F.A.O. Evans of Sprot re. Trois Chateaux

Mar 14, 2005
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Another fan of this site I see. We were there for ten days at the beginning of this August during which the Fete de Cigiones was held across the road at the stork sanctuary. All the noise and kerfuffle sent several of the birds over to seek peace and quiet - and the odd titbit - around the 'vans. This site, we find, is one that just has something special about it,quite what we don't know - if we could package and market it we would make a fortune.

While on the subject of municipal sites another favourite of ours is Kockelscheuer (www. camp-kockelscheuer.lu) just south of Luxembourg city. Busses stop about ten minutes walk from the site every fifteen minutes peak times and take you into the city in fifteen minutes or so - 1 euro 20 each way.
Mar 14, 2005
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Wouldn't go to Luxembourg as I have relatives there I don't want to meet!! And as you know its a small world.

Part of the charm of the Trois Chateaux site is the warden, who pulled my leg unmercifully after I backed the van into a tree.

It was done in the nicest possible way with that gentle humour that the French excel at.

And lots and lots of restaurants in the village. They were a bit pricey though.
Mar 14, 2005
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Regarding the wardens humour. When checking out this time we ran through what was due. Quatre persons tap, tap, tap, dix nuits tap, tap, tap, electricite tap, tap and then I added boucoup de calme. Ah he said, very seriously " Le calme est gratuit " Pity about Luxembourg.


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