Woosie Club

Page 88 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!


Nov 12, 2009
Mel said:
Parksy. Is it worth having a Locked Sticky at the top of the Chit Chat section that explains (if this possible) the Woosie Club? The forum does seem to be attracting more members and it would be a shame for anyone to feel that they couldn't join in with the Woosie club thread because it was a clique or completely incomprehensible. Goodness knows no-one is going to want to read all 217 pages.

Apologies for not replying to this earlier Mel, I'll see what I can do
Feb 3, 2008
Somebody else's Woosie moment:

My sister's neighbour decided, since the death of the neighbour's father, to take on the gardening that her father used to do. The neighbour decided that she would grow some tomatoes and bought a growbag, with pictures of tomatoes on it. She followed the instructions and cut the marked holes, and watered the bag. After a few weeks nothing had grown so she asked a friend to look at the bag. He asked her what variety she had planted. Planted? Planted what she said, she thought the tomato plants were already in the bag because of the pictures on it !! :blush: :oops:


Mar 17, 2007
Another story about keys. Last year we went to Devon and took the grandchildren and their little bikes. There was a wooden picnic bench on the grass of our pitch so as soon as we arrived we took the (open) bike cable lock and clipped it closed securing the bikes to the table( more to stop the grandsons shooting off unsupervised on them while we set up than fear of them being stolen). Anyway one caravan and awning set up later I agreed that the kids could ride their bikes.
"where's the key to the bike lock, Dear" Look of horror on OHs face. "Oh no I didn't pick it up; it is still at home" . "Never mind, I'll go the warden and see if they have a bolt cutter; we'll just have to cut the lock and buy another."
Off I went and told this tale of incompetency to the warden who was very helpful (and amused) and agreed to send the maintenance man. I went back to the van and the still chained bikes. On the way I remembered that in the " box of very useful bits and bobs" under the caravan sink there was a key which may well have been for that very lock. I got it out but OH protested that it wasn't the right key and refused to try it. Along comes the extremely kind and helpful maintenance man who then has a go at the bike lock but can't get through. He is now determined to sort it and goes off for his stronger bolt cutter.
OH then agrees to try the key and yes it does open the lock. :angry:
Now there is a social dilemma. If the helpful man comes back and the lock is open; he is going to think that we are having a laugh. On the hand, I don't want the lock cut.
So OH relocks the bikes, and when the chap comes back with the big bolt cutter, makes out that he has ONLY JUST found the key and it might be worth a go.
Where was I when the chap came back? In true Woosie Fashion I declared to OH, "you're on your own mate!" and went to hide in the Caravan loo. :eek:hmy:


Mar 17, 2007
Some Woosie related Limericks for your entertainment. :cheer:

Our esteemed moderator, one Steve
Had a Lightpole you couldn't believe.
It attracted ladies for miles,
And gave them big smiles,
But Carole just asked them to leave.

Sir Kev, our Woosie, South West
Found a squeak that left him distressed.
Took advice from the forum,
But forgot all decorum,
In his PJs, he's under arrest.

Sir Baldrick has quite an old van,
But it is all part of his cunning plan.
With pennies to spare
He tows everywhere.
He's in Spain now getting a tan.

Our technical wizard Sir Sprocket,
Has a tool kit that can build you a rocket,
With no regard for the weight
On the caravan plate,
On site he can weld, grind or knock it.

Cybercynth is our newest recruit
From her posts she sounds like a hoot.
A van that folds up
And a right messy pup
But big spiders will cause her to scoot.

When the muse strikes I'll add more. Feel free to join in.
(TS Elliott, eat your heart out B) )


Mar 17, 2007
On fire today :dry:

Wise WC is our King
Of him all our praises sing,
A man with a plan
He downsized his van
Got a small car to tow it, Kerr-ching.

We have a brave knight in Sir Dusty,
He wields a big sword that is trusty.
He'll get us a deal
On a room for our meal.
Provided the bar maid is Lusty.

