testing the Smokaloo or getting rid of the smoke before July Ist either way it will not be as a result of anything I have said or done.
As far as doing more work than us put together not difficult as far as I am concerned still waiting to take my driving test.
May 31, 2007
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Hi all, been hard to get down here needed to patent the smokachute to be able to get to the depths of the pit. Hope you have made it easy access for the members of the team or was I supposed to use the lift over there, nearly 700 floors is a long way to come down. Will take me over a month to climb back up now as I left the company file up there speak soon.
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter what is this royal "WE" - speak for your self mate. I knew Ian was afraid of height and had trouble descending to this depth of murkiness. He is a valid member of the team as he appears to be the only one showing a vested interest in the company's progress and prosperity.


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