Bothersome dog!!!

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Sep 21, 2005
Clive you could try distraction with a high value treat making your dog sit and tell him to "Leave" while the dog passes. It will take a while and doesn`t work for all dogs but worth a try.

As in devices when i took my Rottweiler to training there was a dog there who was dog aggressive. The trainer had a remote control collar that you can put on your dog and when you press a button it gives the dog a squirt. He tried it on the aggresive dog and it worked a treat. They`re not cheap at
Apr 11, 2005
Hi Clive

What about the gool old "clicker" and your dogs favourite treat, Had a black labrador as a youngster(she sadly died of cancer) who I taught some fantastic tricks using this system, they get to the point where they are so focused on you that they are oblivious to anything else !! p.s worked in a kennels for two years and it was also great when it came to clipping and grooming !!!
May 25, 2005
We recently came across a lovely couple with a Rottie on site. He was well behaved when people walked by, but if there was a dog in tow he was completely different. He became aggressive towards the other animals on site, barking and snarling. He was tethered all the time so he was OK and I tended to keep well clear with my little dog who, I might add, is very inquisitive.

His owners had a rather ingenious device - it was a necklet with a small water 'pistol' on the end. When aggression was shown he was 'squirted' - it was amazing how calm this made him. It didn't affect any of the other animals either!
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Guys

Thanks for that I do use treats and clickers and they work ok now but not when I first got him. Absolutely nothing "normal" seemed to work.

I considered one of those collars that squirt citronella having seen them in action - but ended up just using a small spray bottle. You have to be "on the ball" but it does work.

As he gets older, he is calming down and he is 80% better than he was. Interestingly he prefers to be on the lead as he seems to worry that if not attached to us we will leave him.

Sometimes you wonder what the heck they have been through.
Sep 7, 2005
Thanks for the useful input in helping with a rescue dog. (Border Collie/cross. The distraction ideas are excellent, especially as they take the dog's attention. Being the big softey/stupid idiot/sucker that I am,I have taken on a rescue rabbit. Strange thing, the dog chases rabbits with a vengence while out in the woods but lets our pet rabbit run rings round him and they snuggle up together when I let it run around the house..
Mar 14, 2005
Dogs are a confounded nuisance,

excepting working animals,i.e., sheep, hearing, blind, etc. What is it with people and their dogs at the end of the day dogs are animals.

I know a lot more people who could and should be termed animals more so than any dog.
Mar 14, 2005
I seriously think all dogs should be banned from any caravan site.If dog owners want to take their dogs on holiday they should pitch their caravans outside Battersea Dogs Home or such like.They would feel at home with the waft of dogs sh*t and the melodious sound of a dog barking day and night
Sorry but I think its not only the dogs that are a bit barking !
Mar 14, 2005
Lets be honest,compared to the small amount of dog c**p you see on our beaches (thats when you can find a beach to take your dog on)how about the tons of rubbish left behind by the clever species, plastic containers,cans,paper, glass bottles,usually broken,disposable nappies full of course,discarded fishing line complete with hooks,this year even fish heads cut off their proud catch and thrown back into the sea a metre away from where my daughters were swimming,remains from the barbQ and not forgetting the hundreds of *** ends and of course if there is a cave on the the beach why bother trecking a hundred metres back to the loo !. Tell me who are the dogs again.
Jan 19, 2008
Peter, you forgot about the used condoms m8, this country regarding discarded rubbish has to be one of the filthiest in the country and rightly as you say, dogs didnt cause it. Just look at roadside verges, an absolute disgrace. I'll get off my soapbox here else I'll be typing for the next 2 hours on one of my pet subjects.
Jun 7, 2005
I totally agree with all you say about the rubbish in this country I also have nothing against Dogs. However having watched a 7 year old child die as a direct result of Dog crap contamination I hardly think it is a fair comparison
Mar 14, 2005
Well that sounds silly banning dogs they dont know. I have a Great Dane and he's no trouble but I would be banned yet they have never met us or ever will because of what others have done. Will the be banning new vanners next because a few have been a pain?

Seems short sighted.
Maybe just ban small dogs then we all get to meet Bruno! (the best behaved dog I have met)
Apr 11, 2005
I totally agree with all you say about the rubbish in this country I also have nothing against Dogs. However having watched a 7 year old child die as a direct result of Dog crap contamination I hardly think it is a fair comparison
Hi GrahamW

sorry to hear that ,thats really sad and people who DONT clean up should be ashamed !!x
Jan 21, 2014
I totally agree with all you say about the rubbish in this country I also have nothing against Dogs. However having watched a 7 year old child die as a direct result of Dog crap contamination I hardly think it is a fair comparison
You see again this is careless ownership!!

