It may help for the first time to write down the routine in advance, as a checklist both for hitching and pitching.
It will seem daunting but it really isnt. Its like anything else, with repetition it will become second nature.
If this is your first time towing, remember a couple of items. Your towing mirrors can give a totally diffferent vision than those on your car that you are used to, making vehicles behind look closer but more often farther away than they are. This may cause you to cut in too soon when overtaking, so be aware and add more length overtaking. Trucks used to flash us in, to let us know we were clear, but we are seeing far less of that these days. As I understand it, the Insurance firms are against this, for some reason they seem to feel it can lead to accidents rather than prevent them.
Always do the hard part of reversing going forwards if you can. It sounds daft but it isnt. In effect, you are ligning up to go back at a more gentle angle than a 90 degree angle. The last bit of advice is always go the long way round things, especially roundabouts. Remember, if you cut lanes, your caravan will too. Make an exaggerated effort to follow the line of the roundabout.
Here endeth the lesson for today.