Strange / Unusual Caravan Practices

Dec 16, 2003
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Over many years of caravaning we have witnessed what to us is some strange and unusual things and beghaviour.

Charcoal BBQ inside a caravan when it rained, smoke from every window and door!

Last year a young couple with two young boys and a baby and an old van, the guy had done a lovely job of refitting out, being quite short they had put a toilet compartment sized shelf over the toilet as the babys sleeping area and shut baby away at night.

A few good few year back we saw a van towed behind a big old Ford mini bus with high power 3 litre injection engine, a load of kids and mum and dad bundled out, kids set up tents by the van as the Dad opened the reworked rear of the van and got out the Lotus 7 kit car and then lowered bed cooker seating and fridge etc into place before setting up the Awning. The kids caused mayhem at the campsite activities and the parents raced off in the sports car every day.

On one continental site my daughter was worried about a lady upposite us as she could here "funny noises" in the hot mediterranean sun the German lady was alone in her open windowed van "enjoying herself" with a battery powered "gadget" in full view of anyone passing and the shocked retired couple alongside us.

Friends of ours stopped at a French site where a lady "entertained" men in her van as families went to the beach.

We met a guy that spent all holiday in his van putting ships in bottles whilst his wife sunbathed.

Another family we only saw the chap in the evening and at lunch as he rose at 4am and cycled around a 100 miles every day and took photo's on route, arriving back to his early lunch he then slept as the wife and kids went off for the day always without him.

We told friends this story and they camped upposite the same family about 4 years later. Same routine the chap had nearly finished French regions and was moving onto Italy having done Spain many years ago.

So come on, what have you experienced?

A fellow camper took pity on a young couple with an old van and car and twin toddlers. They had made it late to the sunny French site but had a number of problems on route with tyre blow out and wear on a new replacement. My neigbour noted that the van was not level when it arrived. They ony had the two wheels and they were different sizes! He donated a correct sized second spare he had from a previous a van and carried incase of disaster.

There must be some good stories amongst us so let the fun begin!
Jul 12, 2005
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I once saw a guy take the last turning off the M6, but the police made him put it back.

I must go to some boring sites as the worst I have seen is kids using my new ACE as a goal post!
Dec 16, 2003
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Fellow vanners we met told a story of a visit to a Cornish site the chap upposite took his outside awning seat and started to read the paper, his wife arrived back worried that sitting out, the bacon he was cooking would be burnt, and she was well shocked that the guy had broken a 35 year habit of never having cooked.

The guy was at a loss when another woman put her head out of the new van and his wife was well shocked.

Parked nearby was their new cooks identical new van and awning alongside the same colour Disco, purchased new from the same midlands dealer the two couples houses virtually backed on to one another but they had never met. The two women worked in the same large hospital and the husbands had done their apprentiships together some thirty odd years earlier.

The awnings had the same superstore bargain chairs and tables bought from the same store and the fridges had virtually identical food purchased from the local Cornish supermarket.

Spooky or what ?


Mar 14, 2005
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Well, I can't match anything cris has said, only last summer, pitched next to two old hippies who played Slade at max volume all the time. (Speaking as a heavy metal fan, even that was too much for me).

Oh, and when at Appleby one year, an old London taxi (painted in psychedelic colours) pulled up in front of my car as I was eating my sandwiches and a 'young lady' got out and went to the toilet on the grass about two feet away from my car, (and she wasn't wearing any underwear, I remember that bit).

Mar 14, 2005
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Had to help the brother-in-law look for his false teeth in a pool at the bottom of a water slide. Centre Parks, will they ever learn the carnage they can create?

Fortunately, he found them first 8o)
Jan 21, 2014
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When my kids were small, a good few years ago, we were on the CC site at Bunree. I will never forget this - my son who was about six at the time, came into our 'van and said "Mummy there's a man over there dressed up as a lady - Oh is there!" was my reply and never gave it another thought.

Next day, son says "Look there's that man again" I actually took notice this time. He was quite correct - the most awful case of cross dressing I had ever seen, complete with wife on his arm!!

Do'nt get me wrong, I've got nothing against this sort of thing - whatever floats your boat - but my son still refers to it even now - he's 25!!
Mar 14, 2005
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At Berwick on Tweed a few years ago, a motorhome pitched along side, the "owner" had obviously loaned it to the two couples and he was demonstrating how various things worked.Immediately they looked out of place.The older couple were in their 50's the younger early 20's.This was a caravan club site and they looked like they'd come for a good old knees-up couple of days.

