Woosie Club

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Jun 20, 2005
Woodlands Camper said:
Dustydog said:
colin-yorkshire said:
I therefore propose Colin of Yorkshire is granted entry to the Woosie Round Table. He can be known as Sir Chunky or Sir Colin. I am sure one of my fellow members will second this proposal and hopefully this weekend we will have a knight who can handle any lavatorial matter

I second Colin of Yorkshire.
Sir WC

Colin of noble Yorkshire
You have been successfully seconded. It's now just a case of you choosing your name, Sir Colin or Sir Chunky?

Young Kopite once you answer Sir Kev's post we can consider your entry to our Woosie Club.
Jan 22, 2010
Dear Sir Kev
Firstly, I won't give you any crap as I empty my thetford every two days
Secondly, I except the title WC Kopite
and thirdly, I'm working on the wife to book up next year for Stowford
WC Kopite (hopefully)


Mar 17, 2007
Welcome WC. If you look in the Rallies section you will see that bookings for stowford are now open. Please tell your good lady wife that attendance at the Woosie Round Table compels you to book. There are also rumours of quaffing and merriment. No-one has yet mentioned a hog roast but surely it is a matter of time.
King DD, is there a dress code.
Lady mel
Apr 20, 2009
kopite said:
Dear Sir Kev
Firstly, I won't give you any crap as I empty my thetford every two days
Secondly, I except the title WC Kopite
and thirdly, I'm working on the wife to book up next year for Stowford
WC Kopite (hopefully)

Sir WC Kopite welcome to the Woosie Round Table, you have been accepted and join an elite club, please cherish your membership
and you wont look back.
Jan 22, 2010
Thanks you guy`s i no xmas is upon us but i`ve had my presie tonight thank you again.I wont abuse my membership and will cherish it with all my heart i shall now do a good deed for someone else,yep got it i`ll go and put the loo seat down.
Jun 20, 2005
King DD, is there a dress code.
Lady mel

Just your purple and mauve jumper . We will then know who you are

I'll give it some thought over Christmas
Oct 30, 2009
hi to all members of the Woosie Club,
thank you all for the nomination of membership to the round table, my first instinct was to decline, as even I could not contemplate emptying ALL the cassettes??. However on refelection that doubt changed my mind guess I am a big woosie after all

So with the title "Sir Chunky" I gratefully accept my seat along side other distinguished members of the club.
B.T.W. no we never did get another dog, as the time we have been without one as made us fully aware just how much looking after it takes to fullfil the commitment of taking on another one.

"Sir Chunky"
Apr 20, 2009
colin-yorkshire said:
"Sir Chunky"

Yippee, Welcome to the Woosie Club Sir Chunky, we will have to get a bigger round table soon. Seats for;

King DD

Sir Gagakev

Sir Rob T

Dame TC

Lady Mel

Sir WC (Woodlands Camper)

Sir WC Kopite

Sir Chunky (Colin-yorkshire)

Hope I havent left any one off the list, carry on like this and we could over run the PC Rally.

Apr 7, 2008
And some woosies complain over the smell,
Well they are putting it all to a good use here ,

Hope they have a blow back connector fitted
Jun 20, 2005
I'll be at the CC Chapel Lane site over Christmas so if any other Woosies are there I'll buy them a drink and mince pie .
A very merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.
Going to see if my Thetford toilet modification works today.
Apr 20, 2009
Dustydog said:
I'll be at the CC Chapel Lane site over Christmas so if any other Woosies are there I'll buy them a drink and mince pie .
A very merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.
Going to see if my Thetford toilet modification works today.

