4 X 4's popular again!

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Mar 14, 2005
Of course, hill decent control only works when there is adequate adhesion between tyre and ground. If the surface is iced, no amount of hill decent will stop the car from sliding.
Apr 7, 2008

I know how it works, but as the engine has to be warm, and is a diesel, with the air temperature at present, i estimate 5 miles before the engine is warm, and the hill descent usable?
With the freelander it will work from cold, as it works combined with the ABS and traction control together,

Why does yours need to be warmed up ?
Mar 10, 2006
With the freelander it will work from cold, as it works combined with the ABS and traction control together,

Why does yours need to be warmed up ?
Don't know, just what the hand book says.

Seems odd to me as engine braking is greater with cold oil?


A few points.

I had put the earlier post withing quotation marks. Some here may not like the press, but they do highlight many truths.

Hill Decent. I think it was designed for off road steep rough inclines. Unless you live on the side of Snowdon I don't think its a drive out of your garage feature, car manufacturers never had a steep close in suburbia in mind for hill decent.

I'm old, but not that old that I remember the two great wars.

But I don't think that the UK would have been borrowing billions of Lend Lease if it were not for Hitler and Germany, Italy and Japan.

My own family lost business's and wealth as our male relatives were called up and died or were seriously injurred or suffered torture in two wars.

Countries should be rebuilt, but Germany, Italy and Japan should now have been paying for some years for the cost that we and our allies incurred.

I admit to having a little fun with Lutz at times. But, the fact is that the UK was brought in to two wars by Germany at a great cost to the nation both in loss off people and wealth.

Where Lutz gets the ideas from for his reposts is beyond me and does little for his credibility!
Mar 14, 2005
Economically the UK and Germany were probably on an equally low par immediately after World War 2. Certainly Germany was no better off with everything in ruins. Contrary to the UK there was no industry to talk of so the standard of living in Germany was lower than in the UK until about the mid-60's by which time both countries had had ample time to stand on their own two feet. The opportunities were there for both countries. It was just a matter of who made the most use of them.


Sorry Euro

A post too far I'm afraid.

We have strayed completely off topic and to avoid attracting the lunatic fringe I'm afraid that your observations had to go.

Wrong forum for that sort of thing anyway

Parksy (Moderator)


Nov 12, 2009
Now that we've all had our say about a war that ended 65 years ago can we get back on topic and continue to discuss the pro's and cons of 4x4's please?

This forum ought to be equipped with 4 wheel drive to help it to stay on track :0)
Mar 14, 2005
Sorry Lutz

You obviously replied to Euro's post which has now gone.

Debates about the 2nd World War have their place but not here I'm afraid

Parksy (Moderator)
Mar 14, 2005
Sorry, Parksy, but Euros remarks got me annoyed.

I'll shut up now if he gets back on track, too.


Post removed and topic now CLOSED

Yet again, the 4x4 topic has degenerated into anything but 4x4, and now back to times totally irrelevent to the original posting.

There will be NO more off topic posts allowed.

Damian (Moderator)


Well at least I've been buying and driving German 4x4's for years, and have two new ones on order for when we get home.

As for Lutz being angry, if that post is to stand, the moderators should have the decency to let me say that he has a cheek.
Mar 26, 2008
My 4x4 kept on track all the way back from Yorkshire tonight. I couldn't have done the trip with a two wheel drive car.

Plus it's a German one.

But oh dear, the track here may have wandered but it has proven one thing.

Lance Corporal Jones was 100% correct Mr Mainwaring ;-)

I'll skype euro and have a few harsh words with him Mods.
Feb 16, 2009
Snowed here again last night, as l am part time l don't need to work until Thursday, so her in doors, is helping out on the district, she's a qualified District nursing sister but she now is co-ordinator for ivf treatment.

She has offered to help out today due to the weather and asked me to chauffeur a round in the Shogun otherwise some patients wouldn't get visits.

So Mr Brown l don't mind spending my time helping the NHS out of difficulties, so spare thought when you next clobber the 4x4 fraternity.

