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Jul 18, 2017
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Envious of Wiltshire 🤣.
May have to revisit the Principality that weekend to soak up the atmosphere and down a few Brains.
When we first came to the UK, we lived in Cardiff as OH is a genuine Taffy and the atmosphere in the local pubs was really great especially if I was wearing my Bok rugby jersey.
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Jul 18, 2017
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We lived in Grangetown on the banks of the Taff. A great 4 years and the city positively buzzed on international days.
OH was born in Llanbradach Street, Grangetown across the way from the stadium so her dad and brothers coudl almsot watch the matches from home back in the fifties.
Mar 14, 2005
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Whatever the view on EV it is virtually impossible to charge when towing a caravan, without un hooking the van, I have seen unhooked vans left in separate area to charging point, with all the faff that is entailed, until the charging points are built as drive through I can't see it changing
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Aug 24, 2020
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Where EVs do benefit the environment is locally - they reduce emissions in cities where lots of people are driving and lots of people are breathing. Yes they cause problems elsewhere, but they do improve urban air quality.

We've just replaced our towcar, we wanted a hybrid but none of the ones within our budget had the capacity to tow our caravan.
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Jun 20, 2005
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Jul 18, 2017
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Sadly all that glitters is not gold😥😥
Very sad that is happening and people buying a certain type of battery cannot see the issues that they are creating so that they can have visions of doing their bit for the planet! NOT!
Nov 11, 2009
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Talking about UK only. I am 90 and in my world the weather is no worse than I can remember in all that time. Floods ,snow, winds, heat and have all been there so not much change at all.
I think that your memory is probably selectively filtering events, and is out of synch with the overwhelming body of scientific evidence. The world is warming and the profile of global temperature increase maps directly back to the start of the Industrial Revolution.
Jul 18, 2017
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I think that your memory is probably selectively filtering events, and is out of synch with the overwhelming body of scientific evidence. The world is warming and the profile of global temperature increase maps directly back to the start of the Industrial Revolution.
I was always under the impression that the world is cooling down as it seems to have been warmer in Britain hundreds of years ago? This summer has certainly proved that I wonder what those fancy scientists are going to say to justify their fat salaries?

Also why doesn't someone advise a certain president that he is adding to the so called warming equation with his war and that the wind from that war blows that debris over Europe and the UK like it did with Chernobyl which could have been producing electric to recharge certain batteries?
Jun 20, 2005
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I think that your memory is probably selectively filtering events, and is out of synch with the overwhelming body of scientific evidence. The world is warming and the profile of global temperature increase maps directly back to the start of the Industrial Revolution.
Interesting Clive.
A friend of mine , ex RAF, currently flies as one of four Captains on the U.K. Scientific Research Councils aircraft a RJ185. Loaded with 50 scientists , they work weekly , flying at low level world wide collecting and analysing weather data and Climate change.
I am told nothing has actually really changed for hundreds of years. I will get the U.K. scientific link next time I see him. I was surprised but basically it says the opposite of your statement.
Give me a few weeks .
Nov 11, 2009
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Interesting Clive.
A friend of mine , ex RAF, currently flies as one of four Captains on the U.K. Scientific Research Councils aircraft a RJ185. Loaded with 50 scientists , they work weekly , flying at low level world wide collecting and analysing weather data and Climate change.
I am told nothing has actually really changed for hundreds of years. I will get the U.K. scientific link next time I see him. I was surprised but basically it says the opposite of your statement.
Give me a few weeks .
Be interested to read what he says. I assume he works for the NERC National Center for Atmospheric Science who operate the RJ 185.
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Nov 12, 2009
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Every publication and news media has an agenda surrounding 'climate change' or 'global warming', call it what you will.
It's often said that the overwhelming body of scientific opinion is adamant about the causes and effect of this 'climate change' that news programmes regularly bombard us with.
It's a fact, however, that scientists that disagree with the 'climate change' dogma are shut down and vigorously denied any platform on news media.
Those of us who maintain a healthy scepticism about news media are howled down as 'climate deniers', almost as though those of us who don't believe everything that we read in the papers or watch on tv are to be treated as middle ages heretics.
I've always believed that there are two sides to every story.
OK, if we blindly accept that global warming exists, are we to blame?
Are we being guit tripped into making Britain colder and poorer, paying more for less so that our hard earned tax money can be given away?
Anecdotal evidence suggests that places such as Greece are no hotter than they've always been.
These 'widfires' that news media are so fond of trying to scare us with are rarely, if ever, due to mysterious spontaneous combustion.
Again, anecdotal evidence from those who are there suggest that most of these 'wildfires' are started either accidentally or deliberately by people.
This won't be a popular opinion, but if some countries are experiencing hot weather - I Don't Care!
I don't live there, if the weather is too hot I'm highly unlikely to go there, and nothing that I do here will make one iota of difference to there.
Keep plastics out of the oceans, don't waste energy and try to cut down on air pollution by all means, but as previously stated....
Any government, whoever they may be, that tries to lower our standard of living and make us poorer is committing electoral suicide.
Nov 11, 2009
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I must admit to thinking that climate change scientists have got their predictions wrong. As a lowly engineer my view is that we have already reached 1.5 degree warming or very close to it, and the progression to 2 degrees is inevitable☹️


