Lutz in our area which is Rural, 4x4's are required but this government is not interested in Rural area's as it doesn't get no support from us its only interested in the big cities, our petrol is at an higher price than urban area's even though Elsmere refineries are just 20 mile's away.
Don't try to tell me that we are not singled out l live here, l wouldn't presume to argue with you on German policies.
Here in the country area's council rates are higher, do we get a better service like hell we do, due to the fact central government direct the extra cash to the area's it gets it support from.
Do you see a tax on ten-year-old cars that pollute more than my Shogun, no?
Brown and Alistair Darling know for fact they are on to an easy touch, as they know we will pay, that's the unfairness of it, and you say it doesn't differentiate, what load of cobblers, that's why it was fetched in to clobber the ones that have the money to pay, nothing to do with emission, another stealth tax from Labour.