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Nov 15, 2010
We collected our new Cartagena on 1st August 2015. We went away in it the following Friday , we found .. Floor delaminated in the kitchen, something rattling around the heating pipes, fridge not working, locker knobs jammed and not working.. The list went on to 11 faults. Lucky for us we financed it and Blackhorse took the complaint and followed it up. We have now offloaded it. Bailey have enormous quality issues I for one will never touch another. Our previous van was a Wyoming . It was fantastic. We have now purchased a lunar delta RI and can't wait for delivery
Jun 20, 2005
A good result for you Neil. Not one you should have to endure .
Did the Dealer or Bailey take the caravan back?
Did you get a full refund? Or was there a px on the Lunar?
Nov 15, 2010
The finance company is taking it back on behalf of Bailey .. We are getting all our payments back, plus compensation plus interest .. The downside is we put in a part ex on the Bailey, which we have lost, so £4000 down, but at least we get shot of a bloody awful van and can now plan ahead ..
Feb 3, 2008

We already have a Lunar and like any new van it had a list of problems, still even finding new ones at 3 years old. :evil: Until the assembly quality is tightly controlled by all manufacturers there will still be problems, unfortunately. The new Act may help to force quality.
Jun 20, 2005
neiltce said:
The finance company is taking it back on behalf of Bailey .. We are getting all our payments back, plus compensation plus interest .. The downside is we put in a part ex on the Bailey, which we have lost, so £4000 down, but at least we get shot of a bloody awful van and can now plan ahead ..

I don't see why you should be £4000 out of pocket on a duff 5 month old caravan? Have I missed something??
Nov 15, 2010
I thought the same , but the part ex went to the dealer, so I don't seem to be able to do anything, though the dealer is working with me on the new van and I have got a very good discount. Will see what else they offer once we sign the paperwork
Jun 20, 2005
Tell them you know the new Consumer Rights Act. They must repay your £4000 immediately with interest.
You may have legal expenses insurance on your caravan policy or home policy that could also help.
Good luck.
Mar 14, 2005
The Consumer Rights Act only came into force on 1st October 2015 and is not retrospective. The claim in this case would fall under the Sale of Goods Act. The effect should be the same, and the fact the finance house has accepted the goods were not to contract should assist your claim against the supplying dealer for the PX funds.


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