Why penalise our Doctors and Nurses?

Jun 20, 2005
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Some idiot from the current Government wants to scrap any pay rises for our Doctors.

Well if there was ever any part of the Civil Service I'd hate to hurt is our Doctors who do a fantastic job.

If you have ever been at death's door you will know what I mean.

Meanwhile there are these To$$er$ in Whitehall studying Global Warming and its future on how we may vote amongst other things. Give me strength , sack these parasites not the people who look after our health.


Feb 24, 2008
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Hi Dustydog,

I work for the NHS. Yes, agreed, there are some very good people in the NHS, passionate about working and passionate about helping and caring for people, let me triumph them from the start. However, with regard to fraud in the NHS,who do you think are the biggest culprits? Its the GPs! Who do you think sign registers and off time sheets for "ghost" staff? Its the Nurses on the wards! We have training sessions on looking out for fraud and reporting it. Unfortunately there is a huge amount of dead wood about in the NHS, and the hangers on I've seen in my time are no odds to nobody, loads of money wasted. I've posted on here before now about an elderly client lying in a ward in desperate need of a chiropodist for which he had to pay privately. On my way out I walked past a pianist playing a grand piano in the atrium to the outpatients waiting!!!!!!!! Just my opinion.
Dec 14, 2006
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Mine too, Valerie. I worked in the NHS for almost all my working life - and like you I've seen too many people who abuse the system. GPs are now very well paid, (now that they're paid 'by results' - how many people's blood pressure they can get down, how many they can put on statins, how many flu injections they give out, etc.) as are some Senior Managers, and it's these people the government are saying should not have a pay rise next year, not your ward nurse who actually looks after patients.

Mind you, I also agree that there are parasites in the Government and probably even more in the Quangos which abound these days. You've only to look at the MPs expenses fiasco to see where cuts might seriously be made!
Jun 4, 2007
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If the information available to me is true, that Doctors can make 120k per year plus callout, plus more for running a practice plus more for private work,plus more for a specialism then they should not immune from government spending cuts.

Frankly I'd much rather see well paid people having substantial cuts than low paid hardworking family people made redundant, or a bin man in leeds having his pay cut by 30%.

I also expect the government to cut out the forign junkets and the vast array of perks to MPs and senior government officials as well as freezing or cutting thier pay.

Our well heeled leaders should also do thier jobs properly and chase down the bankers and fund managers who caused this mayhem.


Mar 14, 2005
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It's not just doctors and nurses. It's the public sector workers which involves people like me too.

What you have to remember Dusty is that some people (members on here too) despise people who work in the public sector. - Yes even the doctors and nurses).

I have been on strike a few times and I remember probably about four or five years ago saying on here I was on strike and omg, I was slated. The upshot was a high percentage of people who replied to my post was that 'people like me' should be grateful for what 'we get' and stated that they worked in the private sector and didn't get anywhere near the benefits 'we' get.

I think you'll find it's part of the tory party manefesto (sp) and let us hope to god they don't get in. It was enough when Maggie was in charge. The swine.

Mar 26, 2008
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The party of the workers has landed the UK in trouble! The public sector accounts for millions of jobs.

Is the NHS not the biggest UK employer?

If the public sector do not take a hit do people really expect those in the private sectore to bail the country out.

If I attend a business conference and stay at a luxury hotel it comes out of my profit and pocket as does my works xmas party.

Work for Education or NHS and oter state industries and they are spending the countries money on luxury hotels and venues for meetings and conferences whilst the average worker on the pay roll struggles on low wages.

There are so many working for the state you just can't expect others to bale the country out, if you don't like it watch where your management wastes money and stop that rot.

11 years of Labour has __________ this country and its workers, with luck Labour will be finished off soon.

Never forget as much as we hate the bankers, Brown was in with them and let them get away with blue murder!

No doubt he'll get a nice job with one when he gets the order of the boot.
Mar 14, 2005
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This holds right across the spectrum of local/central government. There are far too many parasites at the top of the pay sector and those at the chalk face/bedside/etc. are the ones who suffer. Get rid of most of the management/dead wood and give those that matter the money they deserve.

I can speak from my experience in education. The administrative/management team at the FE college I worked in prior to retirement out number the lecturers but it was us who suffered at the hands of misbehaved students who showed no interest in learning and then if the pass rate was low we had it in the neck from management for losing the college money. For the lecturer it was, in many cases, a no win situation.

Also do away with paying councillors. In South Wales which at present is predominatly Labour, become a "yes" man, get voted on a few committees and earn up to
Mar 13, 2007
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and if the tories do get in first job freeze public sector pay all of it like they allways do and who does that hurt the most? the nurses the binmen the cleaners ect because there is no extras for them to fall back on just low pay, the one who need stinging are the fat cats but they are the very ones that payroll the tories so the second job give em a tax cut to keep them happy.


May 25, 2009
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I have had nurses tell me I should be grateful for my FREE treatment. Surely I'm the one who should decide if gratitude is appropriate?

