Static Caravans and Touring/Motor Homes

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Oct 17, 2006
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Hi VIP2006 just reading your previous thread, I think you seem to have a problem with site owners, not sure whether you have in the post owned a static and had some problems, if you would like to reply, I cannot help you on others sites and owners, but I can answer or find out for you on this site you could alway look on our website, but I am not prepared to comment on other owners of sites.

My topic was to get views of people sharing site with although separate. Static Caravans and Tourer/motorhomes. Regards Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi liz - I don,t have any problems with static caravan owners or static caravan site owners for that matter, as I don't own a static caravan, however I have friends who have had very bitter experiences in the ownership of a static caravan and it would do your site well if you would answer my questions so that people who fancy going in for that mode of holiday can have all of the facts at their disposal before buying.

I appreciate that you were asking a fairly simple question in the beginning but you must in asking the question be prepared for varied answers.

Now if you are conducting a poll for your site owner then you are undertaking it in a very amateur way. IMHO
Mar 14, 2005
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I know exactly where you are coming from, VIP. We once owned a static, just outside Skegness. A lovely site, with great amenities and all was well until we came to sell. We were offered a ludicrous amount of money (approx one half it's value) by the site owners, or if we sold it privately the site owners took 40% for sitting there and doing nothing. We had very recently paid the site fees for that year, so lost a small fortune. At least now we know better, unless you are going to settle down and make use of the static 24/7 it's just not worth it. You also don't get to see much of our beautiful countryside either.

What can I say, never again!
Dec 16, 2003
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I feel that this started out as a bit misleading. It seems that Liz's statics are mainly residential and high end purchase price.

Privately owned vans we know are often used by all and sundrie, how can a site owner know that Mr Funph and family are not the owners 1/2 brother or cousin.

We've used a site where Statics and Cabins had their own area and entrance and that was fine, others where you have to pass from the statics from touring pitches have had the static residents showing resentment towards the "outsiders".
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi VIP2006 I feel used by your comments, and hurt, because looking at your previous thread. I posted a topic regarding poeples views in short about static caravans and touring/motors homes. I am no way advertising our statics, this is my own personal user name and laptop nothing whats so ever do with the site ,people have asked me questions which I have answered, but I am no way prepared and you should not ask me to comment on running down site owners because of a bitter experience of your friends, because after all that's what you are getting at. I am sorry things went wrong for them..

You have asked me questions I have answered, at the end of the day this forum is really for tourers/motorhomes and that was my topic for tourers/motorhomes how do they feel about having statics on the same site or would they prefer just a touring/motorhome site. All I have to say people that have bought their caravans here seem to be very happy , after all I'm here what more do they want. Please do not put me on a spot with disputes your friends have with previous owners.

Regards Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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I have followed this thread with interest and do not understand the original question in so much as you state you are a warden and not the owner what does it matter however you constantly refer to 'our'site.Also you state they are on a ten year lease ,do you reallly mean a lease in the legal context or do you really mean a ten year BHHPA agreement which is a totally different thing.Equally you state that they are now on twelve month licence how did this change from the more usual 10 month licence,if this is in fact the case is it now the intention to convert to full residential park home status a process that is often employed by some individuals associated I regret with the caravan industry.Like others I still do not see the point of the original question as it appears to have an hidden agenda.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Colin, I will answer your questions about our static homes, but I do not want people to think I am advertising them because I am not, I did raise this as a topic because as I said this is our first season for privately owned statics.

The 23 statics we took off nobody owned them they all belonged to the owner of the Park here, so they were always rented out, we opened them up April to the end of October , they had no central heating nor were they double glazed, so hence not suitable for winter use..

We also opened another field about a year ago with these types of statics 19 in total and they all have been sold.

Because we had a lot of enquiries from people for more static's, owner decided to replace these 23 static's, don't get me wrong they were in very good condition but not suitable for all year round use.

So Brand New Static's Fully Gas Central Heating which they are all plumbed into our Big Tanks which every van has a meter, electric, water each unit has its own meter.

We have different styles of vans, some fitted seats, some with removal settees. Prices range from
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz I hope my asking you for prices. etc. has not opened a can of worms and put you in an awkward spot regarding your position as site manager. If I have caused you trouble or embarressment I sincerely apologise as it was not my intention to create problems for you or any member of this forum.

I hope you understand that previous postings to you eg. where I told you to write out 100 lines, etc. were meant in a purely friendly sort of banter and that there was, and never will be, any malice in my postings on this site to you or any individual. Lord B. and I appear to have a similar sense of humour and can rib each other without causing offence.

Regards Colin
Oct 19, 2005
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I too have been following this topic with some interest.

I am now very undecided as to whether to let it run or close it down.

On the one hand, Liz asks for comments about statics and tourers sharing the same site, with an interpretation,shared by others as well as myself, that she is the owner of the site.

On the other hand it transpires that she is not the owner and that what happens regarding the managerial running of the site is not in her control.

As comments were asked for, and as the scenario panned out, it was quite right and proper for VIP2006 to ask about leases and resale of static vans, but Liz suddenly feels used and hurt, and I wonder why, after all, it is not her business,as such, it belongs to other people.

