Woosie Club

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Feb 3, 2008
Dustydog said:
Anyone know what happened to Sir Kopite

His last posting on the forum was March 2014, however his profile shows his last viewing visit to the forum Aug 2015, so he was lurking only a few months ago. ;)
Mar 8, 2009
This would make you 'real' Woosie ---
Mar 2, 2010
Sproket said:
Can you add to this list please of possible Woosifest 2016 attendees so that i have an idea how many pitches will be required. It's for the third week end in September, more Woosies the merrier :kiss:

King Sproket
Sir Dustydog
Sir Gagakev
Sir WC
Lady Mel
Sir Baldrick
Sir Gab
Sir Outnumbered (4:1)
Sir Were-rabbit

And Lady Linda & Sir Deli Dave Probably a week :)
Jun 20, 2005
DeliDave_ said:
Sproket said:
Can you add to this list please of possible Woosifest 2016 attendees so that i have an idea how many pitches will be required. It's for the third week end in September, more Woosies the merrier :kiss:

King Sproket
Sir Dustydog
Sir Gagakev
Sir WC
Lady Mel
Sir Baldrick
Sir Gab
Sir Outnumbered (4:1)
Sir Were-rabbit

And Lady Linda & Sir Deli Dave Probably a week :)

Excellent :cheer:
Will Sir Light Pole Man be joining us?
I do hope so
Apr 20, 2009
Your Majesty think I need to revoke my membership to the Woosie Club.
(See thetford toilet leak in Technical)

I no longer see myself as a Woosie the Pee leak spilled into the compartment and into the chambers below, i had to clean it all up with my bare hands, no pink Woosie gloves and no other protection, just gritted teeth and urges galore. So on this basis I dont qualify as a woosie any more.
Man I'm proud I did it............now was it my pee or ladygaga's???? :sick:
Apr 7, 2008
Gagakev said:
Your Majesty think I need to revoke my membership to the Woosie Club.
(See thetford toilet leak in Technical)

I no longer see myself as a Woosie the Pee leak spilled into the compartment and into the chambers below, i had to clean it all up with my bare hands, no pink Woosie gloves and no other protection, just gritted teeth and urges galore. So on this basis I dont qualify as a woosie any more.
Man I'm proud I did it............now was it my pee or ladygaga's???? :sick:

You have now renewed your life membership of the Woosie club :woohoo: :woohoo:

Anyway .....

Been there done that :sick: when i found that the blade didn't wouldn't open properly due to the cassette not being fully located .... :(
Apr 20, 2009
Sproket said:
Gagakev said:
Your Majesty think I need to revoke my membership to the Woosie Club.
(See thetford toilet leak in Technical)

I no longer see myself as a Woosie the Pee leak spilled into the compartment and into the chambers below, i had to clean it all up with my bare hands, no pink Woosie gloves and no other protection, just gritted teeth and urges galore. So on this basis I dont qualify as a woosie any more.
Man I'm proud I did it............now was it my pee or ladygaga's???? :sick:

You have now renewed your life membership of the Woosie club :woohoo: :woohoo:

Anyway .....

Been there done that :sick: when i found that the blade didn't wouldn't open properly due to the cassette not being fully located .... :(

Ah so could be a simple answer...thanks Sir Sprocket

Dont think I like the LIFE membership though....thought it was an annual one :lol:
Apr 7, 2008
Gagakev said:
Dont think I like the LIFE membership though....thought it was an annual one :lol:

But as you were a founder member with DD it's only right :silly:
From what i have found you have form :lol:

Gagakev said:
Dusty Dog is presently presiding over and acting as chairman of the Woosie Club.
They are currently debating rules and regulations to enable further members to join.
Proposals have been put forward for the following members
Gagakev-Failiure to empty chemical toilet
Jun 20, 2005
Sproket said:
Gagakev said:
Dont think I like the LIFE membership though....thought it was an annual one :lol:

But as you were a founder member with DD it's only right :silly:
From what i have found you have form :lol:

Gagakev said:
Dusty Dog is presently presiding over and acting as chairman of the Woosie Club.
They are currently debating rules and regulations to enable further members to join.
Proposals have been put forward for the following members
Gagakev-Failiure to empty chemical toilet
Oh dear :eek:hmy:
Sir Gagakev's been Woosied again
Mar 8, 2009
Right from my joining I have been saying I was a 'Woosie' imposter, a pseudo Woosie, the 'job' Kev did was such a trivial Woosie duty, what no lumps? (a real Woosie would have got the other ½ to have done it anyway.) I suppose my qualifications from the start were to "laugh" at a Woosies weaknesses! It is sometimes QI to read our original dissertations for membership and some of the stories told. ---------- Ah history!
From page 1 of this thread:- dated 4 years 4 weeks ago.