Sea view definately isn't what they were after!In the mornings they took a large black bin bag to the refuse area full of cans and bottles (not like me at all) and they looked a bit dishevelled in the mornings (not like me at all) but generally behaved themselves sometimes "immitating" the other caravanners.We did notice that there was always giggling coming from behind the motorhome at various times day and night but not until I went to retrieve a stray ball did I realise they were sat there concealed smoking....So thats what they were so happy about.
May 4, 2005
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11 Jan 2006 10:34 PM When my kids were small, a good few years ago, we were on the CC site at Bunree. I will never forget this - my son who was about six at the time, came into our 'van and said "Mummy there's a man over there dressed up as a lady - Oh is there!" was my reply and never gave it another thought.

Next day, son says "Look there's that man again" I actually took notice this time. He was quite correct - the most awful case of cross dressing I had ever seen, complete with wife on his arm!!

Do'nt get me wrong, I've got nothing against this sort of thing - whatever floats your boat - but my son still refers to it even now - he's 25!!

Lord Braykewynde

23 Nov 2005 12:07 PM Bunree, North Ledaig and Brora are all nice, you cant go wrong with any off them. If you have a dog Bunree hasn't got much of a dog walk but the other two have on the beaches. Brora is quieter, see my earlier post. The hump bridge is nothing to worry about if you are forwarned.

Jan 19, 2008
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11 Jan 2006 10:34 PM When my kids were small, a good few years ago, we were on the CC site at Bunree. I will never forget this - my son who was about six at the time, came into our 'van and said "Mummy there's a man over there dressed up as a lady - Oh is there!" was my reply and never gave it another thought.

Next day, son says "Look there's that man again" I actually took notice this time. He was quite correct - the most awful case of cross dressing I had ever seen, complete with wife on his arm!!

Do'nt get me wrong, I've got nothing against this sort of thing - whatever floats your boat - but my son still refers to it even now - he's 25!!

Lord Braykewynde

23 Nov 2005 12:07 PM Bunree, North Ledaig and Brora are all nice, you cant go wrong with any off them. If you have a dog Bunree hasn't got much of a dog walk but the other two have on the beaches. Brora is quieter, see my earlier post. The hump bridge is nothing to worry about if you are forwarned.

Well I have proof that it wasn't me. Wendy said in her statement that he had his wife on his arm. Well I can assure you that my wife wouldn't be seen dead out with me dressed like that. I have a penchant for bright coloured thongs which class with her dress sense for a start and she dislikes my colour of lipgloss. I wouldnt go on the beaches anywhere either, let alone Bunree or Brora in my stilettoes.
Jan 21, 2014
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11 Jan 2006 10:34 PM When my kids were small, a good few years ago, we were on the CC site at Bunree. I will never forget this - my son who was about six at the time, came into our 'van and said "Mummy there's a man over there dressed up as a lady - Oh is there!" was my reply and never gave it another thought.

Next day, son says "Look there's that man again" I actually took notice this time. He was quite correct - the most awful case of cross dressing I had ever seen, complete with wife on his arm!!

Do'nt get me wrong, I've got nothing against this sort of thing - whatever floats your boat - but my son still refers to it even now - he's 25!!

Lord Braykewynde

23 Nov 2005 12:07 PM Bunree, North Ledaig and Brora are all nice, you cant go wrong with any off them. If you have a dog Bunree hasn't got much of a dog walk but the other two have on the beaches. Brora is quieter, see my earlier post. The hump bridge is nothing to worry about if you are forwarned.

This guy was about 6'4" - he was wearing a baby pink V neck fluffy jumper complete with pearl necklace, a pair of womens jeans - the ones we used to wear in the eighties that came above the ankles, and, stilleto's and handbag. The hair was shoulder length and had obviously been dyed blonde, and yes blue eye shadow and pink lipgloss. What a sight!!LMAO
Dec 16, 2003
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I have to jump to Mr Braykewynde's defence here.

"penchant for bright coloured thomgs that CLASS with her dress sense"

Braykewynde obviously married beneath himself with that bit of "Gentry Speak" I assume that MRS Braykewynde and he have been married a good few years but still "class" issues come in to the way they both choose to dress!

Well what ever rocks your boat in marriage, and with that sort of problem I guess if he was truthful his wife has to walk several paces behind him so it could not be him.

