Woosie Club

Page 84 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!


Jul 20, 2008
WoodlandsCamper said:
Crazyguider - did you get your Crazyguider badge? They same company are planning to make Crazyguider t-shirts as well.

T-shirts? Did I miss something?

Feb 3, 2008
Di3 said:
WoodlandsCamper said:
Crazyguider - did you get your Crazyguider badge? They same company are planning to make Crazyguider t-shirts as well.

T-shirts? Did I miss something?


Crazyguider has her own badge. I've been informed by my daughter that the company is planning to produce a T-shirt with the same logo. Nowt to do with us esteemed Woosies, so you haven't missed anything ;)


Jul 20, 2008
Hi All

Last Call for name plaques - think I have everyone. If you can think of any that are missing please shout? I will only be printing newbie plaques anybody wanting a replacement please let me know.

The list I have
King WC & Lady Squirrell
Baroness Barmy & Princess Wotamess
Dame Crazyguider & Sir Fixalot
Lady Jean & Sir Gabsgrandad
Lady Belinda & Sir Baldrick
Lady Linda & Sir Deli Dave
Sir Gagakev and Lady Mags                        
Sir Dustydog and Lady Villa Week
Hon. Members The Lightpole Man and Carole (not done Woosies plaque)
Surfer and Lady Surfer
Crazy guider & Sir Fixalot
Lady Mel and The Aleman
Sir Mucky Pup and his Lady Sylv
Sir Deli Dave and Lady Linda
Sir Sproket and Lady Mick
Sir Gabsgrandad and Lady Jean
Sir Kopite and Lady

See you soon
Di ;)
Feb 3, 2008
Di3 said:
Hi All

Last Call for name plaques - think I have everyone. If you can think of any that are missing please shout? I will only be printing newbie plaques anybody wanting a replacement please let me know.

The list I have
King WC & Lady Squirrell
Baroness Barmy & Princess Wotamess
Dame Crazyguider & Sir Fixalot
Lady Jean & Sir Gabsgrandad
Lady Belinda & Sir Baldrick
Lady Linda & Sir Deli Dave
Sir Gagakev and Lady Mags                        
Sir Dustydog and Lady Villa Week
Hon. Members The Lightpole Man and Carole (not done Woosies plaque)
Surfer and Lady Surfer
Crazy guider & Sir Fixalot
Lady Mel and The Aleman
Sir Mucky Pup and his Lady Sylv
Sir Deli Dave and Lady Linda
Sir Sproket and Lady Mick
Sir Gabsgrandad and Lady Jean
Sir Kopite and Lady

See you soon
Di ;)

I believe Willi wonti became a member, but I can't remember his Woosie name. There is also Sir Outnumbered 4:1. (Martin)

Also in your list Sir Deli Dave and Lady Linda get two :p and so do Sir Gabsgrandad and Lady Jean
Jun 20, 2005
Hi Di

At Rivendale last year we made Parksy and Carole Honorary Life Woosies.
please can you make him a card. The light pole man and Lady Carole.

Look forward to seeing you and Andy again, plus Bramble.


Jul 20, 2008
Dustydog said:
Hi Di

At Rivendale last year we made Parksy and Carole Honorary Life Woosies.
please can you make him a card. The light pole man and Lady Carole.

Look forward to seeing you and Andy again, plus Bramble.

Hi Dustydog
Have made a plaque but not with Woosie round table can change if you would like? emailing it to you now

Apr 20, 2009
Here's a full list from day one,

Sir Dusty Dog + Lady Villa

King Gagakev + Lady Gagamags

Sir Rob T

Dame TC + Sir WC Himself

Lady Mel + Sir Ale Man

Sir WC + Lady Squirrel

Sir WC Kopite + Lady Top Trump

Sir Chunky

Sir Emmerson

Sir Deli Dave + Lady Linda

Sir Gab +Lady Gab

Sir Mucky Pup TB

Sir Roger F WM

Lady Di Di + Sir Walkaloti

Sir Sprocket Jester + Lady Sprocket

Sir Outnumbered WC (4;1)

Dame Crazyguider + Sir Fixalot

Sir Stagger (Has Wandered)

Sir Prised

Sir Hugh Rinal

soldlisa04 - Lady of the Knight + Knight of the Lady

Gafferbill- Sir Baldrick

Sir Bill TTC

Sir Sticky (Beepee)

Sir Gozza

Lady Smiley

Baroness Barmy and Princess Wotamess

Honoury Member, Sir lightpoleman and Lady Carole

See you all soon,
Feb 4, 2014
Di, thank you so much for making a plaque for me and Princess Wotamess! I'm so sorry I can't be there with you all this weekend, especially as there's some Pimms on offer!

Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy yourselves, hope the weather is kind to you!


Jul 20, 2008
Hi Cynth

My pleasure, shame you can't join us but we will raise a glass to you, and perhaps when your more mobile if you fancy catching up for a coffee and dog walk I'll bring your plaque too! The weather will do its own thing but going prepared so shouldn't dampen the spirits.

I am quite excited as meeting up with a cousin I haven't seen in over 30 years and also old neighbour's not seen for a few years but bumped into them a couple of years ago and we exchange Christmas cards as you do! suggested they come along too!!!

Dec 30, 2013
...and now, here is the weather (copied from the Met Office for 3/5 onwards)Most areas fine and dry with sunny spells this weekend, although there is a risk of a few light showers in the east on Saturday whilst some northwestern parts may turn cloudier with patchy rain on Sunday. Cold overnight, with fairly widespread ground frost, but daytime temperatures around average so not feeling too bad in sunshine. The mainly settled conditions look to persist through the early part of next week, temperatures then probably rising a little above average with the risk of overnight frost reducing. Northwestern parts, however, may remain cloudier with a risk of rain at times. Thereafter, most likely a return to slightly more unsettled conditions, particularly for western and northern areas, with near average temperatures and still a risk of colder interludes affecting the north at times.

that should bring a smile to our faces!


Mar 17, 2007
Have the met office taken into account the fact that Sir Gagakev will be in the locality.
Apr 7, 2008
Mel said:
Have the met office taken into account the fact that Sir Gagakev will be in the locality.
They have awarded him with is own web site for helping with the accuracy of the rain forecast. :lol:

Apr 20, 2009
Mel said:
Have the met office taken into account the fact that Sir Gagakev will be in the locality.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Psst Lady Mel it's only Friday Morning :kiss:
Apr 20, 2009
Dustydog said:
I've now loaded all the wellies and waterproofs

This is taking it to the extreme now :lol:

Sir Dusty, is the quiz Friday? do you know start time?
Daughter and grandson joining us on Friday got to pick them up from Train Station at Barnstable 6.15pm then will have to feed them.


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