Nov 12, 2009
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The earth has been warming and cooling since the beginning of time.
Science has discovered ways to measure temperatures to a fraction of a degree, and the advances in global communication means that if it's warmer at a location halfway across the world, we can know about it within the hour.
The Black Country urban sprawl where I live was once submerged under a relatively shallow tropical sea.
Fossils of Trilobites, prehistoric animals that thrived in tropical waters are so common here, they are often known as 'Dudley Locusts'
A narrowboat trip to the underground limestone mines in which a canal passes through will reveal a fossilised coral reef at the entrance to one end of the canal tunnels.
Climate is ever changing and evolving.
Discarding the advantages brought about in modern times and paying more for less in Britain will make no difference to nature or climate.
Jul 18, 2017
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The earth has been warming and cooling since the beginning of time.
Science has discovered ways to measure temperatures to a fraction of a degree, and the advances in global communication means that if it's warmer at a location halfway across the world, we can know about it within the hour.
The Black Country urban sprawl where I live was once submerged under a relatively shallow tropical sea.
Fossils of Trilobites, prehistoric animals that thrived in tropical waters are so common here, they are often known as 'Dudley Locusts'
A narrowboat trip to the underground limestone mines in which a canal passes through will reveal a fossilised coral reef at the entrance to one end of the canal tunnels.
Climate is ever changing and evolving.
Discarding the advantages brought about in modern times and paying more for less in Britain will make no difference to nature or climate.
We visited the Black Country museum many years ago, but sadly we could not go into the tunnel at the time. Maybe at some time in the future.

I am not sure about all this warming gunk when they can only go on records that date back a few decades and not hundreds or thousands of years? Even carbon dating is not very accurate, just a rough guess and should show that the earth is cooling and not warming.

How do we prevent pollution from coming to our shores from the likes of Europe and other far flung countries? We are all for doing our bit by recycling etc, but why should we be penalised for probably the natural changes by nature over which we have no control? Volcanoes in Iceland don't help, but can we blame Iceland for their volcanoes etc?
Nov 11, 2009
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We visited the Black Country museum many years ago, but sadly we could not go into the tunnel at the time. Maybe at some time in the future.

I am not sure about all this warming gunk when they can only go on records that date back a few decades and not hundreds or thousands of years? Even carbon dating is not very accurate, just a rough guess and should show that the earth is cooling and not warming.

How do we prevent pollution from coming to our shores from the likes of Europe and other far flung countries? We are all for doing our bit by recycling etc, but why should we be penalised for probably the natural changes by nature over which we have no control? Volcanoes in Iceland don't help, but can we blame Iceland for their volcanoes etc?
There are established methods for estimating earths temperatures going back more than a few decades. You’ve mentioned volcanoes in previous posts, and human activity is 100 times greater in its output. At least Iceland harnesses it’s terrestrial heat sources.

These two links may help:

Jul 18, 2017
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There is no way that the established methods are accurate as they are estimated and could be out by several degrees for all we know. In one day a volcano can pollute more than mankind can in a year. The ash particles can hang around in the atmosphere for weeks and affect the global climate much more than anything mankind can do.

Not sure if you have read up on the Krakatoa volcano in 1883 as that volcanic explosion affected the temperature of the oceans and also the climate and it took nearly 100 years for things to return to normal. At the time the change in the atmosphere caused the moon appear to be blue in colour.That was one volcano and there are about 1500 active volcanoes in the world at present with 50-70 erupting each year! Over the past few years the volcanoes in Hawaii have also been erupting and polluting the atmosphere.

You may be interested in this link as it gives you some idea of the effect of volcanoes. See
Nov 11, 2009
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There is no way that the established methods are accurate as they are estimated and could be out by several degrees for all we know. In one day a volcano can pollute more than mankind can in a year. The ash particles can hang around in the atmosphere for weeks and affect the global climate much more than anything mankind can do.

Not sure if you have read up on the Krakatoa volcano in 1883 as that volcanic explosion affected the temperature of the oceans and also the climate and it took nearly 100 years for things to return to normal. At the time the change in the atmosphere caused the moon appear to be blue in colour.That was one volcano and there are about 1500 active volcanoes in the world at present with 50-70 erupting each year! Over the past few years the volcanoes in Hawaii have also been erupting and polluting the atmosphere.

You may be interested in this link as it gives you some idea of the effect of volcanoes. See
Thanks I’ve read about Krakatoa and most references say the cooling effects were around 1.2 degrees for 5-7 years. Not 100 years. Perhaps we need a few more volcanic eruptions to counterbalance CO2 emissions 🤣
Jul 18, 2017
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Thanks I’ve read about Krakatoa and most references say the cooling effects were around 1.2 degrees for 5-7 years. Not 100 years. Perhaps we need a few more volcanic eruptions to counterbalance CO2 emissions 🤣
Does that mean we as a the human race have to stop breathing? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Nov 11, 2009
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Does that mean we as a the human race have to stop breathing? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
No, we can breathe CO2 at much higher concentrations. During my work life 1% was okay for extended periods, as long as the CO2 capture equipment kept working. 🤣
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Jun 20, 2005
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At the end of the day we’ll all be dead and the Earth will still be here for centuries to come.
If we are not careful and listen to all the doom mongers we will all be vegetarians, cows and other farm animals will be extinct because of methane. Etc etc.
Rant over. Time for a Scottish Pure Single Malt 🥃
Jul 18, 2017
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At the end of the day we’ll all be dead and the Earth will still be here for centuries to come.
If we are not careful and listen to all the doom mongers we will all be vegetarians, cows and other farm animals will be extinct because of methane. Etc etc.
Rant over. Time for a Scottish Pure Single Malt 🥃
A nice 20 year old Glenfiddich?


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