Do you all think it will fall on deaf ears, by the way she could go herself but in these weather conditions two is better than one, that reminds me will still need to put a shovel in as its started coming down again, even the Shogun has it's limitations with road tyres on.

Mar 14, 2005
So Mr Brown l don't mind spending my time helping the NHS out of difficulties, so spare thought when you next clobber the 4x4 fraternity

Admittedly the "4x4 fraternity" is often being clobbered, but this is purely emotive. In practice, the tax does not differentiate between 4x4's and any other vehicle, so I can't quite see why their owners are complaining so much.
Mar 26, 2008
Lutz, the problem is the emotive press that 4x4's get and the stupid tags from the greenies.

I get no problems with my day to day car, but my 4x4 is the one that gets all the flack.
Mar 14, 2005
Trouble is, those that criticise 4x4 don't differentiate between owners who need one and those that just use them to take the kids to school. It's the latter that gets everybody a bad name.

Lately, there has been a spate of 4x4's being set on fire in various cities in Germany because the perpetrators reckon that the cars weren't being put to "appropriate" use. So, count yourself lucky if it's only the taxman that's after you.
Jul 15, 2008
......so it's get your umwelt-plakette and come to a German environmentally conscious city and get you 4x4 torched!
Feb 16, 2009
Lutz in our area which is Rural, 4x4's are required but this government is not interested in Rural area's as it doesn't get no support from us its only interested in the big cities, our petrol is at an higher price than urban area's even though Elsmere refineries are just 20 mile's away.

Don't try to tell me that we are not singled out l live here, l wouldn't presume to argue with you on German policies.

Here in the country area's council rates are higher, do we get a better service like hell we do, due to the fact central government direct the extra cash to the area's it gets it support from.

Do you see a tax on ten-year-old cars that pollute more than my Shogun, no?

Brown and Alistair Darling know for fact they are on to an easy touch, as they know we will pay, that's the unfairness of it, and you say it doesn't differentiate, what load of cobblers, that's why it was fetched in to clobber the ones that have the money to pay, nothing to do with emission, another stealth tax from Labour.

Nov 10, 2008
The 'for and against' arguments about 4x4's are a total red herring. As can be seen from all of these posts the 'debate' simply degenerates into a fog of largely irrelevant (to the issue of 4x4's per se) topics.

A 4x4 is simply a vehicle that is able to go where other cars cannot go in certain circumstances. Whether you want one, can afford one, like them or loathe them should be based on the intrinsic qualities of what it is - i.e. a vehicle.

I have just come back from a trip to the local (five miles away) shops for essentials. I live in the back of beyond and would effectively be stuck in the house in the present weather (over a foot of snow in most lanes around us) if it wasn't for my 4x4.

The Green Lobby have just picked up on the 'big car' issue, together with anything else which is perceived to damage the environment. This has been seized on by politicians who have grabbed the opportunity to desecrate landscapes with inefficient wind turbines etc which cost us, the tax payer an absolute fortune in 'Green energy' taxes paid through our electricity bills, and will only get worse over time.

Did you know that a farmer/land-owner gets about
Mar 14, 2005
Just depends how much you value the undeniable advantage in a siutation which probably only occurs for a week or two versus the added cost during the rest of the year.
May 25, 2008
Torch my 4x4 and the Insurance company pays,so that costs everyone more in the long term. Plus the added burden on the environment of the smoke + the wreck having to be removed and scrapped. Plus the damage caused by using energy that would otherwise not have been used in the manufactuer of said new car.

Not very bright these German Environment Warriors.
Mar 10, 2006
I just knew lutz would bring up that all chestnut, this year is already 3 weeks of snow!

The district nurse has arrived next door, as yesterday, in her old honda crv, my fitter has turned up as i speak, again in a old discovery.

Even the rescue services are advising 4x4, over 2wd.
Jun 20, 2005
Hi Gumbo

You said "Torch my 4x4 and the Insurance company pays,".

Good job you only self insure caravans! LOL.




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