Sorry cant take up your offer King DD, could'nt stomach the mince pie thing, disgusting. As bad as emptying the casssette,
Perhaps I now qualify twice for the Woosie Club
Mar 8, 2009
Is a member of the “Woosie” club a Wooser?
Anyway any club or round table ought to have a collection of lavatorial stories. This is one that happened a few years back when we were rallying regularly.
On this particular rally a friend (named Dick, aptly! ) decided it was emptying time. Went in van to tell wife but she was out “chinwagging” somewhere. So Dick took the loo to the emptying point on the way a natter here and there, you know how it is, a bit of time passed. Eventually emptied loo and returned to van, opened front locker put his blue in, returned to the loo locker opened the door, to be confronted with the full complement piled in the bottom of the compartment. The screamed word “Ann” could be heard around the site. Yep she had done it, she had used the loo while he was away. She said “she just thought the valve had been left open, and proceeded. “
Dick was ever so gallant about it and made her clean it out. He said “there’s a difference between emptying it and collecting it, get on with it”
I suspect he was the original Woosie, certainly a loser (wooser)
So after this episode I always make sure communications are in place to cover the “job”
Any more stories? I’ve one or two more for another day.
Apr 20, 2009
If I came back to see that parcel in the compartment not only would she be cleaning that up she would be cleaning up my Vomit as well.
Man I could not handle that, I would always be thinking has she cleaned it all up, has she left any behind,
In fact I would seriously consider Part exchanging the van.
Gee I feel sick, got to go and lie down now.


Mar 17, 2007
Kev, you are Woosieness personified. The very pinnacle of Woosiedom. King DD must be so proud.
Apr 20, 2009
The Round Table really cant survive with out the likes of me

Proud to be under the command of King DD
Jan 22, 2010
what a great storey still laughing
Having two children a dog and farm experiance poo poo doesn`t bother me and have a couple of tales myself but my favorite happened to a friend of mine back in the day before h and s when building sites were for men not girls in hi vis anyway a lad needed a number two so went into bushes with a carefully selected leaf and proceeded while someone run around the other side with spade and it put in place when the deed was done the spade was carefully slide out and the chap got himself dressed turned around and kicked leaves for five minutes trying to find the little s##t
dont think he liked it when it turned up in his lunch box
Oct 30, 2009
hi fellow round tablers,
the following is not really a lavatorial story but is connected. I posted it a few years back and found it in the archives hope you like it
read on??
Tue, Mar 20 2007, 9:29PM
A couple of years ago just after we bought our new van the wife and I decided to take it to the coast to try it out before venturing on a long haul to devon, just the job we thought,so on goes the van quick check van ok, house locked ect off we go?,

about an hour into our journey we thought to have a stop, cup of tea walk the dog? oops no dog left her behind oh dear, not wanting to to tow the van all the way back home we left the van in a pub car park after explianing to the landlord about our mishap,
got back home and the poor little thing was sat on the door step looking all dejected we got her in the car and went back to get the van.when we arrived back at the pub the wife decided she needed to go to the loo and didn,t want to go into the pub because of embarassment so she went in the van instead, as soon as she sat down up went the front of the van because I hadn't put the legs down she could not get out and I could not pull the front down so I had to go into the pub and get a couple of lads to help me,
what a laugh they had at our expense serves us right I think, they probably still have a laugh about it now and again in the pub
Apr 20, 2009
colin-yorkshire said:
hi fellow round tablers,
the following is not really a lavatorial story but is connected. I posted it a few years back and found it in the archives hope you like it
read on??
Tue, Mar 20 2007, 9:29PM
A couple of years ago just after we bought our new van the wife and I decided to take it to the coast to try it out before venturing on a long haul to devon, just the job we thought,so on goes the van quick check van ok, house locked ect off we go?,

about an hour into our journey we thought to have a stop, cup of tea walk the dog? oops no dog left her behind oh dear, not wanting to to tow the van all the way back home we left the van in a pub car park after explianing to the landlord about our mishap,
got back home and the poor little thing was sat on the door step looking all dejected we got her in the car and went back to get the van.when we arrived back at the pub the wife decided she needed to go to the loo and didn,t want to go into the pub because of embarassment so she went in the van instead, as soon as she sat down up went the front of the van because I hadn't put the legs down she could not get out and I could not pull the front down so I had to go into the pub and get a couple of lads to help me,
what a laugh they had at our expense serves us right I think, they probably still have a laugh about it now and again in the pub

Sir Chunky, what a brilliant tale, can't stop laughing

Your membership is life long, no need to renew. Ever!!
Jun 20, 2005
Gagakev said:
If I came back to see that parcel in the compartment not only would she be cleaning that up she would be cleaning up my Vomit as well.
Man I could not handle that, I would always be thinking has she cleaned it all up, has she left any behind,
In fact I would seriously consider Part exchanging the van.
Gee I feel sick, got to go and lie down now.

