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Mar 14, 2005
If we all fall for the political spin "that personal transportation is going to get disproportionately more expensive in the foreseeable future" we will divide our society even more so in to a them and us society. Those with above average incomes will drive and poorer folk will be off the road.

Rural areas that are already under threat and rely on cars will just die.

The inflation will just crush business and very many families will suffer more so than now.

Motoring for the masses at cheaper costs is the way forward for our economy and a way to provide more employment.
"Motoring for the masses at cheaper costs is the way forward for our economy and a way to provide more employment.".

At best very short term solution. To hell with tomorrow.


The only fact and guarantee about Global Warming is that it is a big money making business and that car drivers and tax payers are footing the big bills and feeding the Fat Cats behind "GREEN" and Climate Change.

An interesting read before you jump in your car choice and drive with peace of mind ;)

UK "supercomputer makes 1,000 billion calculations a second - then tells us to expect a mild winter. But what would you expect from a 'scientific' organisation that for 20 years has been dominated by climate change zealots, and whose current chairman is the former boss of the World Wildlife Fund?

'Cold of a variety not seen in over 25 years in a large scale is about to engulf the major energy-consuming areas of the northern hemisphere. The first 15 days of the opening of the New Year will be the coldest, population weighted, north of 30 [degrees] north worldwide in over 25 years.'

That is the chilling (quite literally) verdict of Joe Bastardi, a weather forecaster on the American TV channel AccuWeather.

Yet, while many months ago he and several of his rivals correctly forecast a pre-Christmas freeze, the organisation that told us last year to prepare for a 'barbecue summer' was getting it wrong again.

This is our own famous Met Office, which last September confidently predicted a warmer than average winter for Britain. Tell that to Eurostar passengers stuck in the Channel Tunnel for 18 hours before Christmas, the breakdown of their trains blamed on the coldest weather for 15 years.

Not until late November did the Met Office tone down its prediction by saying that there was a '50 per cent chance' of a mild winter.

Spinning a coin could have given the same result - not one you would expect from an organisation that spends nearly
Oct 30, 2009
interesting post Euro everyone would agree that sometimes the met office can be as much use as a chocolate fire guard ask michael fish about storms.

however we only conviently remember the times when they are wrong like when the car breaks down the other 100.000 miles trouble free are forgotten.

I for one would not call the recent cold snap severe it was only 8 weeks ago late october we were at the coast in shorts and t shirts eating ice creams. er it is acctually winter you know? the met office predicted a wet cool summer in 2008 you know the year of the floods and record rain fall the reason given was a change in the direction of the gulf stream stopping the warm air from the equator and allowing cold wet artic air further south than normal. guess what they weren't wrong, the sales of wellys rocketed pity most are made in china and india.

of course climate change or lack of it is a political arguement how can it not be and depending on your motives decides which side of the fence you stand on. one thing is for sure either way it will be expensive and someone is going to make megga bucks out of it.

as for the grit issue goes did you know the reason some local councils "well ours anyway" no longer grit the pavements and minor roads it's not because there is a shortage of rock salt (bear in mind it is 4x more expensive than 5 years ago) or that the met office told them it would not be needed no its because :- wait for it

to avoid compensation claims, snow and ice are a natural occurance and therefore an act of god one is expected to take care at ones own risk when walking or driving on it, if the council gritted all the roads and footpaths any accident or resulting fall the council or "anyone else" could be deemed responsible as they had interfered with a natural occurance,

the injured party could argue that because the path had been cleared there was no risk of slipping and therefore safe.

major roads and transport links are gritted to keep the transport infrastructure moving and the buses running, if your road is not one, it will not be done.

yes it could be argued that the grit and the manpower to do it comes out of your council tax true but so does all the accident claimes paid out of your tax.
Mar 14, 2005
Whether a particular country has a mild or a severe winter is not the point. A couple of snowstorms here or there won't change the overall picture. There appears to be confusion between weather and climate in parts of this thread. The ability of a met office to forecast weather reliably or not is therefore irrelevant. Fact is that the polar ice cap is melting at an alarming rate, enough to allow shipping through both the North West and now also the North East Passages and glaciers in the northern hemishere are receeding just as quickly. Railway lines in Siberia are sinking into the ground no longer covered by permafrost. Those are examples of what's at issue.
Jun 14, 2009
The sea around Greenland which is icebound, has in the past been navigable. In the book called "1421" Gavin Menzies puts forward the suggestion that Chinese Admiral's sailed huge ships around the world and that there is evidence of Chinese artifacts on Greenland and the continent of North America. If as we are let to believe, Greenland has been covered with ice/snow since the last iceage, why is it called Greenland? Were the original discoverers colour blind and think WHITE is GREEN?
Feb 16, 2009
Colin late October is not winter but Autumn and ever since l have been a lad we have had Indian Summers i.e. hot Octobers but more cold than hot.