We are currently updating the application procedure and holding a special AGM very shortly. New membership applications will now include;
Any one who is scared of silly things like spiders etc
Any one who finds normal everyday chores repulsive
Any one with initials/name that we find suitable.
Any one who runs around after there better halfs which is unneccasary
Any one who gives silly remarks to others on this forum

Read more at http://www.practicalcaravan.com/forum/chit-chat/44911-woosie-club?start=0#cIXr8sri6JewrP47.99
Feb 3, 2008
Here is the updated list from a week ago:

Search for new Members

If anyone wishes to become a Knight or Dame of the Woosie Club Round Table please tell us some of your silly stories or pet dislikes about getting your hands dirty caravanning. No need to be lavatorial. Examples are:

Anyone who is scared of silly things like spiders, etc
Anyone who finds normal everyday chores repulsive
Anyone with initials/name that we find suitable
Anyone who runs around after their better half which is unnecessary
Anyone who gives silly remarks to others on this forum
Those who won’t sleep in their awning
Those who waste electricity heating the awning at 2kw just to keep the dog warm
Those who want a Chinese take-away delivered to their caravan door
Don't like getting muddy
Complain to the Wardens about the weather
Driven off with the jockey wheel still down or the rear steadies not wound up
Unhitched the van and driven away thereby breaking the breakaway cable
Used the toilet for 1s and 2s but forgotten to add the chemicals
Left SWMBO behind
Dropped the Thetford filler cap down the disposal point hole
Used the Thetford before the waste tank has been installed

You need to publicly declare your indiscretions and you will be proposed and seconded for membership. It will then be up to our King/Queen to bestow a knighthood on you, after choosing a suitable name.
Read more at http://www.practicalcaravan.com/forum/chit-chat/44911-woosie-club?start=3520#weBDRss07x0XXFB5.99
Apr 20, 2009
Gabsgrandad said:
Right from my joining I have been saying I was a 'Woosie' imposter, a pseudo Woosie, the 'job' Kev did was such a trivial Woosie duty, what no lumps? (a real Woosie would have got the other ½ to have done it anyway.) I suppose my qualifications from the start were to "laugh" at a Woosies weaknesses! It is sometimes QI to read our original dissertations for membership and some of the stories told. ---------- Ah history!

Apr 20, 2009
WoodlandsCamper said:
Dustydog said:
Oh dear :eek:hmy:
Sir Gagakev's been Woosied again

Does this mean Sir Gagakev now becomes 4 BAR? (or just barred completely?)

I cant have another BAR...please....I Drink too much now :lol: :silly: :lol:
Apr 20, 2009
WoodlandsCamper said:
Here is the updated list from a week ago:

Anyone who is scared of silly things like spiders, etc
Not in front of the OH
Anyone who finds normal everyday chores repulsive
Anyone with initials/name that we find suitable
Not Applicable
Anyone who runs around after their better half which is unnecessary
Got to turn this one around
Anyone who gives silly remarks to others on this forum
Those who won’t sleep in their awning
Why? I got abed in the van!
Those who waste electricity heating the awning at 2kw just to keep the dog warm
Not for the dog but for me and OH
Those who want a Chinese take-away delivered to their caravan door
Always collect ours
Don't like getting muddy
This one for Sir WC, he prefers hard standing then grass
Complain to the Wardens about the weather
I complain to everyone
Driven off with the jockey wheel still down or the rear steadies not wound up
Not yet...plenty of time for that one
Unhitched the van and driven away thereby breaking the breakaway cable
As above
Used the toilet for 1s and 2s but forgotten to add the chemicals
Is that possible?
Left SWMBO behind
Ummm..... is this a wish....please dont tell her
Dropped the Thetford filler cap down the disposal point hole
GUILTY ....full length of arm down drain...then off to shower
Used the Thetford before the waste tank has been installed
Again plenty of time for this one

Happy vanning folks :)
Nov 16, 2015
Used the Thetford before the waste tank has been installed
Again plenty of time for this one
See Thetford problem. !!!! :dry:


Mar 17, 2007
Your majesty, have the waters receeded enough for a site inspection yet? Any news about a Woosiefest venue? Your subjects are agog. (Or something like that)


Nov 12, 2009
Dustydog said:
DeliDave_ said:
Sproket said:
Can you add to this list please of possible Woosifest 2016 attendees so that i have an idea how many pitches will be required. It's for the third week end in September, more Woosies the merrier :kiss:

King Sproket
Sir Dustydog
Sir Gagakev
Sir WC
Lady Mel
Sir Baldrick
Sir Gab
Sir Outnumbered (4:1)
Sir Were-rabbit

And Lady Linda & Sir Deli Dave Probably a week :)

Excellent :cheer:
Will Sir Light Pole Man be joining us?
I do hope so
Thanks, we hope to come along to the wild and wooly north to imbibe and feast with the Woosies
Jun 20, 2005
I suspect His Royal Woosieness has been listening to too much Handel's Water Music or was it Wet Wet Wet :p


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