I'm not yet a member of this auspicious society, but this story, whilst not caravan-related is certainly lavatorial.
Many years ago, as has already been stated, building sites were for Proper Men, not woosies, and my young brother was an apprentice chippy.One of his first jobs on a new site was to make the small shed for the toilet. This was usually about six feet high, and two by two square, with a piece of 2x4 across to place your bum on. Then he had to dig the hole, the size of which depended on how many men and for how long the job would last.The minimum hole would be around four feet deep, and eighteen inches square. The shed he had built was then fitted above the hole. Are you getting the, picture? The hole was only allowed to fill to about half its depth, then filled in.
Now, if the job went on longer than planned, it was neccesary to move the shed, and dig a fresh hole.(coo, this is going on a bit, in it?)
Anyway, Bro had to do this one day, which he duly did.Later that day, he had a bit of a run with the foreman, who'd been giving him a rough time of late.So there they are, having a bit of a face to face, and Bro is walking backwards, as the gaffer is a humungous Paddy, and Bro is a sixteen year old scrap. But, Bro realised where he was, and neatly side-stepped around the newly-filled in hole.
Big Paddy took a lunge forward to grab the kid, and, well you can guess the rest can't you..................?
Bro didn't work on that site for much longer, but he said it was well worth it!
Does this qualify?