Woosie Club

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Jun 20, 2005
My Noble Honourable Ladies, Dames and Knights there is one on here who without question of doubt excelled himself this morning and IMO must be proposed and seconded to join our elite group. Here at Cricklade we have torrential rain and very high winds.
Mucky Pup stood me and the dogs up preferring to stay in the warm and scrub his bog. Something about getting cold and wet turned him off our usual leaning on the fence and cuppa. So I had to make my own

Please will you propose and second Mucky Pup on the basis his little tummy and paws couldn't cope with the inclement weather.
Jun 22, 2012
I am very sorry for not attending our daily ritual this morning and will ensure that i am there with your morning cuppa tommorow.
The bog is now very clean and servicable as directed by HWSBO.
I will be honored to be accepted as a member of the Woosie club as i will feel very out of place at Stowford on pitch 336 surounded by all of your Knights.
Apr 20, 2009
Mucky pup, how on earth did you not make King DD his morning cuppa, shame on you!!!
I would like to propose you on the grounds of pure bravery, but please stay a few paces away from the fence tomorrow
as King DD may draw his sword

Please take note of the following;

Do not, nor slay not, anything that will in any way dishonour the fair name of The Woosie knighthood for only by stainless and honourable lives and Woosieness shall the final goal be reached. Therefore be a good knight and so speak with King DD so ye may be, and if ye be of prowess and of worthiness then ye shall be the tea boy Knight of the Round Table.

You will await your 2nd proposal and if ye accept you shall be known as Sir Mucky Pup TB (tea boy)
Jan 22, 2010
knights and lady`s
Just booked up for stowalot and looking forward to meeting fellow members.Just a couple of questions are children worthy of meeting lords and ladys as one is 6 and house trained the other is 3 and could let go at any time.We also have bailey i`ve trained him to go on any pitch but mine so he`ll be fine.
look forward to hearing one`s replie
Apr 20, 2009
kopite said:
knights and lady`s
Just booked up for stowalot and looking forward to meeting fellow members.Just a couple of questions are children worthy of meeting lords and ladys as one is 6 and house trained the other is 3 and could let go at any time.We also have bailey i`ve trained him to go on any pitch but mine so he`ll be fine.
look forward to hearing one`s replie

Sir WC Kopite, looking forward to our round table meeting at Stowfolot, what pitch you on as most knights and ladies are pitched next to or very near to each other.
Perhaps we could arrange a Knightette, ladette and dogette section

Your familyette will be fine as long as the younguns are absent when the sword fights begin at midnight
Jun 11, 2012
Taking the advice of Gagakev I have decided I ought really to join the woosie club.
I can admit but please dont make this too well known I have been using a Washing Machine and a tumbledryer I would like to think this may allow me into the club
Sir Roger
Jun 11, 2012
Hi Sprocket.
I did reply to your post but it seems to have done a disappearing act.
Anyway your post has made me feel like a woosie so I wont feel so bad if Im denied membership.
I await the Boards decission
Sir Roger
Jun 22, 2012
Sir Gagakev
I thank you for your proposal and would be honoured to be accepted as a member of the Woosie club subject to a second proposer.
I made tea for King Dusty yesterday as required and have made peace with him and the dogs. I must admit i had a lie in this morning as he is away visiting his mummy at the moment at her seat in Devon.
Apr 7, 2008
SirRogerFFS said:
Hi Sprocket.
I did reply to your post but it seems to have done a disappearing act.
Anyway your post has made me feel like a woosie so I wont feel so bad if Im denied membership.
I await the Boards decission
Sir Roger

I felt really wooooosie this afternoon, when a nice man stabbed a blunt needle into the back of my hand, & his mate held a mask over my face & ordered me to take four deep breath's ............
Well i did as was ordered & woke up with a bandage on my left knee where they had gone in for a look round.........
The wooooosie thing was when i got up the brown coloured stuff that they scrub you down with, I thought i had had an accident there was so much still on the bed where i had been laid, my underpant's were stuck to me arse, & covered in it........
& it had dried

As i was trying to hobble out of the hospital on a pair of crutches, I asked the wife to have a quick look & make sure that it was not coming through & onto my trousers..........

