Strange / Unusual Caravan Practices

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Jul 12, 2005
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Come on people, its a name. A funny one I admit, but still a name.

Since I joined the Internet a LONG time ago, I have always been known as Death! the reasons are not important now but no one takes offense at it and no one ever gets all "political" about it. I no longer use it in all forums, mainly because I am getting old.

Go back to everyday humor and read the threads. We know this user as LB and most posts are either to help or get people chuckling. What can be wrong with that?

Now, can we get back to the strange stories this thread has promised and I was looking forward to?
Jan 19, 2008
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Nice way to go I guess, said to have been killed by the Kings men after drinking beer!

As I've said, vanners get enough flack, this forum can show that we are a community of equals that have ideals , humour, etc and will not just roll over as easy as aour vans roll along when the powers that be decide the time comes to get us in their sights.

"BRAYKEWYNDE" suggests that you have a sense of humour and setting yourself with a title in stead of plain Mr Braykewynde has to attract a different humerous pop at your humour surely. I take no offense with your chosen nic name, yet you set yourself up with your thong and lip gloss comment and then wonder why someone mocks your title.

I do detest all form of title and what it strands for, but lighten up man, chill out I have not taken this or anything else to heart.

I could have taken offence that you may have assumed that I did not know the history of Watt Tyler.

I could also question the analogy between WT and LB I am humble lower case cris not L ord B when you suggest that maybe I would like to be W Tyler the humble peasant killed on orders of the KING. Strange using that analogy with you nic TITLE.

You join in the fun but then get all hurt when someone has fun with your tag.

I guess it could be some Freudian slip that you are not aware of ;-0

Stay cool M'Lud and hang loose.
OMGGGG PINCH ME SOMEONE - am I dreaming this sh*t or is it real. cris⇦ as you spell it, your choice of upper or lower case not mine, are you on medication? If so please don't take anymore, if not go and see your Doctor and get some prescribed.
Dec 16, 2003
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Well said, I was only having a lend of him as the aussies say.

The old fella must have a few good tales.

I heard a rumour that he really tows one of those

Lord Braykewyndeland Caravans :)
Jan 19, 2008
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Come on people, its a name. A funny one I admit, but still a name.

Since I joined the Internet a LONG time ago, I have always been known as Death! the reasons are not important now but no one takes offense at it and no one ever gets all "political" about it. I no longer use it in all forums, mainly because I am getting old.

Go back to everyday humor and read the threads. We know this user as LB and most posts are either to help or get people chuckling. What can be wrong with that?

Now, can we get back to the strange stories this thread has promised and I was looking forward to?
True Steve but the funniest one I was called, well in my opinion anyway, was Your Windyship heheheh! and I think that was by Kanga, no doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Are you out there Kanga?
Jul 12, 2005
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True Steve but the funniest one I was called, well in my opinion anyway, was Your Windyship heheheh! and I think that was by Kanga, no doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Are you out there Kanga?
he is, but not for long!
Jan 19, 2008
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Well said, I was only having a lend of him as the aussies say.

The old fella must have a few good tales.