I phoned the over-night service, about a stomach ache. "Take two pain killers, go and see your GP in the morning". I took the tablets. Late the following morning, my GP arrived at my house, uninvited. Embarressing, as I was about to remove my Land Rover's gear box. My apendix burst while I was "under the knife".

I fell over, developed a bad headache. GP(different)said I had high blood pressure, take some tablets. Two weeks later, saw his locum "Keep taking the tablets". Two more weeks, saw my wife's (lady)doctor, who arranged a scan. Three months after faling over, they drilled a hole in my head, to relieve a "large" Subjural Haematoma (bleed). I'm told I was lucky.

I commented to the lady doctor that I was impressed with her attitude. She said it was because she was a "bloody old cow". I asked if I could call her an "old cow"? She said she would smack my bottom if I did. Great, we have a working relationship ..... and she retired a month afterwards. Doh!

Remember, the doctors and nurses don't work for you, they work for the Secretary of State.

Jun 20, 2005
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Interesting, thanks.

We spent 3 months in North Devon earlier this year watching my dad die following a stroke. The nurses and auxiliaries plus the ladies who cleaned the ward everyday were fantastic, committed and enthusiastic about their patients even though most did a 12 hour shift. Equally our GPs at home are caring , intelligent and leave no stone unturned. If it wasn't for the thoroughness of my own GP a minor op this year could have become a full bowell resection.

Elsewhere in the public sector I dispair. The waste of money is wicked. Before my dad died a woman from the social services said he had to go in a home and spend all their savings and take all his pension. This would have left my mum with next to nothing. I sent the dss woman packing.


May 25, 2008
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The waste of money is wicked. Before my dad died a woman from the social services said he had to go in a home and spend all their savings and take all his pension."

So you took your Dad home with you ?? and looked after his care and gave him his medicine?? This is not a personal attack in any shape nor form,it is an Observation. When I was growing up I don't remember "Care Homes" now we expect the State to take care of everyone rather than the family and it Costs a Packet.
Jun 20, 2005
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I discovered there are different types of "old people homes".

One where the person can look after themselves but need a bit of supervision and those where 24hour medical care is required. The latter is the legal responsibility of the NHS.

Dad couldn't have come to my home, 150 miles away and no medical facilities eg we have stairs and a bath etc.

However did you know that if you have no savings or house at all they will pay for everything.So if you have spent well and had a good time all your life you get the lot, if were frugal and saved , they take it off you and you get nothing until it is all spent. Now that makes a complete mockery of saving for your old age.

Spend now and have a good time while you can.


May 25, 2008
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Glad you didn't take my comments as personal.

It is a difficult subject, but I do believe a lot of people get put into care as the easy option. It's akin to putting your cat or dog into a kennel so you can go away.

Some of the recent new care homes near to me are very large establishments with more than 100 places. They never used to exsist even 40 years ago. It is a changing society,lets face it a Doctor is worth the same a as good Engineer. Only Doctors deal in flesh and blood rather than nuts and bolts,the diagnosis can be difficult for both, and in some cases the consequences can be just as catastrophic.

Your Average Nurse takes BP, Temps, and Pulse they are not highly skilled or need to be. They look after the sick by making them comfortable etc but that's not difficult.

Now the ones who are highly skilled need to be paid accordingly, but to do that we need to thin out the Nurses who do mundane domestic chores. Sorry if that offends but I do believe it is true even though unpalatable to some.

If we are not careful the whole system will come tumbling down it just can't go on.
Jun 20, 2005
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No Problem Gumbo

I was keen to hear as many views as possible on the proposed GP pay freeze.

I think it's only when you have had reason to need their help you see things diferently.

Gordie and Big Tone promised to relieve our NHS of all teh dead wood parasites and bureaucrats. From what Lisa says this hasn't happened.

I just cannot accept a CEO of a health authority can earn more than the brain or heart surgeon.


Mar 14, 2005
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Back in 1998 the Government passed a bill whereby those who decide to enter a residential home should lose their pensions and pay for their stay out of their own savings down to
Jun 20, 2005
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A similar case went to the Courts a few years ago and the SS lost. As long as a person requires medical treatment then the NHS either keeps them in hospital or has to pay for a properly staffed nursing home who can administer the same medical needs as a hospital.

My dad paid tax and National Insurance for 74 years . Surely in his dying days he was entitled to support. He did get great support from the NHS.




May 25, 2009
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There's good, bad and indifferent in all professions. But those who sing to the same hymn sheet as their masters will rise to the top.

In 1956, I spent a couple of months in hospital. Every couple of days two student nurses roll up, ask me if I wanted my bottom rubbed. What a stupid question.

A couple of days after losing my appendix, my hair was all lank and greasy. I asked a nurse if she would help me wash it. "What would you do at home?" she asked.

"Er.... I'd run about six inches of water into the bath, kneel on the floor, head over the bath, and get my wife to wash it for me".

"I suggest you do the same here", she told me.

