Sadly that time of the year again!

Jul 18, 2017
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Currently we are with CAMC for caravan cover and it si time for renewal. We have not had a claim for several or more years, but cost has increased by £60 taking it close to £600. I appreciate that the replacement cost of a new caravan has increased substantially. Before they do all their deductions the annual premium is over £1900 however they make it look good with hefty discounts for wheel locks, alarms etc.

In addition, our 2018 caravan will be over 5 years on day of renewal as we bought in 2017, but they have offered us Standard cover? Problem is if I accept the standard cover and later I have a claim, there may be a heated discussion when it comes to pay out. We would prefer to stay with CAMC even though their Caravan Cover premium is a lot higher than most other insurers.

I am guessing that the Super cover will probably be unaffordable to us, but will ask anyway. Probably need to go for market value, but the issue here is that they use the Glass's guide which values the caravan a lot lower than current market values by several thousand pounds. I am not sure what they would pay out if I insured it at today's prices instead of using Glass's guide price?
Nov 11, 2009
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Currently we are with CAMC for caravan cover and it si time for renewal. We have not had a claim for several or more years, but cost has increased by £60 taking it close to £600. I appreciate that the replacement cost of a new caravan has increased substantially. Before they do all their deductions the annual premium is over £1900 however they make it look good with hefty discounts for wheel locks, alarms etc.

In addition, our 2018 caravan will be over 5 years on day of renewal as we bought in 2017, but they have offered us Standard cover? Problem is if I accept the standard cover and later I have a claim, there may be a heated discussion when it comes to pay out. We would prefer to stay with CAMC even though their Caravan Cover premium is a lot higher than most other insurers.

I am guessing that the Super cover will probably be unaffordable to us, but will ask anyway. Probably need to go for market value, but the issue here is that they use the Glass's guide which values the caravan a lot lower than current market values by several thousand pounds. I am not sure what they would pay out if I insured it at today's prices instead of using Glass's guide price?

I’m surprised at your comment re Glass’ guide as used caravan prices have been rising for over 2 years now and I would have expected the guide to track the prices. The car one does.

When we had our car written off Norwich Union offered a pitifully low settlement. So I sent them 10 adverts for similar Saabs and all were being advertised at a substantially higher price. The next settlement offer was much more realistic, and I accepted.
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Jul 18, 2017
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I’m surprised at your comment re Glass’ guide as used caravan prices have been rising for over 2 years now and I would have expected the guide to track the prices. The car one does.

When we had our car written off Norwich Union offered a pitifully low settlement. So I sent them 10 adverts for similar Saabs and all were being advertised at a substantially higher price. The next settlement offer was much more realistic, and I accepted.

I have not checked the Glass guide myself, but going on dealer offer which they say is based on Glass's guide. Others have had similar from other dealers. At the moment the difference in Glass and what one car sell for privately is quite substantial.

When I recently insured our new to us 2018 Jeep they based the value nearly £6k less than what i had paid for it and that was after the dealer had knocked off nearly £4k. Same Jeep with full franchised dealer service history, similar is nearly £10k more than what the comparison insurance website was valuing the Jeep. I soon changed that even though it pushed up the premium by about £30.

However the starting price for the caravan before the discounts is totally ridiculous as probably cost less to insure a Rolls Royce for a driver that is under 25!
May 7, 2012
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The problem is that Glasses Guide is the only published price guide available and is used by the trade and insurers. It is not always accurate and prices can even vary according to area. If you have a car or caravan that looks a write off, you do need to check what the actual market price is by checking adverts and going back to the if the insurer with them if there is a problem. Do be aware that advertised prices tend to be open to negotiation, so will be a bit higher than the real figure.
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Mar 14, 2005
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If you try to over value an insured item, it will not increase the insurance companies pay out, in fact they might see it as you trying to defraud the system. By all means discuss the issue with them, so there is an agreed value.
Jul 18, 2017
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Thanks I am not trying to over value as I understand the consequences. I only want to value it at the price people are willing to pay i.e. adverts for the same or similar unit.
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Jun 20, 2005
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The legal principle of an Indemnity policy, as opposed to New for old, is to place you in exactly the same financial position immediately before the loss. Clive’s example perfectly endorses this principle.Glasses Guide is just that, a guide . You may have to negotiate but I feel confident you will enjoy more indulgence from CAMC than others. Your choice . Will you be happy with a used caravan like yours is now?
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Jul 18, 2017
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I have been shopping around for market value and also New for Old on the caravan which will be 5 years old this month.
Interestingly well regarded insurers with good track records are quoting nearly £200 lower than CAMC for market value.
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Nov 11, 2009
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I have been shopping around for market value and also New for Old on the caravan which will be 5 years old this month.
Interestingly well regarded insurers with good track records are quoting nearly £200 lower than CAMC for market value.

