FTAO Lord Braykewynde

Mar 28, 2005
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Your Lordship ,following on from our conversation yesterday on "another forum" have you noticed we've both been jettisoned from the site.

I've only ever made about three postings on there and they've deleted what we said as well, very strange site.
Jan 19, 2008
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Oh dear, now you said that yes but when I tried to post I thought it was because they was doing some cleaning. Perhaps Kanga is the Webmaster, lmaoooooooooooooo. I honestly dont know why because Ive never posted anything offensive but if I have been booted just because another forum was mentioned good riddance to them. At least if they had booted us they would have had the decency to email us the reasons why.
Mar 28, 2005
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It must be because we mentioned this forum, they are very sensitive over there aren't they.

I emailed them this morning but they haven't bothered replying.

I will never complain about this site again.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lmaaaoooooo Roy, as you could see, I lasted 2 days on there. Its strange because when I click Message Board it says Welcome Back LordBraykewynde and the last time I visited. Ive also noticed some of my posts are still in there but at the bottom of the page it says -

Sorry, you can NOT post a reply.

Your Forum Membership is not active!

In the one post I just noticed I mentioned Practical Caravan Forum, thats still there. My posts regarding EBay are still there. Can you remember the topic/thread we posted under. I think it was a post from a Jo asking about fishing in Cornwall. It looks as if the whole post as been deleted. The way I look at it Roy is Ive managed all my life without that site so after 2 days Im not going to miss it heheh. It was a short honeymoon :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B - we all thought it was K***A causing all these problems on this site - your secret is now out. Have you a dungeon at your place where you can be holed up for the sins of your evil way. I am sure there will be many volunteers to look after your maid servants in a manner they are accustomed. I for one would be only too willing to help.
Mar 28, 2005
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yes thats the one you posted a message saying "try the millpond in Tarringdon Jan" then thats where I posted a message underneath and we had a short conversation about this site and low and behold the lot's been deleted.

Now as a consequence we have both been sent to our rooms with no tea.
Jan 21, 2014
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Lord B - we all thought it was K***A causing all these problems on this site - your secret is now out. Have you a dungeon at your place where you can be holed up for the sins of your evil way. I am sure there will be many volunteers to look after your maid servants in a manner they are accustomed. I for one would be only too willing to help.
Just had a look down the new members list on the website in question. Guess who's name cropped up K***A!!!!
Apr 11, 2005
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I when and had a look so time back made my self a member did not use it but the wife cud not log in after I did it. Had to swap pagers on computer just so she cuds go on it

I did not like it when I look at it.

Jan 19, 2008
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It was ok Mark but they must have booted us for mentioning this forum. Was they afraid of losing members to another forum, did they think we could be poaching. If so it shows the mentality of the Webmaster and his obvious lack of the grey matter and desperation to keep his members. I certainly wont lose any sleep over it and it just shows what a pathetic non person he is. The only thing that does annoy me is the cowardly way in which it was done with not so much as an email saying the reason why. There is one little bit of satisfaction though. I just hope Kanga gives them hell. heheh
Jan 19, 2008
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Roy Ive also posted an email to the webmaster, please see enclosed -

With regard to booting me from your site (for whatever reason) it would have been only polite to email me and give the reason why. Instead you take the cowardly way out and just boot two of us because we believe the only reason is we mentioned the Practical Caravan forum. Are you that scared of losing members, although in our post there was nothing said to cause trouble. I realise I will not receive an email back but at least I will feel better for getting this off my chest and knowing that at least I have had the last word. All I can say is good riddance, Lord Braykewynde.
Mar 28, 2005
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Nice one Lord B, as you say you probably will not hear anything back, I haven't.

What a way to run a forum, as I see it there is a massive clique on the site and the mod is part of it and we as "outsiders" over stepped the mark, It's their loss not ours,

Mar 14, 2005
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Big Roy and Lord B having received a red card from another forum it would be prudent for you both to tread careful here or you could both be black balled from this forum (as for K****A). I would not like to think of you suffering this as I enjoy your good postings and sense of humour - keep up the GOOD work.
Jan 19, 2008
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Ty Colin. Somehow I dont think that will happen though because I sense Moddyship is a female and she desires my body and wants to get her hands on my treasure :O) Hmmm Lady Moddyship Braykewynde of Screwemm Hall does have a ring to it ;O)
Jan 19, 2008
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Hello Lord......

Well I suppose it was something to do with the PC forum, but certainly not

because we're worried about loosing members LOL

We just noticed it appeared you were involved with Kanga et al, and all the

hassle over there, so we took the prudent measure of trying to ensure that

it does not come our way. Thanks for the lovely comments below, and in their

forums, though, most gracious.