I mean i didnt want to look like i had s#it my self did I


Mar 17, 2007
Di, in response to your question in the General section about whether you are qualified to join, all you have to do is provide one example of Woosieness. The club was formed based on woosieness by our fair King and gallant knights over matters lavatorial. Being a female person I am sure that this will not apply to you; however there may be other acts of Woosie that you can claim. I will be happy to propose you.
As you will have seen there is to be a Woosie round table meeting at Stowalot. As you are pitched just next to each other we could grace it with our presence.
Lady mel
Apr 20, 2009
SirRogerFFS said:
Taking the advice of Gagakev I have decided I ought really to join the woosie club.
I can admit but please dont make this too well known I have been using a Washing Machine and a tumbledryer I would like to think this may allow me into the club
Sir Roger
As you have now come across and converted to this wonderful topic, I would like to make it absolutle clear that using such white goods is the height of Woosieness, a fellow knight should never admit to slaving in the vicinity of such appliances,
I am going to propose you on your naughty behaviour, please await be be 2nd and you will then be accepted.
But we have a slight problem in that you are already a sir, I will have to speak with King DD to see what he propose's but as a tempoary solution when you are accepted you can be known as Sir Roger WM (washing machine)
Apr 20, 2009
Membership update;

1 x King
1 x Dame
1 x Lady
9 x Sirs
1 x knight proposed and 2nd awaiting his acceptance (martin24)
1 x knight proposed awaiting to be 2nd (Sir rogerf)
1 x lady proposed awaiting her admitting her woosie deed (Di)

Come on you fellow knights the round table needs the last three members to fill the benches around the table
Apr 7, 2008
Deli Dave_ said:
Your back on tonight so you did good,hope it gets some results
Thank's Dave,
They phoned me up last Thursday with a cancellation, so I accepted the appointment,

When I went back to work on Tuesday I told them i would be off for about a month or so ......

MRI scan due end of January on right knee, prior to them making a decision on what they intend to do............
Jun 11, 2012
Hi Sprocket. I am very sorry ,I was unaware of you having a problem there please excuse my ignorance.
Whatever I wish you well and a speedy recovery.
Regards Sir Roger
Jan 22, 2010
Dear King
9 Sirs
I would like to 2nd Sir rogerf and martin24 at same time 2 for 1 what a bargain welcome fellow woosies.
i dont no which pitch no yet but in field 3 hopefully nearer the shower block than the rest of the woosies as all this toilet talk i need a good scrub.As for the children watching sword fighting at midnight no worries their as they will be just finishing there shift of hard labour cleaning the silver,serving wine and cleaning the stables out who said kids are exploited
Apr 20, 2009
Gagakev said:
Membership update;

1 x King
1 x Dame
1 x Lady
9 x Sirs
1 x knight proposed and 2nd awaiting his acceptance (martin24)
1 x knight proposed awaiting to be 2nd (Sir rogerf)
1 x lady proposed awaiting her admitting her woosie deed (Di)

Come on you fellow knights the round table needs the last three members to fill the benches around the table

Cant keep up with all this paperwork
, hurry back King DD. I need help
Made a grave mistake and left out Mucky Pup he needs to be 2nd. (Sorry MP)

So Sir Rogerf WM thanks to Sir WC Kopite you are in and are invited to sit at the round table welcome. You may bring your Washing machine to the first meeting tied to your ankle dragging it behind you

1 x King
1 x Dame
1 x Lady
10 x Sirs
1 x knight proposed and 2nd awaiting his acceptance (martin24)
1 x lady proposed awaiting her admitting her woosie deed (Di0
1 x knight proposed and 2nd awaiting his acceptance (Muckypup)
Mar 2, 2010
I am happy to second or third Sir Roger as I can vouch he is a fine fellow.
Best wishes
(Sir)Deli Dave
Mar 2, 2010
Sproket said:
Deli Dave_ said:
Your back on tonight so you did good,hope it gets some results
Thank's Dave,
They phoned me up last Thursday with a cancellation, so I accepted the appointment,

When I went back to work on Tuesday I told them i would be off for about a month or so ......

MRI scan due end of January on right knee, prior to them making a decision on what they intend to do............

I have every sympathy having knee problems myself.

My very best wishes to you

Jan 22, 2010
Does any fellow members that are going to the round table at stowfolot like port as i seem to have got a bit of a stash going on at mo i`m more than willing to share my wealth as long as the wenches keep our goblits filled.(i`m feeling brave shes at work).I.ve just found our pitch no 364 so i`m a bit away from the rest of you but close enough for a glass or 2
Sir WC kopite
Apr 20, 2009
PORT did you say PORT? Proper Woosie drinky that one do you lift your little finger when raising your glass?
Apr 7, 2008
Gagakev said:
PORT did you say PORT? Proper Woosie drinky that one do you lift your little finger when raising your glass?
I thought Port was opposite to Starboard

But port 'L' do



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