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Oct 17, 2006
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Right u2 634 postings now on this thread including my one, I'm hot old and grumpy having to wait to load onto this topic, and then I find out that I've been fired, now come on, fairs,fair, give me a chance to make amends. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz/Plotter what is all this waffle and b******t you two are posting? I am trying in vain to pull this company back together and you two are waffling on with senile dementure - what chance have I got with so called partners like this?
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,You have to understand that in your abscece all direction has been lost and we await your controlling influence to get us back on track.We need to firm up on matters a bit like immodium.So leader on high what are your plans for a range of products,whilst you were away I put forward ideas on the Hovercrap and Inflatable van liner.
Oct 17, 2006
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Now Colin, I do not waffle, since you disappeared from this forum for a few days, you expect me to be the same person, I have aged considerably during this last half hour trying to get to the end of this topic as my End button has Stopped working. When I finally get to the end I find out that you have fired me, then you say I waffle.

Plotter where are you, Help!!! Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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Don't worry Liz he was only trying scare tactics,you know flexing his muscles some people have that sort of management style where they try to rule by fear.Its a very old technique only seen these days by managers from the older generation.
Oct 17, 2006
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Thankyou Plotter, I knew you would help, yes I feel much better now,(back to my young self) I really do understand about the Colin older generation, they have funny turns now and again.Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz/Plotter it is the companies that are run by members of the "older generation" which generally continue and prosper. Those companies which are run by young upstarts are generally "five minute" wonder companies ie set up and go bankrupt within a short period of time. Us older directors have had considerable experience and can forsee pitfalls and know what to do and how to overcome unforseen problems. They also have the experience to employ the right calibre of knowledgeable personnel for the task expected of them

Incidently Liz I believe you said you're only a couple of years younger than me - not that I am asking your age - a gentleman would not ask a lady her age.
Oct 17, 2006
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Plotter/Colin, Now we need some young blood within this Company,hence myself.

Plotter stop creeping and plotting.

Colin, Age well I am 5? and you are ?? quite a few years between us, you might be past your sell by date!! hehehe I have had to run all the way down to the bottom, now after posting, I have to run all the way back up to the top, talk about losing some weight, by this time somebody else has posted, any suggestions to solve this problem? Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz I am not afraid to admit I am coming up to 62 years of age but I am like a good wine - I mature with age. If you are experiencing trouble getting from your bottom to your top may I suggest that you stop feeding junk in at the top and then over a period of time you may be able to reach your bottom far easier.
May 10, 2007
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Reverse ageism seems to be creeping in here. A rather low form of prejudice, no doubt an issue for the racism lobby.

James has never admitted to growing up and I dare not mention his forth coming retirement so a job offer based his age is not a good idea ;(

Jan 2, 2006
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Liz younger maybe but by how much,come on come clean.

Ria but does james retire at a young age in the military.

Colin,gone again we are still waiting for you as the boss to come forth with pearls of wisdom as to our future activities or have you with all this talk of retirement gone off to book your flight to your retirement home in some sunny country.
Oct 17, 2006
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Colin does this from time to time, poor dear gets a bit tired,probably having a nap, or maybe a bite to eat, or maybe booking his holiday (now who mentioned retirement) not me far too young for retirement - well looks like it's up to Ria,James,you and me to get this Company up and running.
Mar 14, 2005
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I am not performing any form of disappearing act as stated - I am mearly keeping a low profile as MD to see what my subordinates are capable of. My senior role is to keep the subordinate in line should they waver from their given responsibility and to make final important decisions. It is good however to see the "team" working as one - always remember that well known saying I believe from Mark Twain "No man is an island" ie work as a team and not in isolation. So far I am pleased to see the organisation jelling together again after my stern words earlier today - it takes a man to shape you all up and scare you back to work. Again the old saying "When the cat's away the mice will play" appears appropriate as in my absence for the past few days you lot have had a field day - well now the party is over so get your head down and back to work as a unit.
Jul 4, 2005
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Hi Liz,

I nearly popped in to see you and put a face to a name yesterday. I went and got Fish and Chips at Threemilestone for lunch so drove right past the site.

PS Keep the thread alive!!! I think you have all strayed from the original subject but it does make interesting reading!

Litespeed (Simon)
May 10, 2007
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You are right Plotter but he is already past his normal retirement date but never mentions that ;)

He is still running with the pack and did a freefall last week with some Para colleagues 8-( whilst I get vertigo on the caravan steps. I keep telling him that if he was really Superman he would but his briefs on last ;) Maybe you older and wiser caravanners could talk sense to him, I've failed.



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