glossop caravans show vans

Mar 14, 2005
has anybody found as we did that if you buy a show van direct from the show that you are not sure of it's true history.

We ordered a new avondale from a show at london last year and where told that we coud take delivery of the van at March this year, at the time we thought that this was a long time. After a lot of phone calls we discovered that the van was still being used as a show model although we had already paid a deposit for it, we asked if it was going to be shown at the nec this year and told that it was not going to the show.

We went to the show yesterday only to find that our van was still be used as a show van, as you might of quessed we are not going to buy this van anymore and found another van that we wanted from another dealer without all the lies
Mar 14, 2005
We bought a van from glossop at the 2004 show, avondale golden osprey.but the van we bought was to be from the manufacturer not the one at the show,and as you delivered in march,as it was.did they or did you actually request a demonstrator model,as the ones at the show are only for that,not to buy.
Mar 14, 2005
the one we brought was the show van with a good discount.

But we were not told that it was still going to used for another 2/3 shows, if we had been told this we would not of brought the show van. as you would of read from the first posting we cancelled the order and purchased another van this time straight from the manufacturer.
Mar 14, 2005
Homer you did the right thing.

We bought our van from Glossop last year, I also found certain sails reps to be untruthful.

Mar 14, 2005
Glossop caravans are renowned for buying all show vans they did it at the NEC 2 years ago they bought all the Coachman caravans that were at the show and still wanted the full monty price for them....

Ahhh well enough said


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