Euro Engines and Leicester ULEZ

Jun 19, 2014
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I have tried searching for LEZ info but not much luck
I have a Land Rover Defender 110 my 2014 which is Euro 6 compliant. I live in Leicester and in the very near future may live within their new ULEZ which will be Euro 7 . Due to various factors I have been thinking of trading in the Defender for a Jeep Overland which is Euro 7.
Does anyone know if within the near future there are any proposals for a new Euro 8/9 Engine?
(As I say I have searched this site for info without much luck. If there are posts on this topic what do I put in the search box?)
Sep 26, 2018
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A google search would be more effective... One that I read said "Not before 2020", another said 2025 - both said it "hadn't been discussed yet"
Nov 11, 2009
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foggydave said:
I have tried searching for LEZ info but not much luck
I have a Land Rover Defender 110 my 2014 which is Euro 6 compliant. I live in Leicester and in the very near future may live within their new ULEZ which will be Euro 7 . Due to various factors I have been thinking of trading in the Defender for a Jeep Overland which is Euro 7.
Does anyone know if within the near future there are any proposals for a new Euro 8/9 Engine?
(As I say I have searched this site for info without much luck. If there are posts on this topic what do I put in the search box?)

Three is very little in the technical media about Euro7, so either the Jeep is ahead of its time or something isn't right. I quote from a recent article:

"Will there be a Euro 7?

There is neither a confirmed date nor commitment that a Euro 7 emissions standard will be introduced, though it is widely believed that it will happen, most likely in 2020 or 2021. However, industry pundits suggest that the next level of Euro standard will focus on carbon dioxide reduction, rather than direct pollutants as it has done so far."

I would stay with the Defender a while longer after all it will appreciate in value!
Jun 19, 2014
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Apologies. Sorry about that I got it totally wrong. its my age you know.
You are quite right my Defender is Euro 5. Since Sept 2015 all new vehicles should be Euro 6 compliant and Euro 7 is just a glint in a politicians eye.
The London and I think the new Birmingham ULEZ only allow Euro 6 diesels free access. Anything less will be charged. The Mayor of Leicester is pushing for an early introduction of a ULEZ that will be Euro 6 but at the moment will not commit on the zone boundaries.
It was only a few years ago that my Euro 5 motor was allowed free access to London, now it is not. So how long will it be before the Euro 6 diesels will be superceded with a less polluting specification ie Euro 7? I have been told that the powers that be are looking at reducing diesel emmissions further and wondered if any forum members had heard these rumours?
Nov 11, 2009
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foggydave said:
Apologies. Sorry about that I got it totally wrong. its my age you know.
You are quite right my Defender is Euro 5. Since Sept 2015 all new vehicles should be Euro 6 compliant and Euro 7 is just a glint in a politicians eye.
The London and I think the new Birmingham ULEZ only allow Euro 6 diesels free access. Anything less will be charged. The Mayor of Leicester is pushing for an early introduction of a ULEZ that will be Euro 6 but at the moment will not commit on the zone boundaries.
It was only a few years ago that my Euro 5 motor was allowed free access to London, now it is not. So how long will it be before the Euro 6 diesels will be superceded with a less polluting specification ie Euro 7? I have been told that the powers that be are looking at reducing diesel emmissions further and wondered if any forum members had heard these rumours?

If you look at the TfL website it tells you exactly when vehicles will be allowed to enter without charge for ULEZ but still pay Congestion Charge if appropriate. EU 5 diesels won’t be able to enter for much longer. The d ages for various EU category petrol and diesel are given. Leicester and Bristol have been talking about clean air zones for years now and progress is zilch. Yet Germany has introduced them without any fuss.
If you search the web you will see that any mention of a EU 7 is in its very early stages of discussion. Bringing in EU6 and the new global test regime has hammered the motor makers so I don’t see any great enthusiasm from them. The “experts” seem to think any new standards will aim to keep particulates and NOX down whilst driving CO2 emissions down. So that could indicate further electrification, use of hydrogen, gas etc.