Wet summers, we only remember the hot ones who wants to remember wet ones.

I am 57 and l bet in that time what l call hot summers we have had no more than 20.

Fifty years ago their was no mention of Global warming, at that time in our house the coalmen came once fortnight in winter, burned nothing but fossil fuels, the only thing that changed was the discovery of the gas fields hence central heating, my point being.

This government has seen another way to raise capital to get them out of the mire, its hiding behind global warming doesn't give hoot about it, if it did it would have let the cat Industry die not introduced a scrappage scheme to save it, ask your self has it helped any other industry "no" they received no help thousands to the wall.

I am with Euro on this one, great piece of journalism euro should be published wider, but l doesn't think there is a tabloid with any bottle to print it.



May 25, 2009

If an iceberg melts, does the sea level go up or down? To my mind (probably wrong) not a lot changes. So there is no harm in floating ice melting. Ice sitting on top of land is a different matter. My understanding is that our greatest immediate danger if that a big lump of ice will break off and fall into the sea, causing a huge tidal wave.

What happened to that huge inland sea somwhere in the USSR? It dried up. Why?

Personally, I want to know what will happen if HMG cannot stop climate change. Is there a Plan B? Have they stopped building on flood plains, for instance?

Mar 14, 2005
The sea around Greenland which is icebound, has in the past been navigable. In the book called "1421" Gavin Menzies puts forward the suggestion that Chinese Admiral's sailed huge ships around the world and that there is evidence of Chinese artifacts on Greenland and the continent of North America. If as we are let to believe, Greenland has been covered with ice/snow since the last iceage, why is it called Greenland? Were the original discoverers colour blind and think WHITE is GREEN?
There was never any mention that the whole of Greenland was covered by snow and ice. Perhaps it was called Greenland because its discoverers were so surprised to see green at all.

Besides, even if there were a warmer period at the time of Greenland's discovery, there were a lot fewer people on our planet and the few that there wer had no trouble in moving away from low lying regions should the water level have risen.
Aug 4, 2004
I very seldom agree with euro but euro has it spot on about this global warming myth. I say it again, it is just a tax con but at long last people are starting to see through it. Nature probably puts more CO2 into the atmosphere in a year than mankind does in a genearation!
Mar 14, 2005
Even without global warming there good reason to conserve our natural resources as much as possible. So long as industry and sectors of the public don't feel the need to use energy sparingly one can only deduce that it's too cheap.


Nov 12, 2009
Nigel NGH wrote:

'I am with Euro on this one, great piece of journalism euro should be published wider, but l doesn't think there is a tabloid with any bottle to print it.'

Euro's post has already been published. It was based on an article from yesterday's Daily Mail
Jun 20, 2005
Ian beat me to it.

However I remember from my botany days the plants grasses etc absorb CO2 during photsynthesis and as a result give off Oxygen.

The more plants we have the better the environment.

The amount of greenhouse gases I'm responsible for is miniscule compared to all the fat cats who flew to Copenhagen recently.


Feb 16, 2009
Parsky must have missed the article, l take the Mail on the days l don't work, at least Euro has bought to the attention of this forum and l agree with Euro and the Daily Mail article.

Wouldn't be surprised if GB isn't dreaming of snow tax at this very moment, you may laugh but the gritters finally came this morning 54 hours to late especially for them going to work early on.

Story is East Cheshire can't afford to grit now the forecast is for more snow, so it's rationing it

Mar 14, 2005
Parsky must have missed the article, l take the Mail on the days l don't work, at least Euro has bought to the attention of this forum and l agree with Euro and the Daily Mail article.

Wouldn't be surprised if GB isn't dreaming of snow tax at this very moment, you may laugh but the gritters finally came this morning 54 hours to late especially for them going to work early on.