Obviously being a vanner old BW must have fallen on hard times or been disinherited by his family and probably excluded by fellow gentry for his "below stairs" marriage, without a man servant to clean the sand from between his toes he would of course never venture near a beach.

We should of course applaud him for marrying for true love, but also pity the baggage of title and breeding that he still chooses to cling to.

We have to appreciate the pain of his lack of parental love and guidance and being forced to call out for love from his Nannies before being exposed to the tragedy of the public schools system leading to fetish dressing and use of makeup after playing all the girly parts in all male school productions.

Go easy on the old fella he obviously has "life issues"!

Do we have a trick cyclist amongst the list of vanners proffessions so that he can get some help?
Jul 12, 2005
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I have to jump to Mr Braykewynde's defence here.

"penchant for bright coloured thomgs that CLASS with her dress sense"

Braykewynde obviously married beneath himself with that bit of "Gentry Speak" I assume that MRS Braykewynde and he have been married a good few years but still "class" issues come in to the way they both choose to dress!

Well what ever rocks your boat in marriage, and with that sort of problem I guess if he was truthful his wife has to walk several paces behind him so it could not be him.

Obviously being a vanner old BW must have fallen on hard times or been disinherited by his family and probably excluded by fellow gentry for his "below stairs" marriage, without a man servant to clean the sand from between his toes he would of course never venture near a beach.

We should of course applaud him for marrying for true love, but also pity the baggage of title and breeding that he still chooses to cling to.

We have to appreciate the pain of his lack of parental love and guidance and being forced to call out for love from his Nannies before being exposed to the tragedy of the public schools system leading to fetish dressing and use of makeup after playing all the girly parts in all male school productions.

Go easy on the old fella he obviously has "life issues"!

Do we have a trick cyclist amongst the list of vanners proffessions so that he can get some help?
whoops ;-)
Jan 19, 2008
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11 Jan 2006 10:34 PM When my kids were small, a good few years ago, we were on the CC site at Bunree. I will never forget this - my son who was about six at the time, came into our 'van and said "Mummy there's a man over there dressed up as a lady - Oh is there!" was my reply and never gave it another thought.

Next day, son says "Look there's that man again" I actually took notice this time. He was quite correct - the most awful case of cross dressing I had ever seen, complete with wife on his arm!!

Do'nt get me wrong, I've got nothing against this sort of thing - whatever floats your boat - but my son still refers to it even now - he's 25!!

Lord Braykewynde

23 Nov 2005 12:07 PM Bunree, North Ledaig and Brora are all nice, you cant go wrong with any off them. If you have a dog Bunree hasn't got much of a dog walk but the other two have on the beaches. Brora is quieter, see my earlier post. The hump bridge is nothing to worry about if you are forwarned.

Hmmmmmmmm (thinking) what date did you say it was Wendy?
Jan 19, 2008
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cris, are you truly happy in your life? In your short time in this forum you have done nothing but whinge and moan. Just to satisfy my curiosity I did a search on your postings and found out it's not me who has "lifes issues" but yourself. For the record your rantings are on people parking - police - Government (coljac it's not just Clive m8) - royalty - the establishment, - and now your hatred of society and things in general has now clouded your senses between fact and a fictional name like Lord Braykewynde. My last post where I joked about wearing a thong even brought out your homophobic tendencies. I did think the above post might be trying to be funny but after seeing your previous posts I dont think so, if I'm wrong I apologise here and now. If I'm right and you dont like the way this country is run why be overly critical about everything, just try posting something nice for a change. I'm sure theres plenty of room back in Mauritius where you came from if you feel this bad about Britain. Maybe it's the time of year that's p****ing people of, maybe its S.A.D. and all will be well when the days get brighter and people get out in their vans. At least cris has that as an excuse because he's only been posting in these last 2 months, his postings could be a lot more happier in the summer ;O) p.s. cris, it's not Mrs. Braykewynde, it's Her Ladyship to you. Know your station in life.
Dec 16, 2003
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This is the down time of the year for me Mister Braykewynde as my work comes via net and email the PC is on all day where ever I am as my office is mobile.

I have a very very happy life thank you, nice big house, land, animals and plenty of other things I personally enjoy with my darling wife.

Mrs Braykewynde to me! I would address Liz and Stavros as Mr and Mrs Windsor and young Charles and Camilla as Mr and Mrs Windsor or Wales.

