Bothersome dog!!!

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Mar 14, 2005
Well said
No dog can be completly trusted. You mentioned that some breeds of dogs have been classified as dangerous, well I am sure that the labrador is not one of them, however more people are bit by Labs than any other breed. One of the reasons is they are very common.

I work in A&E and will never forget trying to hold in place a large lump of flesh bitten out of a little girls facial cheek, done by a Labrador.

Dog owners should take a reality check and remember that dogs are not little people.

Jun 7, 2005
Oh NO !!! Jackie/steve !! do you have children ? do you have a dog? do you have a 4x4 ? do you smoke ? do you have a new car ? do you have a new caravan ? do you have an old car ? do you have an old caravan, are you good looking,ugly,fat thin, big tits little tits (jackie) you will never ever fit in no matter what you have ? Be yourself, be proud and enjoy !!!!!!! xxx

How come my t**ts have been censored but your have not????

Twice in one day !!!Bit like my s*x Life
Mar 14, 2005
I seriously think all dogs should be banned from any caravan site.If dog owners want to take their dogs on holiday they should pitch their caravans outside Battersea Dogs Home or such like.They would feel at home with the waft of dogs sh*t and the melodious sound of a dog barking day and night
Sep 21, 2005
Well Terry i`ll be new to caravaning and i just hope i don`t ever get pitched near to anyone like you. This sort of comment has put me off even before i`ve ordered my caravan. Most of us responsible dog owners pick up after our dogs and don`t let them bark all night or day for that matter.

I`m buying a caravan for the plain reason i`d like to go away with my dogs as i do not believe my dogs will be happy in kennels so i would not get a holiday otherwise.

I don`t think you should tar everyone with the same brush!
May 4, 2005
Hi Jackie or Steve, As you know I have my own opinion on dogs but that is more to do with the safety aspect.When we had a dog we caravanned for the same reasons you mention and never had any problems on site.We use CC sites a lot and find that owners in general respect the rules about leads and clearing up .On some commercial sites however this is not always the case, infact on the IOW this year we had the wardens dog messing on our pitch and p,ing against the awning.It does annoy me however when owners don't clear up after thier dogs in the woods or on the beach,anyone who has visited the Towens nr Hayle Cornwall will know exactly what I mean,a preverbial minefield..Brian (".)
Sep 21, 2005
Hi Brian It`s Jackie.(Steve`s not too good with computers i leave him with the gas;) )

I can see your point but why should i be tared with the same brush as others. Lots of people use caravans to go away and take dogs. We all don`t let them do as they wish. I would never let my dogs go to the toilet and not pick it up. I wouldn`t let my dogs wee up someones awning (I`ve not got males but wouldn`t if i did) as i think that`s awfull. I respect anyone rich poor or whatever and treat anyone as i`m treated so find it hard to to think others do different. I`m just worried now after being excited that getting a caravan will give me a holiday that that`s not the case.
Jan 21, 2014
Hi Jackie & Steve

Do not be put off by these Jobes' Comforters. We have had springer spaniels for the last 30 years, and in that time our dogs have ALWAYS been away with us in the 'van. I can honestly say - hand on heart - that we have NEVER had any problems with them at all. As long as your dogs are well behaved, you pick up after them, keep them on a lead and deter children from going near them, you will have no problems at all.

Enjoy your caravanning WITH your dogs.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Dave

LOL - You gave me the idea because you kept accusing me of being someone else! And you cannot say that a certain group of small minded people DIDN't play arround with impersonating people in the past.

Granted "Terry's" posting could well be genuine but "Sloppy Performer's" one and only little diatribe on Towcars. Pure fiction.

Methinks your protestations are just a little bit too loud and a tad too quick!

But - we will see.

Oh and by the way thanks for picking up my typing mistake on the Shock absorber post. I cannot tell you what a warm glow inside it gives me knowing that you follow my every word.
Jul 30, 2005
Hi Dave

LOL - You gave me the idea because you kept accusing me of being someone else! And you cannot say that a certain group of small minded people DIDN't play arround with impersonating people in the past.

Granted "Terry's" posting could well be genuine but "Sloppy Performer's" one and only little diatribe on Towcars. Pure fiction.

Methinks your protestations are just a little bit too loud and a tad too quick!

But - we will see.