And what of our fair Lady mel
She's a poet as you can all tell.
Her poems all chime,
Scan, rhythm and rhyme.
But not all of them end quite so well.

Jun 20, 2005
Well well Lady Mel
We have a true Poetess amongst our Woosie band.
Very well done indeed. .
Now all the Woosies will have to reciprocate.
Mar 8, 2009
There once was a would be poet called Kev,
Who thought a Limerick he would ‘ev,
He did try to compete with our laureate Mel,
But couldn’t make it rhyme or scan for to tell
A bit like mine really so I really shouldn’t try this poetry lark either.
Jul 15, 2008
Mel said:
.......a Woosie related Limericks for your entertainment. :cheer:

Sir Baldrick has quite an old van,
But it is all part of his cunning plan.
With pennies to spare
He tows everywhere.
He's in Spain now getting a tan.

When the muse strikes I'll add more. Feel free to join in.
(TS Elliott, eat your heart out B) )

Very perceptive is our Mel
She does not miss a thing
The cunning plan is working well
Jones's caravan is not King
My money instead goes up in smoke
With the cost of diesel I should be broke
Trips in caravans and planes appear
To places far away and near
Never mind I am on a mission
My children never gave permission
They do not stand a chance
I am spending their inheritance.
Apr 20, 2009
Gabsgrandad said:
There once was a would be poet called Kev,
Who thought a Limerick he would ‘ev,
He did try to compete with our laureate Mel,
But couldn’t make it rhyme or scan for to tell
A bit like mine really so I really shouldn’t try this poetry lark either.

Agree whole heartedly, mines gone it sounded OK after a beer last night :whistle:
Feb 3, 2008
There was a young lady called Mel
Who wrote limericks, just for the hell
She put them on the Forum
And asked for a quorum
As to "Did she do well?"


Nov 12, 2009
Who'd have thought that the Woosies had such hidden talents!
Great stuff, rhyming forum with quorum reveals an artistic bent King WC
It would be a shame not to have a go so here's The Ballad of the Woosies for your delight and delectation :lol: .....

A group of enthusiasts of internet fame
said ''Shall we meet up, do you think?''
So duly they met up, and thought of a name
They're Woosies (and boy can they drink!)

They meet at the places
Where where caravans steer
For Practical purposes, so
If you see the Aces, at quizzes and beer
The Woosies were there, don't you know!

To be a good Woosie is not really hard
Just tell us of caravan woe,
A tale to impress us will soon mark your card
As a Woosie, you're friendships will grow.
Jun 20, 2005
Woosies are a real tough bunch
Lady Linda and Deli Dave love a munch
The Lady Villa and Sir Dusty dog
slightly different love their bog
Our Lady Belinda and Sir Gaffer bill
Freely use their's for a good cheap thrill.
Sir Walk a lot and Lady Di
Do their very best to keep Bramble dry.
Sir Aleman and Lady Mel
enjoy the use of their inner cell.
Lady Squirrel and King WC
happily use their facility for free.
Lady Joan and Sir Gabsgrandad
think us Woosies are raving mad.
Please note they are bogside glad.
Her motley crew and Crazy Guider
prefer to use the sites outsider.
Carol and Parks The Light pole Man
faithfully use their sacred pan.
Sir Gagakev and Lady Mags
scrub theirs daily with scented rags.
Sir Sprocket and his fair Maid Mick
certainly know how to show us a trick.
There are many more Woosies we need to name
protocol says we cannot blame or shame
so our Prof John gets off free
just as we all want a ????
Apr 7, 2008
Dustydog said:
Woosies are a real tough bunch
Lady Linda and Deli Dave love a munch
The Lady Villa and Sir Dusty dog
slightly different love their bog
Our Lady Belinda and Sir Gaffer bill
Freely use their's for a good cheap thrill.
Sir Walk a lot and Lady Di
Do their very best to keep Bramble dry.
Sir Aleman and Lady Mel
enjoy the use of their inner cell.
Lady Squirrel and King WC
happily use their facility for free.
Lady Joan and Sir Gabsgrandad
think us Woosies are raving mad.
Please note they are bogside glad.
Her motley crew and Crazy Guider
prefer to use the sites outsider.
Carol and Parks The Light pole Man
faithfully use their sacred pan.
Sir Gagakev and Lady Mags
scrub theirs daily with scented rags.
Sir Sprocket and his fair Maid Mick
certainly know how to show us a trick.
There are many more Woosies we need to name
protocol says we cannot blame or shame
so our Prof John gets off free
just as we all want a ????