I heard a rumour that he really tows one of those

Lord Braykewyndeland Caravans :)
Sorry, got no tales to tell because I've only had a caravan 2 years. I had a coach and horses before that.
Mar 14, 2005
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Colin you are right and you have known me since I first posted. I also remember the 2 who responded to my first post, Clive and Klarky. I do have my opinions on matters and I do post them but generalising, not attacking or being abusive to anyone directly unless its retalliatory. Now regarding cris's postings, lately he has had a few sarcastic comments to make about me without me even posting, if you dont believe me just search his postings, mainly under General or Chit Chat. If the postings were intended as a joke as lots have already done ok, no problem, I can take it and laugh with it else why would I use this nic. Now I dont mind that because as you know I do like a bit of a debate and I'm old enough to hold my own but his postings are right over the top. For Christs sake just because of my nic, lmaooooooo. If someone told me that verbally I would dispute his integrity or sanity but its there for all to read. I'm putting myself above my station by choosing that nic OMG what next. Since I last posted Ive been into the games room and heres a few who were there - Enjoyed_Doc, not a cannibal but a G.P. from Lisbon, Starflyer, not a wannabe astronaut but an I.T. Consultant - Sam4Short, not a male midget but a Maths Professor from a University in the states - SafeKraker - not a burglar but a cowboy from Texas - Mr_Eagle, not someone who is delusional and thinks he can fly but another Texan retired - ItAintNothin, a person with a nic referring to a part of his anatomy, he lives in the Appalachians but doesnt work. All lovely people but my point is you cannot judge a person just by their online nic lmaooooo.
Cap Goch was a landed gentleman (not a member of the upper house though) who lit beacons on the coast of Glamorgan to entice ships onto the rocks and then robbed & plundered the cargo and stored them in a village pub just outside Bridgend on the old London to west Wales road. He was duly caught, found guilty and hung on Stalling Down in Cowbridge. A very good book has been written regarding Cap Goch called "INN OF FEAR".

Dic Penderyn was alledgedly the leader of the Rebecca Riots and was found guilty at Merthyr Assizes of rioting and murder. He was duly hung, although still proclaiming his inosence, and buried in the grave yard of St. Mary's Church in Aberavon some 30 miles away from Merthyr.
Jul 12, 2005
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Sorry, got no tales to tell because I've only had a caravan 2 years. I had a coach and horses before that.
2 yrs, bloody hell! theres me thinking I could rely on the vast knowledge in your "vast" head (that sound so wrong)

Now if you got your van before july 2003, I bow to your superiour knowledge. If not, then!!!

I HAD A VAN LONGER THAN LB!! naa, naa na naa naa!!

OK, I will get my coat!
Jan 19, 2008
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Cap Goch was a landed gentleman (not a member of the upper house though) who lit beacons on the coast of Glamorgan to entice ships onto the rocks and then robbed & plundered the cargo and stored them in a village pub just outside Bridgend on the old London to west Wales road. He was duly caught, found guilty and hung on Stalling Down in Cowbridge. A very good book has been written regarding Cap Goch called "INN OF FEAR".

Dic Penderyn was alledgedly the leader of the Rebecca Riots and was found guilty at Merthyr Assizes of rioting and murder. He was duly hung, although still proclaiming his inosence, and buried in the grave yard of St. Mary's Church in Aberavon some 30 miles away from Merthyr.
I didnt know that welsh d*cks were different.
Dec 16, 2003
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Dearest Lord Braykewynde. I REALLY AM PULLING YOUR LEG!!!!!!!


Surely it is not hard to see, I am just playing you along.

I assume that you have your own legs!

I have dissability within my own family so please don't accuse me of any other predjudice.

I think Ricky Gervais and the office as funny as a lump of coal but surely you can see someone having fun with you.

I AM SORRY and please post a funny tale of your caravanning experiemces, you must have one. PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 19, 2008
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2 yrs, bloody hell! theres me thinking I could rely on the vast knowledge in your "vast" head (that sound so wrong)

Now if you got your van before july 2003, I bow to your superiour knowledge. If not, then!!!

I HAD A VAN LONGER THAN LB!! naa, naa na naa naa!!