I will keep this topic under review for the time being.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi LoL - yes you are near the mark as to where I am coming from and if any touring caravan people out there are considering changing to a static the BUYER BEWARE, and I implore them to

1 - Read the very fine print on their lease document (if they give you one)

2 - Ask the WHAT IF questions if you want to terminate your lease etc.

and Liz remember you are the one who may have opened a can of worms !!! Regards
Dec 16, 2003
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Liz made it known some time ago Mr Mod that she and I gather her husband were employed as site wardens on a privately owned Cornish site.

I believe various posts here support that as fact.

May be I missed something but apart from her saying they are in Cornwall I have no idea where her site is.

She seems to have avoided blatant advertising, and I feel she should be given the benfit of the doubt as she is caught between loyalty to her employers and not using this site for financial gain.
Mar 14, 2005
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VIP if you were to read my recent posting you will see that I appear to be the culprit for opening the can of worms and have owned up to it and offered my apologies to Liz if I have put her in an awkward spot. Liz answered my posting regarding costings with all innocence and now she appears to be the guilty party.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hello The Plotter 'What Hidden Agenda'???? Read my topic what are your views? In short do you mind sharing site with static's or do you prefer to have touring site only.

If I mentioned our I am sorry I have looked back on my replies and have not meant our as ownership. I am Site Warden here, I am not owner.

I class myself as part of this site as I work and respect my boss and guests, and owners of static's, so if I did say our I meant it as I am part of this site I help with the running off it.

This Site has a Licence for 12months usage as a Holiday Park,

For Static's and Touring.Motorhomes.

Once again this is not an advert for selling static's.

We no longer have rental static's here.

(Sorry perhaps I should not say we) The Owner. (Which is not me)

Regards Liz
Oct 19, 2005
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To make my position a little clearer, I am not bothered by the knowledge of where the site is, as most people know who have read various postings, it is near Truro, thats fine, we all like to know where good sites are.

The problem comes with the loose framing of the original question and the way the topic has naturally progressed, and ended up with pertinent questions about static van purchase, sale and terms and conditions.

If the original poster was , or is , not prepared or able to answer the questions for whatever reason, loyalty, etc etc, then that should have been stated much earlier than now, after some questions were asked and answered.

Static van sites have suffered very bad publicity over the past few years, many of the owners of such vans having been the losers , in a very big way, to the whims and fancies of the site owners, and the restrictive practices they have employed.

With such a background, it is righ tfor people to ask sensitive questions, as there is a lot of money at stake.

If this is causing the original poster a problem in answering, then maybe it is time to call it a day and close this topic.

Perhaps the originator would like to state their wishes on this matter.
Mar 14, 2005
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Moderator 2 - I am the guilty person who started going down the route of costings, etc. I asked the question in all innocence and stated that if it was awkward for Liz to reply I would understand. I have also made a posting that I offer my apologies to Liz if I have caused her any embaressment. I would also like to extend this apology to the forum for progressing down this route and causing any embaressment to any meber of the forum.
Dec 16, 2003
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This site is surely tourers is it not?

The original question was asked about tourers sharing with statics.

So why a witch hunt over statics and prictices elsewhere?

Cummon Mod B fair.
Oct 17, 2006
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Thank you Moderator 2, I feel that some people are getting away from my original topic; I am not prepared to be put on the spot. (Which I do not think is fair being I am not the owner only site warden). I have answered peoples questioned as if anybody called onto this site regarding buying a static caravan. But that was not my topic. I was only interested on views on sharing a site which has static's and touring pitches.

If this line continues on just static's and purchasing off static's then I think it would be best to close the topic.

Regards Liz
Oct 17, 2006
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Moderator 2 - I am the guilty person who started going down the route of costings, etc. I asked the question in all innocence and stated that if it was awkward for Liz to reply I would understand. I have also made a posting that I offer my apologies to Liz if I have caused her any embaressment. I would also like to extend this apology to the forum for progressing down this route and causing any embaressment to any meber of the forum.
Hi Colin Thank you no worries you see my last posting. Regards Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz, the thing about this forum is that when you (as in anyone) post a statement/question/observation, the thread could meander along and perhaps change into something quite different. At the end of the day most people post in order to get a conversation going, it's a natural train of thought. Anything may diverge from the original, so don't get upset if a topic changes along it way. If however all you want is a strict poll may I suggest you get your answers from an alternative supply, we are not a great indicator of the caravaning public. Using the forum as an indication of the nations thoughts, would be erroneous. besides, the topic of "commercial gains" has already raised it's ugly head, we don't want that creeping into the forum, do we?
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Lol Thankyou I do realize that, but the situtation went way off line as you can appreciate, and for all people concerned one bad does not make all bad, I just did not want to go down that road, nevermind big brother was watching!!!
Oct 19, 2005
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Thank you all for your individual input, it has made decisions much easier.

As far as I am aware, at the present time there is no witch hunt over statics, but, the original topic had moved away to more of the static side and problems associated with some sites.

The last thing I wish to see is Liz being hounded for answers to questions which she has inadvertantly been drawn into, by virtue of the subject matter being sidetracked, as happens in general conversation.

To air views about sharing sites with other user types is fine.

To start delving into highly personal matters about a single user group is not a good idea, and for that reason the questioning of Liz over the legal and site details realting to the static fleet they now have will not be allowed, and any further such questioning will be removed.

It is not fair to put a forum user under such a spotlight when they cannot give answers for various reasons.


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