Devils advocate here, may be not my opinion but a different point of view.
Post is not to enrage or to inflame but to point out with all these other posts there's a difference of opinion or view to yours or the governments. In fact, even Nigel Farage has stepped in to curb the governments ignorance and controls and i hope he does change the situation for the better. Anything is better than what's happening right now as it does not work.
If we are complaining that the first shut down was not enough and stronger measures needed to solve the situation, say like Spain's strict set up or Frances system, but then again if their super strict why are the not covid free, does locking down really make a difference ??
Nightingale hospitals, sound wonderfull dont they? Shame there is no spare doctors or nurses to actually work them. I have worked at one recently as a builder doing works there. In the 100 odd people we met and dealt with, none were doctors or trained nurses. Most were employed via an agency to get the role and none had any formal medical training other than what was taught them at the nightingale. Want to trust your life to an agency no nothing?
I know of another nightingale hospital that cant be opened as they have no staff available to run it.
In these times, it would seem to me the government needs every tax penny they can collect. So why not allow ( with strict controls) shops and businesses to open and to trade. You are going to get more taxes from small shops than the whole of amazon. Who is about to utterly rape the uk economy and tax system right now.
The thing is those monster amazon sheds with thousands of people in there should be shut down as they are selling, non critical stuff, junk and not needed tat. Lets see a shut down where you cant online shop for tat and get it delivered from Amazon. Lets see what happens then when Boris gets squeezed by the real people in charge of the economy.
A small hairdressers with strict controls for hygiene and appointments is far less a risk with 10 or 20 contacts per day with masks and gels. Yet the staff at a supermarket that can contact 300 people in an hour dont wear masks and NEVER HAVE DONE. So the people with the lowest risk are punished, the firms helping to spread the virus with their shops and staff are allowed to open and even more so because of the panic shopping.
Why is there not the social norm or people pointing at and complaining at and singling out and correcting the idiots wearing their masks wrongly or not at all. It should be normal to be barred access to shops with out a mask. People should be shamed for not wearing it correctly. People should walk round shops with sticks prodding people, " put ya mask on correctly"
Shut down till December the Boris says, just in time for 6 billion people to all crowd the shops to go Christmas shopping and surge the spread again for the new year, very clever that idea.
For the shut down to work people have to believe the government and the top people and the actions and words they say or publish. Well sorry theres no faith what so ever that the government is doing the right thing , far from it in fact. So if the first close down did not work, the restrictions did not work and the treatment and actions of the NHS did not work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, why are we doing it all again? Blind ignorance is not a treatment plan its a suicide note.
love to all and remember its a view that is not here to cause a shouting match, just to cause discussion and a balanced disscussion