Woosie Club

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Apr 7, 2008
Hi Brian

Most of the Woosies are arriving on Thursday the 25th and Departing on Monday the 29th of September.
Apr 20, 2009
Sproket said:
Hi Brian

Most of the Woosies are arriving on Thursday the 25th and Departing on Monday the 29th of September.

Glad you said most have you seen Sir Dusty's last post 8 DAYS, I mean, us poor mortal paupers have to return to WORK :(
Apr 7, 2008
Gagakev said:
Sproket said:
Hi Brian

Most of the Woosies are arriving on Thursday the 25th and Departing on Monday the 29th of September.

Glad you said most have you seen Sir Dusty's last post 8 DAYS, I mean, us poor mortal paupers have to return to WORK :(

Anyone know when the nine day week starts cos then I will get a weekend off :(
Feb 4, 2014
Sproket said:
Hi Brian

Most of the Woosies are arriving on Thursday the 25th and Departing on Monday the 29th of September.
Oooh! Better put those dates in my dairy, now I've got 2 reasonably good knees there should be nothing stopping me attending your next Woosie-fest!


Mar 17, 2007
Welcome to the Woosies Sir Brian and Lady G. Look forward to meeting you at Wheathill.

And to meeting you Baroness Barmy. Get yourself booked in.

IF Sir Aleman and I can book the time off work, and get a minder for the adolescent, we will arrive on the 22nd, or even 21st but can't confirm yet.
Jun 20, 2005
As we don't have much work on we will be arriving on the 22nd September and go home on the 1st October.
Well someone has to try out the next door premises to make sure they are okay for the Woosie Fest :p
Sir Brian
you and Lady G are in same position as us. The biggest expense caravanning is the fuel cost. The longer we stay away the better value imo.
Aug 12, 2013
Thanks Sir Sprocket,

Sounds good. I have uploaded my Avatar now so getting there.

Just got to tweak things a bit then I shall be happy.

Off to The Big Smoke tomorrow. Getting chance to go on the new cable car across the Thames, can't take the 'van across though; can't understand why!.


Jul 20, 2008
Hi Sir Brain & Lady G, welcome to the Woosies, would you like a window plaque with your names on? as others have

Aug 12, 2013
Hi Di,
That would be fantastic, let me know how much to send you and how to send it.

Our "Proper names" are Brian Watkins and Gill Watkins.

Our "Honorary names " are Sir Brian & Lady G.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Best wishes

Apr 20, 2009
Attn Lady Di
Di I sent you an email but may have sent it to your temp one, is that still active?
Jun 20, 2005
Sir Brian
sorry for the delay.
My PC has blown Up. I've lost all my folders and emails for the last two years.
Our King is helping me reconstitute the data .
May I suggest you ring Wheathill. Tell them you are part of the Woosie Round Table. They will then book you in at Woosie rates.
If you are stuck one our Ladies or Knights will help here.
I'm lost at the moment. :(


Mar 17, 2007
Sir Brian. all is explained at about page 189. (Sir Sprocket can post links but I'm not as computer savvy as him)
But just ringing the Wheathill site should do it.
Apr 7, 2008
Mel said:
Sir Brian. all is explained at about page 189. (Sir Sprocket can post links but I'm not as computer savvy as him)
But just ringing the Wheathill site should do it.

Will this help ??

Now the good news .

Lee Partridge of Wheathill Touring Park
Near Bridgnorth
WV16 6QT

has very kindly offered us a Woosie Round Table special price of £20.00 per unit per night instead of their usual £25.00. We all get a super serviced 16 amp pitch with brown and grey waste disposal. King WC and Lady Squirrell will be working overtime to make good use of these facilities.
All you need to do asap is send Lee Partridge a £20.00 deposit advising the dates of your stay and that you are a Knight or Lady of the Woosie Round Table. Cheques I guess should be payable to ?????????? If you are unsure please ring Lee direct on
01584 823456.

I'll now sort out the Three Horseshoes for our Woosie fest.
I'll post later with the payee details. Lee is e-mailing me

( Later ) :silly:
This email is confirmation of your booking at Wheathill Touring ParkFrom: Tuesday 23rd SeptemberTo: Departing on Monday 29th September 2014 (All to be confirmed by your members) Pricing Details: £20.00 per night. All deposits need to be made out to our sister company .Please make your cheque payable to Bromdon Caravan Park Ltd. Postal address at the bottom. Additional Information: On arrival please park in the arrivals bay located directly ahead of the main gate. If the office is unattended use the smart bell for attention. It is best not to follow the SAT NAV as this sometimes takes you off the B4364. We are on this road next to the Three Horseshoes pub.If any of these details are incorrect or if you have any additional queries feel free to contact me.If at all possible could you give us a guide to the time of your arrival either by email or text on the day of arrival.078 038 90 777. Remember to include your surname.