Mar 14, 2005
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Ty Colin. Somehow I dont think that will happen though because I sense Moddyship is a female and she desires my body and wants to get her hands on my treasure :O) Hmmm Lady Moddyship Braykewynde of Screwemm Hall does have a ring to it ;O)
Lord B. I don't understand your opening phrase "Ty Colin ...." the word Ty translated from the Welsh means house as in Ty Bach - little house or the privy at the end of the garden where the square cut pieces of yesterday's newspaper hang from a nail in the back of the ledge and brace timber door. There is also the mutation of Ty as in Tai Bach or TAIBACH (a subberb of Port Talbot) where the late lordship, Lord Heycock of Taibach resided.
Mar 14, 2005
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That's the sort of response I would expect to an email with the details you posted on this thread.

Interesting though that they allow Kanga and co and me on there...
Mar 28, 2005
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Hello Lord......

Well I suppose it was something to do with the PC forum, but certainly not

because we're worried about loosing members LOL

We just noticed it appeared you were involved with Kanga et al, and all the

hassle over there, so we took the prudent measure of trying to ensure that

it does not come our way. Thanks for the lovely comments below, and in their

forums, though, most gracious.


Thanks for that m'Lord at least you got a reply, poor excuse very poor and so smug.

So you get thrown off a forum just for mentioning someones name and another forum, didn't the Berlin wall come down years ago.

We are better of out of it mate.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lord B. I don't understand your opening phrase "Ty Colin ...." the word Ty translated from the Welsh means house as in Ty Bach - little house or the privy at the end of the garden where the square cut pieces of yesterday's newspaper hang from a nail in the back of the ledge and brace timber door. There is also the mutation of Ty as in Tai Bach or TAIBACH (a subberb of Port Talbot) where the late lordship, Lord Heycock of Taibach resided.
He was my cousin, 12th removed Colin.
Jan 19, 2008
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Totally agree Roy, Ian Who'sisname can stick his forum where the sun dont shine. Did you notice the play on words I used to get a reply?

"I realise I will not receive an email back but at least I will feel better for getting this off my chest and knowing that at least I have had the last word. "

The moron couldn't resist not giving me the satisfaction of having the last word so he HAD to reply ;O) Works everytime.
Mar 14, 2005
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LB. The post I made that you don't understand points out that if you send nasty emails to the moderator, you will get nasty emails back.

Kanga got kicked for doing the same here but he didn't go to other forums to whinge.
Jan 19, 2008
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So by me saying "good riddance" is a nasty email is it Stinky? And you are someone to set yourself up for others to follow as a good example of politeness and etiquette? Stinky, the only comment I can make to you is to re-read the email from me to the webmaster and his reply to me AND the posts after. Digest what is said and put your brain into gear before engaging your typing finger. Isn't it funny how only the one post was removed but none of the other 12 I posted. You say Kanga got kicked here for sending nasty emails Stinky, Roy and I both got kicked without sending ANY emails, just for mentioning this forum. Again Stinky you get your facts wrong. When Kanga got booted from here I was one of the people who tried to get him reinstated. Here is just one I have found for you -

"I have particularly enjoyed the development of others characters, M'lud, Tina, Lisa, lol etc etc how much you have made me and Daventura laugh, it's worth a licence fee! " quote from Kanga.

Regarding your comment about me whinging do you really think I care about a forum I spent TWO days in? Do you? My dear Stinky Im certainly not whinging but stating the facts of life and informing others how that site is run, I have told no lies because that is the email I sent and received. I leave people to make judgements for themselves like I do if they feel the need to drive a 4x4. I rest my case Stinky. Over to you matey ;O)
Jan 19, 2008
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While Im in full flow I might as well add this to my last post. Due to the thread being deleted in that forum I cannot copy what was said but from memory I will try and hopefully Roy will verify this. Roys comment was "what are you doing here m'lord, are you missing Kanga? I replied...

"Well missing isnt actually the right word but since hes been gone the site sure as gone quiet. After he left people were still talking about Kanga a week later so that speaks volumes. I had no problems with him although I didnt always agree with what he posted. In fact the first post I read was a lady asking for help with her dog. Kangas reply? a gun comes to mind."

I think that summed up the conversation and for that we was both booted. Now I want you to read that in a sober mind Stinky and tell me what we said wrong and deserved to be booted for. We did not run any forum down or attack any members of any forum. If thats how a site is run I dont want no part of it so please get it out of your head Stinky that Im moaning, Im just stating facts.


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