People have to realise that dogs have to be wormed and vaccinated every year to prevent this sort of thing happening!!

I won't even let my dog sniff around other dog muck.
Jan 19, 2008
Peter, you forgot about the used condoms m8, this country regarding discarded rubbish has to be one of the filthiest in the country and rightly as you say, dogs didnt cause it. Just look at roadside verges, an absolute disgrace. I'll get off my soapbox here else I'll be typing for the next 2 hours on one of my pet subjects.
oops! silly billy me - a typo, meant to say filthiest country in the world.
Jan 19, 2008
Im also sorry to hear that also Graham, but what is the answer? Is it to shoot all dogs? Why not exterminate all cattle, the carriers of e-coli and B.S.E. While we are at it exterminate chickens worldwide before Bird Flu becomes pandemic and also all species of fowl who also carry this bug from continent to continent. Ban people eating shellfish because of the forms of food poisoning this causes, after all they just siphon all the pollution we pour into the seas. I think we can forget about fish because soon there wont be any left after we have overfished them all. Even our closest relatives the apes now are aids carriers. By wiping out the apes we would have more natural resources for ourselves. Those ugly smelly Orang Utans for example are sat on a gold mine in hardwoods like teak. Oh my God, I forgot we have Adders in this country, if anyone spots them take a spade to them before they bite. Better still lets ALL join a religious sect and commit mass suicide and leave the world to heal itself which it will do without human kinds interference. What people forget Graham is that WE, and that includes me, are the biggest destroyers of this planet and the sooner people accept this and realise it and stop acting "holier than thou" the better for ALL life on earth. As much as I pity those poor souls in the southern states of America I'm afraid they are reaping the bounty of their presidents intransigence on Global Warming and things will only get worse. Live and let live. ⇦ Steps off soapbox.
Mar 14, 2005
Im also sorry to hear that also Graham, but what is the answer? Is it to shoot all dogs? Why not exterminate all cattle, the carriers of e-coli and B.S.E. While we are at it exterminate chickens worldwide before Bird Flu becomes pandemic and also all species of fowl who also carry this bug from continent to continent. Ban people eating shellfish because of the forms of food poisoning this causes, after all they just siphon all the pollution we pour into the seas. I think we can forget about fish because soon there wont be any left after we have overfished them all. Even our closest relatives the apes now are aids carriers. By wiping out the apes we would have more natural resources for ourselves. Those ugly smelly Orang Utans for example are sat on a gold mine in hardwoods like teak. Oh my God, I forgot we have Adders in this country, if anyone spots them take a spade to them before they bite. Better still lets ALL join a religious sect and commit mass suicide and leave the world to heal itself which it will do without human kinds interference. What people forget Graham is that WE, and that includes me, are the biggest destroyers of this planet and the sooner people accept this and realise it and stop acting "holier than thou" the better for ALL life on earth. As much as I pity those poor souls in the southern states of America I'm afraid they are reaping the bounty of their presidents intransigence on Global Warming and things will only get worse. Live and let live. ⇦ Steps off soapbox.
Thats one super strong soap box you have there my lord
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Static

Did you see on the morning news the report about the rabbit that hitched a lift on the dog that was chasing it whilst swimming? Had pictures of it!
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Graham

Very sorry to hear what you say. But contamination by animal or human feacal material does happen - often with tragic results. Sadly hundreds of children in Wales are suffering right now.

No idea of the cause as yet but it will either be human or animal E.coli as this bacteria is a commensal in our gut but if we get someone elses or an animals the new strain can "run wild".

Good hygene is the answer.

Having seen families picnicking in the New Forest where horse, deer, fox and all sorts of other poo lay in great abundance and the children went and ate after rolling arround on the ground without the parents using any sort of wipe - I wonder what any stomach upset was blamed on?

The local takeaway? The water?

Also on a campsite in Devon one set of parents allowed their children to play in the dog walking area. Even if we all picked up after our dogs surely anyone can see that there could be some residue?
May 20, 2005
from some of these comments it would seem that dogs are the most dangerous animal you'll find on a caravan site. Take a look at this article, but before you do have a guess what do you think is the most dangerous animal
Jan 19, 2008
from some of these comments it would seem that dogs are the most dangerous animal you'll find on a caravan site. Take a look at this article, but before you do have a guess what do you think is the most dangerous animal
Humans by far.


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