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Aug 18, 2024
The 999 responder, agreed to my giving 300 mg of Aspirin and getting her in a sitting position. This was told to myself on a company first aid course. And never contradicted over three incidences.

Edit I have just checked on NHS guide line, and Aspirin is NOT advised.
Thank you for correcting me. Seams like a lot of European health guide lines have changed.
Thanks Devonisheavon.
Always a pleasure Hutch.

Apart from my career of 34 years in Fisheries, I had a business teaching First Aid for 20 years until I fully retired last year.

The 300mg of Asprin and the sitting position is the First Aid treatment for suspected Heart Attack, the symptoms and signs for a Stroke are very different. 👍
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Aug 18, 2024
999 responders sometimes give advice which later proves to be diametrically wrong

I recently collapsed on a day out, my friends called 999 and were told categorically not to give me anything to eat or drink - on admission to hospital I was diagnosed as dehydrated and both doctors who checked me over agreed that advice shouldn't have been given -we'll never know but I suspect that if they'd been told to give me a drink that we could have avoided an ambulance call out and admission to A&E.
It is believed that around three quarters of the population are in a constant state of Dehydration, and please, sorry for being blunt, but that is totally avoidable.

As a male you should be drinking AT LEAST 3 litres of water a day, in hot weather get more in to you, say 5 litres. You will feel so much better………But pee like a racehorse!

I have a water bottle in my car and pick up truck, always topped up, and never hike without at least, 3lts of water and a water purifier.

Also be a pee checker! Yes, check the colour of your pee, it should be a light straw colour or even clear. If it is a darker colour, it is a good sign you are dehydrated.

Get that water into you! It’s so good for you………and your skin will thank you. 👍

EDIT: It is the final day of the Six Nations, it is ok to substitute water for Lager or Beer from 14:00hrs onward. 👍🍻🍻
Aug 18, 2024
Yet again, Never give water, due to internal ruptures. Is advised.

I think I will book myself into the St Johns accident course, I am obviously well out of date. .
Well out of date with my BSAC diving , rescue certificate.
Great idea to get some training Hutch, if you weren’t so far away we could meet up for a catch up!

But seriously, everyone should ask themselves, would you know what to do, do you know how to do CPR and use a De Fib, properly recognise and treat a burn. Recognise a Stroke or Heart Attack, and know what to do. Deal with someone who is choking! How to deal with a broken bone.

Concussion, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, hypothermia, asthma, anaphylaxis, hypoglycaemia……..etc, etc.

Would you know how to administer a Tourniquet in the event of a catastrophic bleed, or even recognise a cat bleed.

If you do get some training, make sure your provider teaches Catastrophic Bleeding as part of the training, and that they are a regulated training provider.
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