I was being nice to you! Nothing homophobic about me, but I note you are quick to show signs of racism. I treat all men and women equal to the best of my ability, Stavros is well known for the odd gaff on royal tours and his "sense of humour" so you and I can be equally as humorous surely.

You question my questioning of parking, police and government etc and label it as ranting.

We have a government who has pardonned and given amnesty to thieves, thugs, murderers and terrorists who have challenged laws in Ireland. Yet as a paying citizens, in your book I and others are not allowed to question the wisdom of laws re driving and road use that effects everones lives in this relatively small land.

If there was a litle less "them and us" in our society surely it would be a far better country.

Be your psuedonym 100% humerous or partly based on a dietry condition I find it sad that you feel the need to set yourself up as somewhere higher up in the range of social echelons.

My fellow vanners are free to tow with 6 litre Hummers or Eco friendly smart cars in my book, what ever you want.

Vanners get enough flack but surely caravanning is a great social leveller with out setting yourself a title be it humerous or other wise.

Questions raised about 4x4 tax and caravan legislation etc are surely indication of government meddling. And these concerns come about as we see our freedoms and disposable incomes eroded by beauracracy and stealth tax's for little if any improvement in our services and standards of life.

Citizens are said to make a country and I for one never named it GREAT Britain or the UNITED kingdom. Politicians of all parties trade on links to us good old working men and women yet how much respect do they give us and how often do they listen to the voice and call of the people of this land?

Our liberties and laws our handed more and more to the EU yet they divide the so called UNITED Kingdom with regional government and continue to divide society with title and the social ladder with puppet royalty at the pinnacle.

I never realised that fettish, cross dressing, exotic underwear or a penchant for makeup meant you were homosexual, so I mever considered my comment homophobic.

Do I detect that you may in fact be "coming out" on this site. If so I admire your openess and I am truly humbled by Mrs Braykwynde's understanding and I am in awe of her and your relationship. Openess, acceptance and understanding of others is partly what made this land, and that truly is a level of acceptance that many of us could only strive to achieve :)

:) :) :)

Go on smile LB, even you will catch on surely ;-)

And where are the strange tales of your caravanning times? You must have a few!
Jan 19, 2008
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"Be your psuedonym 100% humerous or partly based on a dietry condition I find it sad that you feel the need to set yourself up as somewhere higher up in the range of social echelons".

--I'm smiling now cris - lmaaaaooooo - in fact I can't believe someone would take a nic on a forum so seriously and believe its sad that someone should have a nic like mine. If I call myself Watt Tyler will that make your paranoia on class any better? He was the leader of the Peasant's Revolt for your information, or maybe you would like that nic ;O) cris if you want to learn something about the net and how to deal with people please feel free to go to the MSN Game Zone, I will meet you there and maybe it will broaden your horizons. The only problem is peoples nics, dont take them to heart. King Kong isn't really King Kong and neither does he think himself above chimps. Sweet_As-Hunny doesnt really taste of honey either. Neither is StarFlyer a wannabe astronaut, they are people of all walks of like from doctors, professors to the lowest of the low like myself, retired. They are from all around the world who enjoy playing cards, laughing and chatting.Their ages range from their 20s to their 60s. Most are educated people but just like here there are a couple of turdbrains who like to spoil it for all others but thats life. Fortunately though in the Zone you can click "ignore" and you cant see them, unlike here. Could you please reply to this without your sarcasm why you think I'm setting myself up above others and how the nic offends you. Perhaps the nic offends others who have the same opinion as you whatever that is and maybe they can say why. Awaiting replies with anticipation.
Jan 19, 2008
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"Be your psuedonym 100% humerous or partly based on a dietry condition I find it sad that you feel the need to set yourself up as somewhere higher up in the range of social echelons".