Mar 8, 2009
Hiya Woosies, I am well and truly 'Woosied off'. This is the 5th. time I've towed the tin tent to bonny Scotland, and I think it's the same "shower" I'm in that I left in in 1979! . Wet Wet Wet, will they use that band for their national anthem rendition after September? Thought I'd give it another chance to see Scotland,as my passport has expired and don't want to invest in something I can't wear out!. (and might need it next year if I wanted to come?)## But gunna persevere and go to the 'top', this time. Been on the Falkirk Wheel today on the way up to John O, well worth a visit, (actually fitted it in between showers (nearly) In the future we'll go south.I assume it's dry in Gagaland?
Apr 20, 2009
WoodlandsCamper said:
Gabsgrandad said:
In the future we'll go south.I assume it's dry in Gagaland?

Not when Kev's there! ;)

Ah thats where your wrong, lovely glorious sunshine (OK one heavy shower today for 10 mins)
Even had a nice four days last week in Sunny Cornwall on one of Sir Dusty's favourite sites, BUT Friday night
a fellow forum member Johnandrew and his OH popped over for a drinkies and we had to retreat to the awning, thunder, fork lightning and heavy rain but again only for about 30+ mins. But fascinating to watch.

Sir Gab the way things are going you may need a passport to come down here soon :lol: :lol:
Mar 13, 2007
Gabsgrandad said:
Hiya Woosies, I am well and truly 'Woosied off'. This is the 5th. time I've towed the tin tent to bonny Scotland, and I think it's the same "shower" I'm in that I left in in 1979! . Wet Wet Wet, will they use that band for their national anthem rendition after September? Thought I'd give it another chance to see Scotland,as my passport has expired and don't want to invest in something I can't wear out!. (and might need it next year if I wanted to come?)## But gunna persevere and go to the 'top', this time. Been on the Falkirk Wheel today on the way up to John O, well worth a visit, (actually fitted it in between showers (nearly) In the future we'll go south.I assume it's dry in Gagaland?
hi Sir Gab,
of course it rains a lot in Scotland, :sick: why do you think they have so many trees and bog land :lol:
BTW, GAGA land is great just now. just come back from two weeks in Bude. very tired and as red as a boiled lobster. :woohoo: did not take the tin tent though went in a static :evil: as the kids came with us.
Jun 20, 2005
Gagakev said:
WoodlandsCamper said:
Gabsgrandad said:
In the future we'll go south.I assume it's dry in Gagaland?

Not when Kev's there! ;)

Ah thats where your wrong, lovely glorious sunshine (OK one heavy shower today for 10 mins)
Even had a nice four days last week in Sunny Cornwall on one of Sir Dusty's favourite sites, BUT Friday night
a fellow forum member Johnandrew and his OH popped over for a drinkies and we had to retreat to the awning, thunder, fork lightning and heavy rain but again only for about 30+ mins. But fascinating to watch.

Sir Gab the way things are going you may need a passport to come down here soon :lol: :lol:
As our resident rain master I hope you tried the Clemmos pool?
Did you like the place?
Apr 20, 2009

As our resident rain master I hope you tried the Clemmos pool?
Did you like the place?[/quote]

Didnt try the pool, my thinking was I wont get wet in the sunshine so why jump in a pool and get wet :silly:
Really nice site, big pitch, clean, tidy and friendly.
Got upset with the neighbours though on both sides, one was there for SIX weeks and the other for FOUR weeks, us, FOUR days!!! :(


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