The PM is expected to announce further restrictions in London and the SE counties to kerb the rise of c19 cases in a few minutes. It's likely to be called "tier 4"
There is founded speculation the increases in the SE are at least partly due to the new strain of C19 which has been discovered, The evidence suggests it is even more readily transmissible hence the continued rise in infection. Presently there is no hint its produces more serious symptoms, just that it is managing to infect more people.
The consequence is serious becasue NHS bed utilisation is hovering just above 90%, and it would only take a small increase to max out the NHS's covid beds.
And that potentially affects everyone - Consider, if the beds are full and you or a relative comes down with the virus and need hospital support, it's not going to be available.
It isn't the Government's responsibility to make the population observe covid precautions, it's the responsibility of every individual.