Appendix out on Wednesday, home on Saturday, expect the district nurse to call on Monday, they told me. Monday morning, the district nurse phoned, told me to come to the surgery. When I arrived, she asked how I had got there.

" I drove!"

Guess who got a right chastising?

Some I respect, some I don't. But if a nurse has a degree, I guess she is above washing bottoms.



I saw today that the old Union Leader Jack Jones was in the pay of the KGB for 45 years. Filling his pockets for his soviet pay masters and feeding them the inside knowlege from his Labour pals and telling them who in the Labour party was a Commy sympathiser.

The best news that Comrade Gordon described Jack Jones KGB agent as the 'world's greatest trade union leader'.

Jones sold the UK and his workers out to the Russians and Brown and Blair have sold the UK out to Europe!
Jan 12, 2007
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I saw today that the old Union Leader Jack Jones was in the pay of the KGB for 45 years. Filling his pockets for his soviet pay masters and feeding them the inside knowlege from his Labour pals and telling them who in the Labour party was a Commy sympathiser.

The best news that Comrade Gordon described Jack Jones KGB agent as the 'world's greatest trade union leader'.

Jones sold the UK and his workers out to the Russians and Brown and Blair have sold the UK out to Europe!
The problem, which will only get worse, is that the rich get richer and the working class pick up the bill. The benefit society will grow and the 'owners' of the private sector will all live abroad and will probably be foreign.

We have no manufacturing base to grow, the public sector (of which I am one) get worked harder with more targets to achieve and ever increasing abusive and violent customers i.e. joe public.

The only growth in this country is the benefit seeking majority whose numbers grow and become an ever increaseing force the political partys have to satisfy in order to be elected.

Why else do so many immigrants want to come here, too many handouts for no work in return.

I do really think that there will be a 2010 year of discontent and hope that everyone in the public sector strike and bring the country to a halt. You may appreciate us then!

The bankers need a kick up the arse and need to pay back big time.

There's two opposite ends of the spectrum here and its the hard working class that always pick up the bill. I'm sick of it.

Who do I vote for next year, that is the depressing question
Jan 12, 2007
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The problem, which will only get worse, is that the rich get richer and the working class pick up the bill. The benefit society will grow and the 'owners' of the private sector will all live abroad and will probably be foreign.

We have no manufacturing base to grow, the public sector (of which I am one) get worked harder with more targets to achieve and ever increasing abusive and violent customers i.e. joe public.

The only growth in this country is the benefit seeking majority whose numbers grow and become an ever increaseing force the political partys have to satisfy in order to be elected.

Why else do so many immigrants want to come here, too many handouts for no work in return.

I do really think that there will be a 2010 year of discontent and hope that everyone in the public sector strike and bring the country to a halt. You may appreciate us then!

The bankers need a kick up the arse and need to pay back big time.

There's two opposite ends of the spectrum here and its the hard working class that always pick up the bill. I'm sick of it.

Who do I vote for next year, that is the depressing question
Sep 24, 2008
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Last week i went to the surgury for a little white bump which had got annoyiny when drying myself, the nurse i saw said she was not trained to cut it off etc, i could not believe it, she said i would have to see the trained nurse so back again week later where upon she just sprayed it couple of times and that was it. It fell off couple of weeks later. Now why keep two nurses when one would do.
Feb 24, 2008
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Well, I went on a fabulous NHS course this week where as well as picking up valuable knowledge (genuinely), on offer were glossy packs, keyrings, plasticised info cards, emblazoned notepads, pens, free lunch, tea and coffee with biscuits in the morning and afternoon breaks.........all from the NHS coffers I guess? Oh, and I was there from 10 till 4 with an hours lunch when the NHS pays me for working 9 till 5 with half hour lunch. I declined the freebies on a point of principle, this is just the sort of thing that turns my key. As a contrast, I'm going on another course tomorrow, for which I am paying privately at a rate of
Jun 4, 2007
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Agree with much of Peters note above.

I'm sure we all appreciate public service 'workers' who do essential jobs and do them well, but we all know there are vastly too many and far too many are not 'producing' at the coal face, they are producing stats and red tape instead and paid too highly for doing it.

guaranteed Public sector pensions are also far to lucrative which the rest of us pay for.

Lets stop counting imigrants sponging off the state and put the bean counters to work in the docks at Calais stopping Imigrants getting over here in the first place.

There are too many people in both the public and Private sector earning very large salaries and bonuses.

I've witnessed many occasions of finance and time wasted by managers in the private sector company where I cling gingerly onto employment. I'm sure once managers earn over a certain level they lose touch with reality and can't understand how to maintain tight budgets. If they had to budget more carefully in thier private lives they would do better in the workplace. They seem to consider the more meetings they organise and the more targets and red tape they impose, the more productive the wokforce will be.

I'm convinced that my company could take 50% of the middle and upper managers, cut thier pay by 60% and give them something productive or customer benefiting to deal with and everyone would benefit.

The same must surely apply to the Public sector.


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