--I'm smiling now cris - lmaaaaooooo - in fact I can't believe someone would take a nic on a forum so seriously and believe its sad that someone should have a nic like mine. If I call myself Watt Tyler will that make your paranoia on class any better? He was the leader of the Peasant's Revolt for your information, or maybe you would like that nic ;O) cris if you want to learn something about the net and how to deal with people please feel free to go to the MSN Game Zone, I will meet you there and maybe it will broaden your horizons. The only problem is peoples nics, dont take them to heart. King Kong isn't really King Kong and neither does he think himself above chimps. Sweet_As-Hunny doesnt really taste of honey either. Neither is StarFlyer a wannabe astronaut, they are people of all walks of like from doctors, professors to the lowest of the low like myself, retired. They are from all around the world who enjoy playing cards, laughing and chatting.Their ages range from their 20s to their 60s. Most are educated people but just like here there are a couple of turdbrains who like to spoil it for all others but thats life. Fortunately though in the Zone you can click "ignore" and you cant see them, unlike here. Could you please reply to this without your sarcasm why you think I'm setting myself up above others and how the nic offends you. Perhaps the nic offends others who have the same opinion as you whatever that is and maybe they can say why. Awaiting replies with anticipation.
p.s. Come back Kanga. :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B and Chris - I ask of you both please do not take life so seriously. I, like Lord B, am now retired and I like to think for the rest of my active life I will be able to wake up with a smile from one day to the next. I have enjoyed many a humourous banter on this forum with you Lord B. and also with others such as Clive V, Tina, etc. I don't think that in the past I have offended anybody with my sense of humour. Lets bury the hatchet and all make a new year's resolution not to enter into any personal slanging match - if there are going to be comments made about each other, make them in a friendly way and not cast any doubt regarding their friend. Should this unfriendlyness continue I will resign in as Dic Penderyn or Cap Goch (now all you educated caravaners revise your Welsh history to discover the ways of these two). You have been warned.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lord B and Chris - I ask of you both please do not take life so seriously. I, like Lord B, am now retired and I like to think for the rest of my active life I will be able to wake up with a smile from one day to the next. I have enjoyed many a humourous banter on this forum with you Lord B. and also with others such as Clive V, Tina, etc. I don't think that in the past I have offended anybody with my sense of humour. Lets bury the hatchet and all make a new year's resolution not to enter into any personal slanging match - if there are going to be comments made about each other, make them in a friendly way and not cast any doubt regarding their friend. Should this unfriendlyness continue I will resign in as Dic Penderyn or Cap Goch (now all you educated caravaners revise your Welsh history to discover the ways of these two). You have been warned.
Colin you are right and you have known me since I first posted. I also remember the 2 who responded to my first post, Clive and Klarky. I do have my opinions on matters and I do post them but generalising, not attacking or being abusive to anyone directly unless its retalliatory. Now regarding cris's postings, lately he has had a few sarcastic comments to make about me without me even posting, if you dont believe me just search his postings, mainly under General or Chit Chat. If the postings were intended as a joke as lots have already done ok, no problem, I can take it and laugh with it else why would I use this nic. Now I dont mind that because as you know I do like a bit of a debate and I'm old enough to hold my own but his postings are right over the top. For Christs sake just because of my nic, lmaooooooo. If someone told me that verbally I would dispute his integrity or sanity but its there for all to read. I'm putting myself above my station by choosing that nic OMG what next. Since I last posted Ive been into the games room and heres a few who were there - Enjoyed_Doc, not a cannibal but a G.P. from Lisbon, Starflyer, not a wannabe astronaut but an I.T. Consultant - Sam4Short, not a male midget but a Maths Professor from a University in the states - SafeKraker - not a burglar but a cowboy from Texas - Mr_Eagle, not someone who is delusional and thinks he can fly but another Texan retired - ItAintNothin, a person with a nic referring to a part of his anatomy, he lives in the Appalachians but doesnt work. All lovely people but my point is you cannot judge a person just by their online nic lmaooooo.
Jan 19, 2008
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Colin you are right and you have known me since I first posted. I also remember the 2 who responded to my first post, Clive and Klarky. I do have my opinions on matters and I do post them but generalising, not attacking or being abusive to anyone directly unless its retalliatory. Now regarding cris's postings, lately he has had a few sarcastic comments to make about me without me even posting, if you dont believe me just search his postings, mainly under General or Chit Chat. If the postings were intended as a joke as lots have already done ok, no problem, I can take it and laugh with it else why would I use this nic. Now I dont mind that because as you know I do like a bit of a debate and I'm old enough to hold my own but his postings are right over the top. For Christs sake just because of my nic, lmaooooooo. If someone told me that verbally I would dispute his integrity or sanity but its there for all to read. I'm putting myself above my station by choosing that nic OMG what next. Since I last posted Ive been into the games room and heres a few who were there - Enjoyed_Doc, not a cannibal but a G.P. from Lisbon, Starflyer, not a wannabe astronaut but an I.T. Consultant - Sam4Short, not a male midget but a Maths Professor from a University in the states - SafeKraker - not a burglar but a cowboy from Texas - Mr_Eagle, not someone who is delusional and thinks he can fly but another Texan retired - ItAintNothin, a person with a nic referring to a part of his anatomy, he lives in the Appalachians but doesnt work. All lovely people but my point is you cannot judge a person just by their online nic lmaooooo.
Cap Goch was a highway man and regarding Dic Penderyn dont you mean Richard Lewis. :OP
Mar 14, 2005
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This is the down time of the year for me Mister Braykewynde as my work comes via net and email the PC is on all day where ever I am as my office is mobile.