Oh and by the way thanks for picking up my typing mistake on the Shock absorber post. I cannot tell you what a warm glow inside it gives me knowing that you follow my every word.
Clive, you can easily rid yourself of that warm glow inside ........... try taking a leak!
Mar 14, 2005
Wheres the proof? Pure fiction Clive. It only strenghthens my belief, by how quickly you responded, that you have multiple personalities operating in this forum. I feel sorry for those genuinely posting when you are inferring that they are fakes.
Mar 14, 2005
I think the Sloppy person was put off by the web site as all she got was abuse. I wonder how many others don't even bother to comment?
Mar 16, 2005
Let's back away from this argument now, please.

While not actually specified in Forum FAQ, is should be obvious that using spoof logins and usernames is not acceptable, especially if done to cause conflict. In future both main and secondary logins will be disabled.
Jul 30, 2005
Hold on just a sec there mr Mod. This is a forum whereby members can express their own thoughts and opinions, so long as they meet the criteria of the rules you should not butt into the postings unless the rules have been broken.

Sep 21, 2005
No need to be rude Kanga. Like the mod said this topic`s gone off track and rightly so. Secondry names are not neccesary and childish.

I`m a member of a few forums and a Mod and even Admin.

None of us are perfect but we should all respect each other.
Sep 7, 2005
Hi Clive , as somone who has taken on a rescue dog and has to give 100% to re-habilitation, can I ask if like me it was a Border Collie or a cross of this breed. The issues of patience and trust and reassurance do take a long time. But like you ,other people, through allowing their children or themselves or especially their dogs to come on and full frontal to the rescue dog who you have behaving on the lead, sets all our good training off on a tangent .
Mar 14, 2005
No need to be rude Kanga. Like the mod said this topic`s gone off track and rightly so. Secondry names are not neccesary and childish.

I`m a member of a few forums and a Mod and even Admin.

None of us are perfect but we should all respect each other.
Whos a member of a few forums? Jackie or Steve?
Jan 21, 2014
Hi Static,

I have to agree with you there. On many occasion we have taken our dog out have we had to contend with other dogs, where the owners think "I like my dog, your dog should like him also" NO -

My dog does not like other dogs. We have trained him not to take notice of others, but when coming across a dog hurling itself at him I'm afraid he goes into defensive mode.

From that point, it would be nice for owners of the more boisterous dogs to restrain them a bit more - my dog is not anti social, hes just doing as he is told.
Mar 16, 2005
Hold on just a sec there mr Mod. This is a forum whereby members can express their own thoughts and opinions, so long as they meet the criteria of the rules you should not butt into the postings unless the rules have been broken.

The majority of complaints I get are about serious threads being hi-jacked and ending up in banter or bickering, often way off track, involving only two or three people.

The next most common complaint I get is that I'm not doing my job properly because I don't stop or discourage this.

Let's try to keep threads on track, and enjoy some light-hearted banter in the Chit Chat forum.
Mar 14, 2005
Haven't got into this thread so far

But the cockerel remark reminds me of an entry in a site comments book where there were some hens on site to amuse the kids etc.

"Nice site, shame about the ****-a-doodle-do" at 5 am.
Sep 21, 2005
No need to be rude Kanga. Like the mod said this topic`s gone off track and rightly so. Secondry names are not neccesary and childish.

I`m a member of a few forums and a Mod and even Admin.

None of us are perfect but we should all respect each other.
Hi daventura

Its` Jackie. Mainly dog forums i use but since wanting a caravan i`ve now joined a couple of caravan forums.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Static

Yes I agree totally. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is when an uncontrolled dog or child or adult blunders up to us when we are trying to establish that trust that has been lost.

I do understand Brians point, but whoever takes on the dog that he gave back will, like you and I, have to work hard at rebuilding the trust.

And yes, the dog whose owner died and which had such a bad reaction to being put in kennels with many other dogs arround it, is a collie cross. Our first dog was a Lab/Border Collie X and the one we have now ia a GSD/Rough Collie X.

He is still a bit of a s*d with other dogs (M&F) but we are getting there.

I would be interested in any training tips you have. The only "device" I have used was an air horn but I used it once with disasterous results. Out on a Forest walk, a lady came towards us with a well behaved Spaniel on a lead. My dog started acting up and so, as instructed by the NCDL(as was) guy, I got out the air horn and gave a blast.

As they say in some books - lots of things happened at once. The best was that my dog just sat down and did nothing. Not so good was about three pheasants in the brush right next to this lady suddenly took flight with loud squawks and flapping of wings.

The Spaniel ran round in a circle and nearly pulled its owner off balance. This lady also looked as though she was about to have a heart attack.

When things had calmed down and she had untangled herself I said I was sorry. She just walked past me and muttered "Bloody Fool".

I havn't used it again.


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