Woosie Club

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Aug 23, 2009
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Hello all, been a bit tied up and have missed the last 65 posts.

Please remind me of Woosiefest contact details and dates, in a bit of confusion as not on the calendar. Jenny needs the dates to sort work! Then we can sort out mumsie for babysitting duties.
Jun 20, 2005
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Martin24 said:
Hello all, been a bit tied up and have missed the last 65 posts.

Please remind me of Woosiefest contact details and dates, in a bit of confusion as not on the calendar. Jenny needs the dates to sort work! Then we can sort out mumsie for babysitting duties.
I’ve emailed you.
Jun 20, 2005
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Mel said:
Clive, why not join us at this years Woosiefest. You don't have to join the Woosie club, just come along. Scroll back through the thread for the details. You would be welcome, as would any forumites who wanted to come along to our informal meet.
I second that great suggestion :cheer:
Mar 8, 2009
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Yep, open invite, more the merrier.
Site is good, company is good, -- weather guaranteed! (Not necessarily good though) -- have a look here:-

(Martin - "Bit tied up", into 'bondage' then?)

Nov 11, 2009
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Mel said:
Clive, why not join us at this years Woosiefest. You don't have to join the Woosie club, just come along. Scroll back through the thread for the details. You would be welcome, as would any forumites who wanted to come along to our informal meet.

Mel, et al,

Thank you very much for your kind invitation to attend the Woosiefest. When GG posted the attendance sheet a little while back I noticed a blank line and thought "should I be cheeky" and ask for a place, but our schedule is so chaotic with 40+ daughter having decided to go to university for a mental health nursing degree just after we bought this caravan, and then the knock on effect of looking after teenage granddaughter makes it very difficult to juggle dates. we are only grateful that her leave and term dates etc have allowed us to book the Ardennes and Vosges this summer. But the plus point is that daughter is specialising in care of the aged, so will get our own back one day I am sure. So much as we would have liked to join you I will watch your reports with interest and future gathering dates too.

Well drizzle has stopped so out again to get "chariot and steed" sorted for departure tomorrow. All looks okay except fridge piezo seems to be US. A micro irritant.

Nov 16, 2015
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OC, strange two weeks ago when I put the Van onto the drive, checking everything over, noticed that the gas ignition to the cooker wasn't working, panic, then realised I hadn't turned on the Master switch, turned it on and all good again. Two years ago I came straight up from the South of France to the Woosie Fest in Yorkshire. With a days stop at home for clean clothes.
Come on try and get there. :)
Aug 23, 2009
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Lady Therapy has untied me for long enough to book a pitch and pay for it. At least I don't pay for the bridge. Another cripple perk ;)

Pitch 37. Arriving Thursday 13th and Departing Tuesday 18th.

See you all there, looking forward to catching up with everyone and who knows my lift may be working by then :(
Nov 11, 2009
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Dustydog said:

A clearer view at Wheathill for Clive :cheer:

Thank you Dusty. The mist/fog cleared for a while around lunchtime only to allow the rain through. So desperate that I even read the remnants of your Saturday paper. But the pub is an absolute delight. Tomorrow should be a mite better. Cheers.
Nov 11, 2009
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otherclive said:
Dustydog said:

A clearer view at Wheathill for Clive :cheer:

Thank you Dusty. The mist/fog cleared for a while around lunchtime only to allow the rain through. So desperate that I even read the remnants of your Saturday paper. But the pub is an absolute delight. Tomorrow should be a mite better. Cheers.

The good news is that at nearly 1700 on Friday the other side of the valley is becoming visible. 50 percent of this years English Heritage fee already recouped today. So it’s not so murky if you go to lower levels.
But the good news is that overnight and today many of the potholes between here and Ludlow have been filled in.
Jul 15, 2008
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Hutch don't do anything hasty......you will be missed on the forum if you leave :)
I would imagine all the Woosies would think the same.

Just imagine the annoyance is wearing a pink gingham dress......that way they just appear comical :silly:
Sep 29, 2016
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I don't know what has been going on here re Hutch.

Whatever it is Hutch, then like others I would urge you not to leave the forum, you would be missed.

Looking forward to more posts from you ;) .
Nov 16, 2015
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I shall be around, going to have a break for a while, If you see me on site come on upto the caravan. See you all at the Woosie fest. B)
Apr 20, 2009
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Gafferbill said:
Are you lurking Kevin? :)

I was wondering how your Azaleas are doing?.........the ones from Woosiefest 2017
.....the two I bought are in pots.

You meant Pillow Market 2017 :lol:
We created a new flower bed for ours, not as healthy as yours though :(
Will take a piccy tommorrow, ................ good job we weeded last weekend ;)
Apr 20, 2009
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Gafferbill said:
Looking good Kevin. ....me thinks they were a bargain :)
So it's over to Maggs to sort out Eric Cacious now is it?

Gafferbill, had to google that Eric bloke and I am not happy, he can be very difficult to sort out, told you I was a keen gardener in an earlier post, Oh well they wont survive long in there!!!
Just passed this on to Mags to sort that bloke out ... Love thy Garden

Off to join a gardening forum :lol:


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