Yesterday I had a puncture on a motorway, In my tow car which did not have a spare wheel, just one of these tiny 12v tyre inflators. And when I used it although it did inflate the tyre it was only to 25psi and should be 40 psi (My caravan is 65)
So set off and within 5 miles had to stop and inflate it again, Got off the motorway and got to a garage and pumped it up again. Then got to a tyre place.
Can anyone recommend a better 12v Tyre Inflater. I certainly feel that if there was one which would go to a higher pressure I could have travelled further, and if it was one of the caravan tyres, just going up to 25psi instead of 65 would not be really of use.
So set off and within 5 miles had to stop and inflate it again, Got off the motorway and got to a garage and pumped it up again. Then got to a tyre place.
Can anyone recommend a better 12v Tyre Inflater. I certainly feel that if there was one which would go to a higher pressure I could have travelled further, and if it was one of the caravan tyres, just going up to 25psi instead of 65 would not be really of use.