Don’t worry just enjoy your hobby and remember to stay away from the toaster, don’t use scented candles or cleaning products. A recent report said air pollution indoors was far worse than many busy urban streets. :evil:
Oct 8, 2006
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What gets me is the seeming total lack of technical understanding (or willingness to seek it) from the people making the decisions.
France and Germany have introduced emission restriction zones but they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. They have made them flexible, so ordinarily anything Euro 4 or newer can enter the restricted area, but when pollution hits a certain figure they can limit entry to Euro5 or Euro6 vehicles only.
Jun 19, 2014
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Thanks for the input. The first few posts started off a bit wobbly, put down to my inability to read numbers but we got there in the end. Doh!
Woodentop. I do agree a flexible approach would seem to be a more sensible option than a total blanket ban. But as with Brexit the majority of politicians are out to get the vote regardless of the damage it is doing to democracy and its the same with restricting emmissions, they are just out for the vote.
As you say Otherclive Euro 6 is more likely to be superseded by electric, hydrogen and other forms of energy rather than a further modification of the combustion engine.
So its a Euro 6 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland then. I could though wait and see what the new Defender looks like.
Jul 18, 2017
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foggydave said:
Thanks for the input. The first few posts started off a bit wobbly, put down to my inability to read numbers but we got there in the end. Doh!
Woodentop. I do agree a flexible approach would seem to be a more sensible option than a total blanket ban. But as with Brexit the majority of politicians are out to get the vote regardless of the damage it is doing to democracy and its the same with restricting emmissions, they are just out for the vote.
As you say Otherclive Euro 6 is more likely to be superseded by electric, hydrogen and other forms of energy rather than a further modification of the combustion engine.
So its a Euro 6 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland then. I could though wait and see what the new Defender looks like.

Euro 5 and Euro 6 are creating more problems than they are resolving as they have created unemployment in a big way and this is happening worldwide! I am guessing that those who have become unemployed or will be in the near future probably don't give rats a*** about Euro 5, 6 or 7!
Aug 30, 2018
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Buckman said:
foggydave said:
Thanks for the input. The first few posts started off a bit wobbly, put down to my inability to read numbers but we got there in the end. Doh!
Woodentop. I do agree a flexible approach would seem to be a more sensible option than a total blanket ban. But as with Brexit the majority of politicians are out to get the vote regardless of the damage it is doing to democracy and its the same with restricting emmissions, they are just out for the vote.
As you say Otherclive Euro 6 is more likely to be superseded by electric, hydrogen and other forms of energy rather than a further modification of the combustion engine.
So its a Euro 6 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland then. I could though wait and see what the new Defender looks like.

Euro 5 and Euro 6 are creating more problems than they are resolving as they have created unemployment in a big way and this is happening worldwide! I am guessing that those who have become unemployed or will be in the near future probably don't give rats a*** about Euro 5, 6 or 7!

Go on explain your logic I’m fascinated. Unless you mean an engine that does 50mpg is evil because it only uses half the fuel of one that does 25mpg thus putting petrol pump attendants out of a job.
Jul 18, 2017
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Simple the diesel engine is being demonised so demand has dropped creating unemployment! Next it will be petrol cars! Uncertain future so cut back on production!
Aug 30, 2018
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Buckman said:
Simple the diesel engine is being demonised so demand has dropped creating unemployment! Next it will be petrol cars! Uncertain future so cut back on production!

It ,wasn’t Governments who “demonised” Diesel It was the manufacturers, who either gamed or lied about their respective real world emissions that has caused diesel to be demonised. It’s a text book example of reputations being destroyed long term for short term convenience.

Ps we don’t have a Euro 6 Diesel vechicle we have 2 of them.
Mar 14, 2005
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Boff said:
...It ,wasn’t Governments who “demonised” Diesel It was the manufacturers, who either gamed or lied about their respective real world emissions that has caused diesel to be demonised. It’s a text book example of reputations being destroyed long term for short term convenience...

Its been the confluence of several factors that given rise to uncertainty about diesels. VW's diesel gate is just one, others have been concerns for the global environment and our reliance on fossil fuels which do have a finite reserves, global financial uncertainty, fueled by falling production in the far east. Then there are direct political shenanigans, such as increasing duty of certain types of fuels, imposition of ULEZ's and the Governments long term announcement of banning the manufacture of cares with dangerous emissions by 2040.

The arguments apply to petrol as much a diesel, but it seems diesel is a more polluting fuel in regards its emissions and so has become something of a scape goat.

But you can only operate in a market where the is a demand for a product, There is presently a down turn in demands for new cars, especially in the worlds most active market in the far east. The down turn cannot just be blamed on dieselgate. pragmatically the effect of the VAG scandal was short lived in China and sales quickly reestablished themselves, but since then there has been a general decline across all types of with the exception of EV's whose sales have been relatively steady and a such have demonstrated a greater proportion of sales.

Part of Buckman's comment is correct in so far that falling demand usually does have consequences for employment, but with the rush towards other forms of motive power, job losses are likely to be relatively small, and if managed sensitively over time may well be natural as older employees take retirement.


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