Mel said:
DD, now we have at least 5 Woosie dogs attending (Holly, Kizzy, Bramble, Jazzy and Sir Kev's dog ) can you please organise a dog traing class. Jazzy is doing very well on the re-call following your expert tuiton at Stowalot. A group dog walk would also not go amiss. If Sir stagger comes along we can add in his dogs and cat.
They have a fantastic doggy shower at Poston Mill. We can shower the dogs at will and our wellies
Have you got a whistle yet?? For Jazzy I'd go for the Acme 212.
We'll do recall and heel.
Go to Iceland ( The frozen food store) and buy their square sausage meat pack. It's a bit like a sliced loaf. Cooked up , each slice will give you over 100 bits of cooked sausage meat that the dogs just adore and will do anything for!! Wait and see.
Look forward to seeing you at Poston Mill.
It was buying the whistle that made the difference; that and cunningly pairing the whistle with cheese.