Hope you have recovered Kev!

As Mel says thats real woosiedom

two years ago fil forgot to add the blue chemical to his loo. MIL had a gut rot, a weeks worth of constipation.
At emptying he was green, wretching , swearing and not a happy bunny.

Looking forward to the gathering of the Woosies RoundTable at Stowalot.
Aug 9, 2010
I'm not yet a member of this auspicious society, but this story, whilst not caravan-related is certainly lavatorial.
Many years ago, as has already been stated, building sites were for Proper Men, not woosies, and my young brother was an apprentice chippy.One of his first jobs on a new site was to make the small shed for the toilet. This was usually about six feet high, and two by two square, with a piece of 2x4 across to place your bum on. Then he had to dig the hole, the size of which depended on how many men and for how long the job would last.The minimum hole would be around four feet deep, and eighteen inches square. The shed he had built was then fitted above the hole. Are you getting the, picture? The hole was only allowed to fill to about half its depth, then filled in.
Now, if the job went on longer than planned, it was neccesary to move the shed, and dig a fresh hole.(coo, this is going on a bit, in it?)
Anyway, Bro had to do this one day, which he duly did.Later that day, he had a bit of a run with the foreman, who'd been giving him a rough time of late.So there they are, having a bit of a face to face, and Bro is walking backwards, as the gaffer is a humungous Paddy, and Bro is a sixteen year old scrap. But, Bro realised where he was, and neatly side-stepped around the newly-filled in hole.
Big Paddy took a lunge forward to grab the kid, and, well you can guess the rest can't you..................?
Bro didn't work on that site for much longer, but he said it was well worth it!
Does this qualify?
Jun 20, 2005
emmerson said:
I'm not yet a member of this auspicious society, but this story, whilst not caravan-related is certainly lavatorial.
Many years ago, as has already been stated, building sites were for Proper Men, not woosies, and my young brother was an apprentice chippy.One of his first jobs on a new site was to make the small shed for the toilet. This was usually about six feet high, and two by two square, with a piece of 2x4 across to place your bum on. Then he had to dig the hole, the size of which depended on how many men and for how long the job would last.The minimum hole would be around four feet deep, and eighteen inches square. The shed he had built was then fitted above the hole. Are you getting the, picture? The hole was only allowed to fill to about half its depth, then filled in.
Now, if the job went on longer than planned, it was neccesary to move the shed, and dig a fresh hole.(coo, this is going on a bit, in it?)
Anyway, Bro had to do this one day, which he duly did.Later that day, he had a bit of a run with the foreman, who'd been giving him a rough time of late.So there they are, having a bit of a face to face, and Bro is walking backwards, as the gaffer is a humungous Paddy, and Bro is a sixteen year old scrap. But, Bro realised where he was, and neatly side-stepped around the newly-filled in hole.
Big Paddy took a lunge forward to grab the kid, and, well you can guess the rest can't you..................?
Bro didn't work on that site for much longer, but he said it was well worth it!
Does this qualify?

Well Emmerson,

That's the PITS. Paddy In The S???.
Now if it had been you who fell in????"?

as a long time fully fledged member of this august forum, and a goog fun contributor I see no reason why I shouldn't propose you as a future knight of the Woosie round table. Subject to be seconded and being called Sir Emmerson or whatever you prefer I shall welcome you to our table.
Oct 30, 2009
hi all,
I would like to second emmerson as a member of the round table, on the grounds that like me being a lifelong caravanner he will have been in the s**t on more than one occasion,
"Sir Chunky"


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