I have a very very happy life thank you, nice big house, land, animals and plenty of other things I personally enjoy with my darling wife.

Mrs Braykewynde to me! I would address Liz and Stavros as Mr and Mrs Windsor and young Charles and Camilla as Mr and Mrs Windsor or Wales.

I was being nice to you! Nothing homophobic about me, but I note you are quick to show signs of racism. I treat all men and women equal to the best of my ability, Stavros is well known for the odd gaff on royal tours and his "sense of humour" so you and I can be equally as humorous surely.

You question my questioning of parking, police and government etc and label it as ranting.

We have a government who has pardonned and given amnesty to thieves, thugs, murderers and terrorists who have challenged laws in Ireland. Yet as a paying citizens, in your book I and others are not allowed to question the wisdom of laws re driving and road use that effects everones lives in this relatively small land.

If there was a litle less "them and us" in our society surely it would be a far better country.

Be your psuedonym 100% humerous or partly based on a dietry condition I find it sad that you feel the need to set yourself up as somewhere higher up in the range of social echelons.

My fellow vanners are free to tow with 6 litre Hummers or Eco friendly smart cars in my book, what ever you want.

Vanners get enough flack but surely caravanning is a great social leveller with out setting yourself a title be it humerous or other wise.

Questions raised about 4x4 tax and caravan legislation etc are surely indication of government meddling. And these concerns come about as we see our freedoms and disposable incomes eroded by beauracracy and stealth tax's for little if any improvement in our services and standards of life.

Citizens are said to make a country and I for one never named it GREAT Britain or the UNITED kingdom. Politicians of all parties trade on links to us good old working men and women yet how much respect do they give us and how often do they listen to the voice and call of the people of this land?

Our liberties and laws our handed more and more to the EU yet they divide the so called UNITED Kingdom with regional government and continue to divide society with title and the social ladder with puppet royalty at the pinnacle.

I never realised that fettish, cross dressing, exotic underwear or a penchant for makeup meant you were homosexual, so I mever considered my comment homophobic.

Do I detect that you may in fact be "coming out" on this site. If so I admire your openess and I am truly humbled by Mrs Braykwynde's understanding and I am in awe of her and your relationship. Openess, acceptance and understanding of others is partly what made this land, and that truly is a level of acceptance that many of us could only strive to achieve :)

:) :) :)

Go on smile LB, even you will catch on surely ;-)

And where are the strange tales of your caravanning times? You must have a few!
Far too long a post that Cris, please adopt a practice of culling your work before publication. That way I might get past the first paragraph.
Dec 16, 2003
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Nice way to go I guess, said to have been killed by the Kings men after drinking beer!

As I've said, vanners get enough flack, this forum can show that we are a community of equals that have ideals , humour, etc and will not just roll over as easy as aour vans roll along when the powers that be decide the time comes to get us in their sights.

"BRAYKEWYNDE" suggests that you have a sense of humour and setting yourself with a title in stead of plain Mr Braykewynde has to attract a different humerous pop at your humour surely. I take no offense with your chosen nic name, yet you set yourself up with your thong and lip gloss comment and then wonder why someone mocks your title.

I do detest all form of title and what it strands for, but lighten up man, chill out I have not taken this or anything else to heart.

I could have taken offence that you may have assumed that I did not know the history of Watt Tyler.

I could also question the analogy between WT and LB I am humble lower case cris not L ord B when you suggest that maybe I would like to be W Tyler the humble peasant killed on orders of the KING. Strange using that analogy with you nic TITLE.

You join in the fun but then get all hurt when someone has fun with your tag.

I guess it could be some Freudian slip that you are not aware of ;-0

Stay cool M'Lud and hang loose.


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