Story is East Cheshire can't afford to grit now the forecast is for more snow, so it's rationing it

Probably can't afford the grit because the tax is too low


If Germany had been made to pay UK costs of two wars the UK would be far better off and wouldn't need the present level of tax's ;) ;)
Feb 16, 2009
Correct euro, only just payed the bloody yanks back for the last one, and plus all the bases they nicked of us as well, we are still broke.
Mar 14, 2005
If Germany had been made to pay UK costs of two wars the UK would be far better off and wouldn't need the present level of tax's ;) ;)
Somehow I never considered the UK as one of those Third World countries unable to get their own house in order, but having to rely on support from outside. It seems that I was wrong.
Mar 10, 2006
What i never understand is why do we always rebuild countries, after we have bombed the $rap out of them?

We pay to kill them, then pay again to rebuild what we have destroyed in the first place?

germany, japan, now iraq, next sudan or iran? The chap who has collected the noble peace award, appears to be favouring sudan at present!

Sorry about drifting off topic, now back to saving the world.

I think the future will require more ice road truckers, if the above "the world is doomed" claims come true.

But then some time back, the ozone layer was going to destroy use all!
Mar 14, 2005
What i never understand is why do we always rebuild countries, after we have bombed the $rap out of them?

We pay to kill them, then pay again to rebuild what we have destroyed in the first place?

germany, japan, now iraq, next sudan or iran? The chap who has collected the noble peace award, appears to be favouring sudan at present!

Sorry about drifting off topic, now back to saving the world.

I think the future will require more ice road truckers, if the above "the world is doomed" claims come true.

But then some time back, the ozone layer was going to destroy use all!
What sums did the UK pay Germany or Japan after the war? From my recollection the UK was well nigh bankrupt and relied on support from the USA, same as Germany, so where was the money coming from?


Nov 12, 2009
What sums did the UK pay Germany or Japan after the war? From my recollection the UK was well nigh bankrupt and relied on support from the USA, same as Germany, so where was the money coming from?
It could be argued that if Britain hadn't defended freedom at the start of World War 2 it wouldn't have been bankrupt later after being forced to pay back the USA for Lend Lease.

As far as I know Britain did not pay Germany or Japan directly but as a result of WW2 we were forced to maintain the BAOR to help defend West Germany who were banned as part of the surrender terms from keeping a standing army against possible incursion by the Soviet Union or other communist forces.

I think that it might be best to avoid further debate about the cause and effect of WW2, past experience on this forum has shown that rational debate goes out of the window when these issues are discussed
Jan 19, 2008
In reply to Lutz...

After the First World War and under the armistice that Germany signed on her surrender in the forest of Compiegne they were made to pay reparations to the allies and give up some land like their East African Empire. This brought Germany to her knees as you full well know which caused unrest allowing Hitler to come to power.

From 1941 Britain was borrowing off the Yanks under the 'Lend Lease' agreement which others have already pointed out has only just finished being repaid in the last few years. In 1945 the sum was
Mar 10, 2006
Talking about going down hill, the xtrail has a gimmick call hilldesent, i have never used it, but with the proper winter we are now having, i looked it up in the handbook, thinking it would be useful, living at the top of a hill.

Criteria for use.

1/ must be in 4x4 lock.

2/ must be in first gear

3/ speed below 15mph (i think, forgot already)

4/ no problem with the above, but no4 is a pearlier, engine must be up to temperature!, so what am i expected to do, idle the car for 20 mins?

In short, i doubt i will ever use it.
Apr 7, 2008

When i had the Freelander it had ( hill decent control ) what it basicly did was to apply the brakes via the abs, you just steer it, its was the dogs danglies, it keeps the car at about 5mph, just one switch to press ..

*** Hill descent control - Pioneered by Land Rover in the Freelander, and now fitted to various 4x4s under a variety of names, this does away with the need for a low-ratio transfer gearbox. It works by dabbing the brakes and using the anti-lock system to hold a low speed while keeping the wheels turning and maintain steering effort, even on steep or slippery slopes.***

hill decent control in action
Mar 10, 2006

I know how it works, but as the engine has to be warm, and is a diesel, with the air temperature at present, i estimate 5 miles before the engine is warm, and the hill descent usable?
Mar 14, 2005
In reply to Lutz...

After the First World War and under the armistice that Germany signed on her surrender in the forest of Compiegne they were made to pay reparations to the allies and give up some land like their East African Empire. This brought Germany to her knees as you full well know which caused unrest allowing Hitler to come to power.

From 1941 Britain was borrowing off the Yanks under the 'Lend Lease' agreement which others have already pointed out has only just finished being repaid in the last few years. In 1945 the sum was


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