Bothersome dog!!!

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Sep 7, 2005
Hi Static

Did you see on the morning news the report about the rabbit that hitched a lift on the dog that was chasing it whilst swimming? Had pictures of it!
Hi Clive.Missed that,perhaps it will be on later.
Mar 14, 2005
from some of these comments it would seem that dogs are the most dangerous animal you'll find on a caravan site. Take a look at this article, but before you do have a guess what do you think is the most dangerous animal
hear hear.
Mar 14, 2005
Im also sorry to hear that also Graham, but what is the answer? Is it to shoot all dogs? Why not exterminate all cattle, the carriers of e-coli and B.S.E. While we are at it exterminate chickens worldwide before Bird Flu becomes pandemic and also all species of fowl who also carry this bug from continent to continent. Ban people eating shellfish because of the forms of food poisoning this causes, after all they just siphon all the pollution we pour into the seas. I think we can forget about fish because soon there wont be any left after we have overfished them all. Even our closest relatives the apes now are aids carriers. By wiping out the apes we would have more natural resources for ourselves. Those ugly smelly Orang Utans for example are sat on a gold mine in hardwoods like teak. Oh my God, I forgot we have Adders in this country, if anyone spots them take a spade to them before they bite. Better still lets ALL join a religious sect and commit mass suicide and leave the world to heal itself which it will do without human kinds interference. What people forget Graham is that WE, and that includes me, are the biggest destroyers of this planet and the sooner people accept this and realise it and stop acting "holier than thou" the better for ALL life on earth. As much as I pity those poor souls in the southern states of America I'm afraid they are reaping the bounty of their presidents intransigence on Global Warming and things will only get worse. Live and let live. ⇦ Steps off soapbox.
I think that it would be good if some people trained there children as well as some of us dog owners train our dods!!!!
Aug 17, 2005
To add to the debate on noisy dogs, we have just returned from a 10 day trip to Derbyshire, over our first weekend at Chatsworth there was a caravan with two black dogs (one of them was quite young) the owners seemed to think it was perfectly acceptable to sit in their van whilst the dogs (especially one) barked and howled outside, after about one hour he eventually came out, hit the young dog and threw it in the back of his car. Dog lover????
Jan 19, 2008
To add to the debate on noisy dogs, we have just returned from a 10 day trip to Derbyshire, over our first weekend at Chatsworth there was a caravan with two black dogs (one of them was quite young) the owners seemed to think it was perfectly acceptable to sit in their van whilst the dogs (especially one) barked and howled outside, after about one hour he eventually came out, hit the young dog and threw it in the back of his car. Dog lover????
It was him who needed the smack, on the top of his head so hard he would have needed to open his shirt buttons to eat.


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