OK, I will get my coat!
Why bother with a van Steve when I had a coach and horses. If I needed to go to St. Ives or Mevagissey I just called up my footmen with my Sedan Chair to negotiate the streets. Think how eco friendly that is. Except my emissions that is :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry, got no tales to tell because I've only had a caravan 2 years. I had a coach and horses before that.
Steve you cannot say you have had a van longer than Lord B. To my recollection Lord B. has never made any reference to the length of his van. However I think I know what you mean therefore can I join in this merryment because I have had a van for more time than Lord B. Therefore also naa naa na naa naa.
Jul 12, 2005
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Why bother with a van Steve when I had a coach and horses. If I needed to go to St. Ives or Mevagissey I just called up my footmen with my Sedan Chair to negotiate the streets. Think how eco friendly that is. Except my emissions that is :O)
I don't want to see the results of a trip like that. the methane alone would warm up the surface by 2 or 3 degrees!
Jan 19, 2008
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Sorry Steve but if I can just go off strange stories back to nics here are some of mine I have on the Zone. My normal nic is Shurlok_Homes, ok I know its spelled wrong but the other nic had gone so for the few who have pulled me up over the spelling I just say that when my mother registered me at birth she was drunk. I also have PopeHomeyDaTerd, Dribblin_Willy :O( ok I know its sick, SmokeMyKipper, for Christmas I have HoHo_HomeyClaus or RampantRudolph, for Americas Thanksgiving I have UpUrEffinTurkey or StuffinDaTurkey and last but not least EvilSmellin_Gas. Hope nobody takes offence :O( Sorry Your Moddyship :O) Right, now back to strange stories.
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry Steve but if I can just go off strange stories back to nics here are some of mine I have on the Zone. My normal nic is Shurlok_Homes, ok I know its spelled wrong but the other nic had gone so for the few who have pulled me up over the spelling I just say that when my mother registered me at birth she was drunk. I also have PopeHomeyDaTerd, Dribblin_Willy :O( ok I know its sick, SmokeMyKipper, for Christmas I have HoHo_HomeyClaus or RampantRudolph, for Americas Thanksgiving I have UpUrEffinTurkey or StuffinDaTurkey and last but not least EvilSmellin_Gas. Hope nobody takes offence :O( Sorry Your Moddyship :O) Right, now back to strange stories.
Gargoil_Gimpoid. Not used for a long time though!

One day I'll get back on the zone when I find a suitable game.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. I can now understand why you stated you have only had a van for two years. It would appear to me that you spend too much time on the internet chat/games rooms. etc. How on earth do you remember which nic to use for which site? As you are retired with all this shinanigans in your life you will end up having senal dementure before you know it. Take heed, in the paper the other day was a report of a young lad having an epileptic fit on a games site. Pull the plug mate (can I be so bold as to call you mate?) while you can and stick to caravanning.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ok tell us, a horse and carriage tale ot how your sedan propulsion unit had a serious blow out!
Hope to God it was a rear blow out. Think of the problems whilst sitting in a confined space should there be front blow out. The smell would be horendous.
May 4, 2005
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Cap Goch was a landed gentleman (not a member of the upper house though) who lit beacons on the coast of Glamorgan to entice ships onto the rocks and then robbed & plundered the cargo and stored them in a village pub just outside Bridgend on the old London to west Wales road. He was duly caught, found guilty and hung on Stalling Down in Cowbridge. A very good book has been written regarding Cap Goch called "INN OF FEAR".

Dic Penderyn was alledgedly the leader of the Rebecca Riots and was found guilty at Merthyr Assizes of rioting and murder. He was duly hung, although still proclaiming his inosence, and buried in the grave yard of St. Mary's Church in Aberavon some 30 miles away from Merthyr.
Probably full of leeks !!!
Jan 21, 2014
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11 Jan 2006 10:34 PM When my kids were small, a good few years ago, we were on the CC site at Bunree. I will never forget this - my son who was about six at the time, came into our 'van and said "Mummy there's a man over there dressed up as a lady - Oh is there!" was my reply and never gave it another thought.

Next day, son says "Look there's that man again" I actually took notice this time. He was quite correct - the most awful case of cross dressing I had ever seen, complete with wife on his arm!!

Do'nt get me wrong, I've got nothing against this sort of thing - whatever floats your boat - but my son still refers to it even now - he's 25!!

Lord Braykewynde

23 Nov 2005 12:07 PM Bunree, North Ledaig and Brora are all nice, you cant go wrong with any off them. If you have a dog Bunree hasn't got much of a dog walk but the other two have on the beaches. Brora is quieter, see my earlier post. The hump bridge is nothing to worry about if you are forwarned.

