Insurers terminated my policy when I changed my van

Mar 14, 2005
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Last October I changed my caravan. I had my previous van insured with a company that puts its flyers in the practical caravan magazine every month.I had been with them for 2 years.

When I rang to say that I was changing my van I had to wait for a return call, for what I thought was to change the details.

On the very day that I was collecting my van I had heard nothing so I rang them again ( 5th call). They said that they would not insure the new van. Nothing had changed, not my storage site or anything other than changing the van. They said the reason they would not continue the policy was that they had changed their mind about the storage site ( there had been no problems with the site, no losses,claims etc) they did not like the fact that the address had FARM in it - despite it not being a farm.

So they cancelled my policy then had the cheek to charge me a cancellation fee !!!

Nothing I said, nothing I threatened would get me a refund on my premium ( policy only renewed 2 months previously). They just plain refused to refund the cost even though they cancelled the policy.

As I was taking the new van out the day I collected it,I needed insurance so I spent half the day finding an alternative company - at 4 times the cost of the bad company.

I am still pretty miffed by this & the fact that I did not have any redress.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Carol,

Of course you have redress. If you have paid for a service and not recived it or teh potential benefit from it ( i.e.0 teh remaining time lefyt on a policy) then you have an absolute right to a refund of the unused policy cost.

Talk to a soliciter, and report the company to Trading Standards and the Insurance Ombudsman.

They cancelled not you, and if you have it in writing then you may havea a stonger case.

Companies that ride rough shod over customers like this need to be hung out to dry.

To avoid the wrath of the company do not name them in this forum unless you win your claim. In which case tell every one!
Mar 14, 2005
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How about being charged for an entire year for caravan insurance, and not owning that van. Must keep a closer eye on my finances!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Carol

The insurer must now be regulated by the FSA - Financial Services Authority - if you go onto their website and follow the links you will find out the FSA registration number and address of their Compliance Officer.

Write and complain the the Compliance Officer - You must be given a reply within a certain period.

Without more details I do not know what you signed (if anything) to make them think this behaviour is acceptable.

My advice is not to let it stop their. If they do not explain and demonstrate clearly to your satisfaction why they have done what they have done then you can take your complaint to the FOS - Financial Ombudsman Service.

There is no point in going straight to the FOS as you MUST go through the Companies normal complaints procedure first.

The FSA has only just taken on the role of Regulator to these GI (General Insurance) companies. Many of them are not used to being so regulated and are not following the rules.

If this is the case you could get your refund. But as I say it depends upon what you signed.

A further bit of advice is to ignore the leaflets that come with magazines. Those companies that advertise like that are not normaly the financialy strong insurer that you need if a claim is required. Think about it! - Do you really want to insure your belongings with a company that is finacially stretched such that it will quibble on everything it can?

Far better to choose a company that has sufficient Free Assets Reserves that allow it to offer a good claims paying history and a quality plan. This sort of info is available via Independent Brokers - often the policies they provide are about the same price but far more flexible and higher quality.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Carol

The insurer must now be regulated by the FSA - Financial Services Authority - if you go onto their website and follow the links you will find out the FSA registration number and address of their Compliance Officer.

Write and complain the the Compliance Officer - You must be given a reply within a certain period.

Without more details I do not know what you signed (if anything) to make them think this behaviour is acceptable.

My advice is not to let it stop their. If they do not explain and demonstrate clearly to your satisfaction why they have done what they have done then you can take your complaint to the FOS - Financial Ombudsman Service.

There is no point in going straight to the FOS as you MUST go through the Companies normal complaints procedure first.

The FSA has only just taken on the role of Regulator to these GI (General Insurance) companies. Many of them are not used to being so regulated and are not following the rules.

If this is the case you could get your refund. But as I say it depends upon what you signed.

A further bit of advice is to ignore the leaflets that come with magazines. Those companies that advertise like that are not normaly the financialy strong insurer that you need if a claim is required. Think about it! - Do you really want to insure your belongings with a company that is finacially stretched such that it will quibble on everything it can?

Far better to choose a company that has sufficient Free Assets Reserves that allow it to offer a good claims paying history and a quality plan. This sort of info is available via Independent Brokers - often the policies they provide are about the same price but far more flexible and higher quality.
Thanks Clive,

I thought you would probably fill in some more details for Carol.
Mar 14, 2005
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No problem Carol - do let me know how you get on. I know most of the nonsence answers you will get as to why your claim/complaint is not valid.

Not saying I can overcome all of them but there is not many I havn't heard before.
May 25, 2005
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Why not pay your monthly premium byt standing order (monthly). Then, if you change your caravan, or even just sell it, you can cancel your policy quickly and efficiently.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have just ploughed through another thread 'freedom of speech' to find that the very company that did this to me is the same one that a lot of people have been complaining about.

I am now emailing Alison Gill as she has invited us to do.

Do I think PC will do anything to help me with my problem...mmmmm Watch this space


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