Woosie Club

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Jul 20, 2008
Hi Lizzie lots of photo's on my Facebook profile as this weekend was very special not only catching up with the Woosies, but brought a couple of friends who are new to caravaning and this was only their second trip out, plus met up with old neigbours and a cousin that I had not seen for over 30 years so was very very special and to top it all Bramble (our Golden Retrieiver) won not only best male dog but also best in show!! everyone have already said looking forward to next year!! Well done as always was very well organised and enjoyable

Jun 20, 2005
Soaked to the skin hitching up this morning. Glad we took the awning down yesterday.
Many thanks to the PCv guys and Gals who worked so hard to make the event a success.
looking forward to the Woosiefest at Wheat ill in September.
Very nice prizes especially Truma.


Nov 12, 2009
I also had a drenching this morning, what a downpour! :(
We saw Dustydog off and left at 11am after I'd dried off and changed into dry clothes.
It's calm and sunny here in the Midlands now and I hope that Sir Baldrick and Lady Belinda enjoy the rest of their stay at Stowford until they go home on Saturday.
Thanks to all who organised such a fantastic readers rally, we enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next one, and special thanks to the Woosie Awning Erecting Team who did such a good job with my brand new cheapo Towsure porch awning which never moved or leaked in spite of the gale force winds and heavy downpours of the past few nights at Stowford.
Dustydog, who very kindly dismantled and packed away the awning, has pictures somewhere.
Jul 15, 2008
..........yes a complete reversal of the weather here at Stowford :(
From sitting outside enjoying the sun during the Reader Rally.......to just about being able to see 100 metres as low cloud, rain and wind descended for the day.
Supposed to be a lot better tomorrow :)
Feb 3, 2008
CyberCynth said:
Name? How about Baroness Barmy and her dog Princess Wotamess (Mental image sent of Bearded Collie after walk in Very Muddy Field, as I haven't any photos of her in this state - thank goodness)
You do realise that now Lady Di's dog Bramble has a cup for best dog in show his rank must be higher than that of Princess Wotamess. :p
Jun 20, 2005
Here's one for His Royal Woosieness King WC to consider,.

Back in about 1992-3 we (me, Gill & the kids) were off to Torbay for a 'van holiday.
Read more at http://www.practicalcaravan.com/forum/new-members-say-hello/49293-the-readers-rally#pLbFclMzzv4rf8gH.99
Jun 20, 2005
He was downhill one to the right of the Light pole man.
It took me , parksy, gagakev and Sir Walkalot following Brian's advice to raise Parksy's kit.


Mar 17, 2007
WoodlandsCamper said:
brianjw47 said:
We were on the corner below The Woodies adjacent to the soup kitchen disposal point.

Talk about doing silly things :blush: - we are the Woosies NOT Woodies. ;)

Anyone thinking that they are joining the Woodies may be expecting a very different sort of organisation to the Woosies.
Feb 4, 2014
WoodlandsCamper said:
CyberCynth said:
Name? How about Baroness Barmy and her dog Princess Wotamess (Mental image sent of Bearded Collie after walk in Very Muddy Field, as I haven't any photos of her in this state - thank goodness)
You do realise that now Lady Di's dog Bramble has a cup for best dog in show his rank must be higher than that of Princess Wotamess. :p

Well that's ok, just don't tell Princess Wotamess, you'll give her an inferiority complex!

However, I hope Di's reading this, so that I can offer my congratulations to Bramble!
Apr 20, 2009
WoodlandsCamper said:
brianjw47 said:
We were on the corner below The Woodies adjacent to the soup kitchen disposal point.

Talk about doing silly things :blush: - we are the Woosies NOT Woodies. ;)

Oh dear Brian looks like you have upset the King :unsure:

Never mind I think the Woodie Woosie's has a special ring to it :lol:

On this (Woodie) basis and the story in the reader rally topic I would like to propose you to join our WOOSIE club.
I am confident that some one will be along to 2nd you and the King will then bestow a title on you.

Keep your fingers crossed ;)
Jun 20, 2005
Brian seems like a lovely Woosie
He told Parksy how to get it up without getting his own hands dirty.
Following in the past regal steps of Sir Gagakev I will 2nd Brian.
Feb 3, 2008
You have been duly proposed and seconded for membership of the Woosie Round Table by virtue of your actions and deeds (and getting our name wrong :evil: ). I am therefore honoured, as this year's King, to bestow upon you the title of Sir Brian of the Woosie Round Table. :cheer: You may, of course, choose a name different to Sir Brian if you wish.

No doubt other members will be along shortly to welcome you to the fold. :kiss: Also, we hope you will be able to join us at the Woosiefest in September to round the year off.
Jul 15, 2008
Welcome to the Woodies Brian.............whats the slip of a finger between friends :lol:
Just do what I do and stick to using the biggest qwerty keyboard you can get ;)
Feb 3, 2008
Sir Brian - put "wheathill" into the search engine and limit to chitchat. You will see several posts from Jan/Feb this year.

The dates of the Woosiefest are nights of 25th to 28th Sept inclusive. The Wheathill website is here. Sir Dustydog arranged the discounts and use of the function room in the pub next door.
Jun 20, 2005
HiSir Brian[/
We are staying 8 days at Wheathill. Plenty to do and see in the area.
If you do decide to book tell them you a member of the Woosie Round Table and want the special rate.
Aug 12, 2013
Grateful and undying thanks for being allowed into the hallowed kingdom of The Woosies. I am proud to accept the title of "Sir Brian" as my new forum name and would respectfully request permission to adjust myself accordingly in the next day or so.

May l also adopt Gilly to "Lady G" as my damsel on my arm?
Feb 3, 2008
brianjw47 said:
Grateful and undying thanks for being allowed into the hallowed kingdom of The Woosies. I am proud to accept the title of "Sir Brian" as my new forum name and would respectfully request permission to adjust myself accordingly in the next day or so.

May l also adopt Gilly to "Lady G" as my damsel on my arm?

You can keep your forum name as brianjw47, just put your new title in your signature box at the bottom.

Please could we have a proposer and seconder for "Lady G" or even "Lady G Damsel". ;)
Aug 12, 2013
Hi Dustydog,

Found the site, looks very nice. Big pitches as well.
Will try to book in next couple of days.
Can you give me the first and last night on site please and we don't want to be all lonely on our own 'cos everybody has gone home to their castles.

Lady G say's "hello" all you Woosies from Stowford".

I will upgrade to a picture in next couple of days on my profile.

Best Wishes,

Sir Brian & Lady G.


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