Around June 16th 1987 - does this ring any bells with you Lord B? LMAO
Jan 21, 2014
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This is the down time of the year for me Mister Braykewynde as my work comes via net and email the PC is on all day where ever I am as my office is mobile.

I have a very very happy life thank you, nice big house, land, animals and plenty of other things I personally enjoy with my darling wife.

Mrs Braykewynde to me! I would address Liz and Stavros as Mr and Mrs Windsor and young Charles and Camilla as Mr and Mrs Windsor or Wales.

I was being nice to you! Nothing homophobic about me, but I note you are quick to show signs of racism. I treat all men and women equal to the best of my ability, Stavros is well known for the odd gaff on royal tours and his "sense of humour" so you and I can be equally as humorous surely.

You question my questioning of parking, police and government etc and label it as ranting.

We have a government who has pardonned and given amnesty to thieves, thugs, murderers and terrorists who have challenged laws in Ireland. Yet as a paying citizens, in your book I and others are not allowed to question the wisdom of laws re driving and road use that effects everones lives in this relatively small land.

If there was a litle less "them and us" in our society surely it would be a far better country.

Be your psuedonym 100% humerous or partly based on a dietry condition I find it sad that you feel the need to set yourself up as somewhere higher up in the range of social echelons.

My fellow vanners are free to tow with 6 litre Hummers or Eco friendly smart cars in my book, what ever you want.

Vanners get enough flack but surely caravanning is a great social leveller with out setting yourself a title be it humerous or other wise.

Questions raised about 4x4 tax and caravan legislation etc are surely indication of government meddling. And these concerns come about as we see our freedoms and disposable incomes eroded by beauracracy and stealth tax's for little if any improvement in our services and standards of life.

Citizens are said to make a country and I for one never named it GREAT Britain or the UNITED kingdom. Politicians of all parties trade on links to us good old working men and women yet how much respect do they give us and how often do they listen to the voice and call of the people of this land?

Our liberties and laws our handed more and more to the EU yet they divide the so called UNITED Kingdom with regional government and continue to divide society with title and the social ladder with puppet royalty at the pinnacle.

I never realised that fettish, cross dressing, exotic underwear or a penchant for makeup meant you were homosexual, so I mever considered my comment homophobic.

Do I detect that you may in fact be "coming out" on this site. If so I admire your openess and I am truly humbled by Mrs Braykwynde's understanding and I am in awe of her and your relationship. Openess, acceptance and understanding of others is partly what made this land, and that truly is a level of acceptance that many of us could only strive to achieve :)

:) :) :)

Go on smile LB, even you will catch on surely ;-)

And where are the strange tales of your caravanning times? You must have a few!
Is this person for real - I thought this was meant to be a little bit humorous!!
Jan 21, 2014
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Nice way to go I guess, said to have been killed by the Kings men after drinking beer!

As I've said, vanners get enough flack, this forum can show that we are a community of equals that have ideals , humour, etc and will not just roll over as easy as aour vans roll along when the powers that be decide the time comes to get us in their sights.

"BRAYKEWYNDE" suggests that you have a sense of humour and setting yourself with a title in stead of plain Mr Braykewynde has to attract a different humerous pop at your humour surely. I take no offense with your chosen nic name, yet you set yourself up with your thong and lip gloss comment and then wonder why someone mocks your title.

I do detest all form of title and what it strands for, but lighten up man, chill out I have not taken this or anything else to heart.

I could have taken offence that you may have assumed that I did not know the history of Watt Tyler.

I could also question the analogy between WT and LB I am humble lower case cris not L ord B when you suggest that maybe I would like to be W Tyler the humble peasant killed on orders of the KING. Strange using that analogy with you nic TITLE.

You join in the fun but then get all hurt when someone has fun with your tag.

I guess it could be some Freudian slip that you are not aware of ;-0

Stay cool M'Lud and hang loose.
I think he really needs to get a life and not take it so seriously!!:0(


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