Hi fellow
“Woosies” (and other interested readers)
Just been reading
this statement - A
cow does on overage release between 70 and 120 kg of methane per
Methane is a greenhouse gas like carbon dioxide (CO²). And
governments are looking into what can be done about it? To help to prevent so
called climate change?
on from this Prof. Olaf Pilor of Farthing University at the ‘Windy City’
(Chicago) USA in the gaseous science department, has come up with this scheme.
He has
suggested that not only are cows the only problem but that the human population
is contributing greatly to this methane problem, with a world population of
6,973,738,433 in 2011, and growing, he has suggested that this gas generation
from them may be a greater problem than the cows. To this end he has come up
with several suggestions to reduce these emissions.
With this
in mind fellow ‘Woosies’ it might be a good cause we could be pursuing as a
charitable cause to benefit science and our fellow beings. The comics have red nose day, the sportsmen
have sportaid, the bands had band aid, and children need Wogan! etc. After all
most organisations have an objective (besides enjoying themselves!) and may I
suggest this could be ours, - “Gas Aid”, obviously for discussion and agreement
or not at the “Woosiefest” in October. Perhaps we could volunteer to be his
guinea pigs in the trials he would like to carry out.
One of his ideas is that his guinea pigs are
fitted with a cork and non return valve device so that any gaseous emissions
could be harvested, and put to good use afterwards. Obviously there are dangers
in having friction fit corks, which may become loose, and we can’t have corks
dangerously flying about. So Professor Olaf Pilor has come up with a harness
type device, which straps around the thighs to keep the bung safely in place, a
strap on type device. This bung and
valve would need an emptying point and this would be a spike, in conveniences
etc, where you could back up to and connect and ‘get rid’ of gases. Or
alternatively Prof. Olaf Pilor has suggested a portable collection device where
you strap a balloon type device to your leg and connect it to the bung, and
collect the emission in the balloon. Eventually it would be electronically
identifiable ie "chipped" and eventually we could be remunerated depending on volumes, a bit
like solar panel payments. Obviously you won’t need any obvious gauges or
anything as you will know when the balloon is filling as your trousers will
tighten, and you then go to the emptying point. (There is a problem with this
device for the ladies pantyline, but that is being looked into.) Obviously there are many other benefits to
this gas collection, (like less pain to partners!)
If we are prepared to take on this voluntary
work then I’m assured that Olaf Pilor would be forever indebted to us as an
organisation for progressing science and benefitting mankind. I recommend you give the proposal serious
consideration for our next ‘Woosiefest’, and put our organisation well and
truly on the map! Then perhaps in a years time the world will be able to say
thank you ‘Woosies’ for your efforts for science and mankind, and long live