In overall terms I guess £200 difference in market value is a relatively small percentage difference. But in the unfortunate event of having to make a claim in the future the spread of values could change. But the CMHC do have a good reputation for dealing with claims.
Jul 18, 2017
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In overall terms I guess £200 difference in market value is a relatively small percentage difference. But in the unfortunate event of having to make a claim in the future the spread of values could change. But the CMHC do have a good reputation for dealing with claims.
It is actually a two thirds of the CAMC quote. Just to clatify I am only looking at reputable companies and not ones offering the cheapest quotes. I also use Trustpilot for referencing the company.
Nov 11, 2009
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It is actually a two thirds of the CAMC quote. Just to clatify I am only looking at reputable companies and not ones offering the cheapest quotes. I also use Trustpilot for referencing the company.
I read it that the £200 was the difference in market value quoted by different insurers. IE £14500 compared to £14700, or £14300 for example.
Jul 18, 2017
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I read it that the £200 was the difference in market value quoted by different insurers. IE £14500 compared to £14700, or £14300 for example.
Apologies the annual premium so a whopping differnce considering that with CAMC you do not pay Ins tax.
Jun 20, 2005
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I’m afraid there’s no such thing as a free lunch😜. CAMC has the proven claims track record. You haven’t said who the others are 😉
Jul 18, 2017
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I’m afraid there’s no such thing as a free lunch😜. CAMC has the proven claims track record. You haven’t said who the others are 😉
Other insurance companies that have a proven track record on paying out claims i.e. Caravanguard etc. Still looking.

Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
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No one seems to mention Saga that I'm with. In terms of their T&Cs they seem on par with others and are much cheaper by far.

Maybe there's a reason for that :)
May 7, 2012
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If you try to over value an insured item, it will not increase the insurance companies pay out, in fact they might see it as you trying to defraud the system. By all means discuss the issue with them, so there is an agreed value.
This is not strictly true. If you do go wild and insure for double the value they will look further into it but if the figure is only a bit over giving you something for inflation it will not be a problem. Do remember that if you make a claim you will normally be asked what value you are claiming, it is would be then you might be caught out if you ask for something excessive.
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Jul 18, 2017
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Although I have only looked at 2 or 3 companies offering caravan insurance excl CAMC, 2 of them were the really cheap premiums, but with reviews not exactly glowing.

Can anyone suggest respected companies caravan insurance with proven track records where I may make inquiries.
Jul 18, 2017
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BTW a problem I am running into is that year of manufacture is a 2018 because the year starts in Sept, but I took delivery in Oct 2017. This causes quote engine to throw a wobbly!
If I put 2017 as year of manufacture this makes the caravan one year older than it actually is so not sure how to proceed?
Mar 14, 2005
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I think you are getting mixed up. You may have purchased a model designed for 2018 model year, but you must not falsify the date it was actually manufactured. In your own words you took delivery in oct 2017 there is no way it could have been manufactured in 2018.
Jul 18, 2017
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No one seems to mention Saga that I'm with. In terms of their T&Cs they seem on par with others and are much cheaper by far.

Maybe there's a reason for that :)
Caravanguard have come up with a New for Old quote that is over £250 less than CAMC and that includes premium insurance which you do not pay with the CAMC caravan cover.
Jul 18, 2017
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I think you are getting mixed up. You may have purchased a model designed for 2018 model year, but you must not falsify the date it was actually manufactured. In your own words you took delivery in oct 2017 there is no way it could have been manufactured in 2018.
I would never contemplate falsifying any of the data. The manufacturing year is for the 2018 model although it was built in 2017. Different design to the 2017 model year.
Not an issue any more as found other sites where it is acceptable as they do understand the caravan year. (y) :)
Nov 11, 2009
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My last caravan was completed in November 2011, and was a MY 2012. But because of the drop off in business following the 2008 financial crash it wasn’t registered to its first owner until April 2013. I insured it as a 2011, with the caveat it was MY 2012.
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Jun 20, 2005
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How does Cris deal with these odd issues? Mine is a 2009 model but delivered November 2008 . The Cris registration shows November 2008.
BM question C Guard about storage. They were happy to cover me at the Farm storage but not at my home drive. It was either or not both. Weird and no use to me.
Mar 14, 2005
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Odd? I don't think so. The clue is in the question.

Build date - should be answered with the date it was built
Purchase date - should be answered with the date you take possession,
Model year - should be answered with year the manufacturer has designed it for.

But I agree that these staggered artificial years can be misleading. But then why does the Tax year start on April 5th?
Jul 18, 2017
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The 10th digit of the CRIS number is "J" which is for 2018. There is a big difference between the build year and the model year. Caravan Club recognise the caravan as being a 2018 and under 5 years old and offer standard Cover however the caravan will be over 5 years old when cover commences.

The cost of the New for Old cover for a caravan over 5 years old is eye watering in comparison to three other quotes from other companies offering proper insurance. Still getting quotes in slowly but surely.

Strangely the biggest hold up is the value and the storage location which is a CASSOA Gold site with numerous security measures including owner living on the premises and it has been in operation for 20-30 years. It has "farm" in its name.


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