Lee Partridge
Wheathill Touring Park
Nr Bridgnorth,
WV16 6QT.

ALL Cheques made out to Bromdon Caravan Park Ltd
Jun 20, 2005
Well done Sir Sprocket.
What a star you are.
I'm taking my main computer to Dr PC Dan on thursday.
Hopefully he will be able to recover all my lost data. Well at £60 an hour I hope he works fast!
Jun 20, 2005
Congratulations Sir Brian.

Reaching the diizzy heights so soon!
Well done. Keep posting and hopefully we'll see you at the Woosie Fest.Wheatalot.
Apr 20, 2009
brianjw47 said:
:woohoo: Have lifted to the dizzy ranks of Junior Boarder.

Your Avatar says Old :lol:
Sir Brian have you booked up to join us at Wheatalot yet?

I'll let you into a little secret but dont tell anyone, I am going into a competition with our very own Sir Aleman I will be bringing along a few bottles of home brew which is on the go as we speak.
I will off course repay Sir Aleman for the past years he has supplied the real Ales.

Oh thats if I havent drunk it all by then ;)


Nov 12, 2009
That reminds me, I've still got the bottle of home brew that you gave to me at the Readers Rally Sir Gagakev
I've been so busy since I came back that I'd put in in the cupboard and forgotten about it, I'll give it a try at the weekend :cheer:


Mar 17, 2007
Gagakev said:
brianjw47 said:
:woohoo: Have lifted to the dizzy ranks of Junior Boarder.

Your Avatar says Old :lol:
Sir Brian have you booked up to join us at Wheatalot yet?

I'll let you into a little secret but dont tell anyone, I am going into a competition with our very own Sir Aleman I will be bringing along a few bottles of home brew which is on the go as we speak.
I will off course repay Sir Aleman for the past years he has supplied the real Ales.

Oh thats if I havent drunk it all by then ;)

Sir Aleman cannot wait to sample the home brew Sir Kev. He will of course be bringing some real Ale to Wheatalot but has considerable sampling to do before arriving at the final selection.


Mar 17, 2007
Parksy. Is it worth having a Locked Sticky at the top of the Chit Chat section that explains (if this possible) the Woosie Club? The forum does seem to be attracting more members and it would be a shame for anyone to feel that they couldn't join in with the Woosie club thread because it was a clique or completely incomprehensible. Goodness knows no-one is going to want to read all 217 pages.
Apr 20, 2009
Mel said:
Gagakev said:
brianjw47 said:
:woohoo: Have lifted to the dizzy ranks of Junior Boarder.

Your Avatar says Old :lol:
Sir Brian have you booked up to join us at Wheatalot yet?

I'll let you into a little secret but dont tell anyone, I am going into a competition with our very own Sir Aleman I will be bringing along a few bottles of home brew which is on the go as we speak.
I will off course repay Sir Aleman for the past years he has supplied the real Ales.

Oh thats if I havent drunk it all by then ;)

Sir Aleman cannot wait to sample the home brew Sir Kev. He will of course be bringing some real Ale to Wheatalot but has considerable sampling to do before arriving at the final selection.

Lady Mel tell Sir Aleman I will save a bottle just for him :kiss:
Dec 30, 2013
Thought you'd all like this...
A couple of days ago, while at Burrowhayes, I returned to the van and inserted the key, turned it and the plastic end came away! Arrggh thought I, but being resourceful i noticed that the bottom end bunk window was open and decided I would put my arm through and open the door that way...my arm was too short, so called over my taller daughter to do it, which she did. I showed Sir Fixalot the key on his return from mountain biking down Dunkery Beacon with son, to be told that that was not the caravan key but his bike lock key...The next morning Sir picked up the other set of keys and enquired as to the whereabouts of the end of the key attached to the fob? He was informed that he had it last...and found it in the toilet locker lock. If we were'nt Woosies before, we are now


Nov 12, 2009
Mel said:
Parksy. Is it worth having a Locked Sticky at the top of the Chit Chat section that explains (if this possible) the Woosie Club? The forum does seem to be attracting more members and it would be a shame for anyone to feel that they couldn't join in with the Woosie club thread because it was a clique or completely incomprehensible. Goodness knows no-one is going to want to read all 217 pages.
Apologies for not replying to this earlier Mel.
The Woosie Club first began as a forum topic, and has evolved into a group of forum members who are the Woosies and who meet a couple of times a year if possible. The Woosie fests are usually at the Practical Caravan Readers Rally and later in the year at a site chosen by the Woosies where the annual Coronation of the Monarch ceremony takes place amid much feasting, tasting of ale and merriment.
Membership of the Woosies is potentially open to all Practical Caravan forum members who submit amusing tales of caravan related woe, incompetence, clumsiness or sheer stupidity for approval by His Woosieness the King of the Woosies after the prospective Woosie has been proposed and seconded by his loyal subjects.


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